Baumann’s Cosmetic Dermatology, Third Edition

Baumann’s Cosmetic Dermatology, Third Edition

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780071794190

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: McGraw-Hill

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 688

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 22.61 x 3.3 x 28.19 cm

An aparitie: 2022


Table of Contents:


Section 1: Basic Concepts of Skin Science
1. Basic Science of the Epidermis, Leslie Baumann and Sogol Saghari
2. Basic Science of the Dermis, Leslie Baumann and Sogol Saghari
3. Fat and the Subcutaneous Layer, Voraphol Vejjabhinanta, Leslie Baumann, Suzan Obagi, and Anita Singh
4. Immunology of the Skin, H. Ray Jalian and Jenny Kim
5. Hormones and Aging Skin, Larissa Zaulyanov-Scanlan
6. Photoaging, Leslie Baumann and Sogol Saghari
7. Cigarettes and Aging Skin, Leslie Baumann and Sogol Saghari
8. Nutrition and the Skin, Leslie Baumann
Section 2: Skin Types
9. The Baumann Skin Typing System, Leslie Baumann and Edmund Weisberg
10. Oily Skin, Mohamed L. Elsaie and Leslie Baumann
11. Dry Skin, Leslie Baumann
12. Sensitive Skin, Leslie Baumann
13. Skin Pigmentation and Pigmentation Disorders, Leslie Baumann and Sogol Saghari 14. Skin of Color, Heather Woolery-Lloyd
Section 3: Specific Skin Problems
15. Acne (Type 1 Sensitive Skin), Leslie Baumann and Jonette Keri
16. Rosacea (Type 2 Sensitive Skin), Sogol Saghari, Jonette Keri, Stuart Shanler, and Leslie Baumann
17. Burning and Stinging Skin (Type 3 Sensitive Skin), Leslie Baumann
18. Contact Dermatitis (Type 4 Sensitive Skin), Sharon E. Jacob
19. Wrinkled Skin, Sogol Saghari and Leslie Baumann
20. Chemical Peels, Leslie Baumann and Sogol Saghari
21. Prevention and Treatment of Bruising, Susan Schaffer, Sogol Saghari, and Leslie Baumann
Section 4: Cosmetic Procedures
22. Botulinum Toxin, Leslie Baumann, Mohamed L. Elsaie, and Lisa Grunebaum
23. Dermal Fillers, Leslie Baumann, Marianna Blyumin, and Sogol Saghari
24. Lasers and Light Devices, Joely Kaufman
25. Sclerotherapy, Larissa Zaulyanov-Scanlan
26. Facial Scar Revision, Suzan Obagi and Angela S. Casey
Section 5: Skin Care
27. Starting a Skin Care Product Line, Leslie Baumann
28. Cosmetic and Drug Regulation, Edmund Weisberg and Leslie Baumann
29. Sunscreens, Leslie Baumann, Nidhi Avashia and Mari Paz Castanedo-Tardan
30. Retinoids, Leslie Baumann and Sogol Saghari
31. Cleansing Agents, Kumar Subramanyan and K.P. Ananth
32. Moisturizing Agents, Leslie Baumann
33. Depigmenting Agents, Leslie Baumann and Inja Bogdan Allemann
34. Antioxidants, Leslie Baumann and Inja Bogdan Allemann
35. Anti-inflammatory Agents, Mari Paz Castanedo-Tardan and Leslie Baumann
36. Fragrance, Edmund Weisberg and Leslie Baumann
37. Preservatives, Edmund Weisberg and Leslie Baumann
Section 6: Other
38. Bioengineering of the Skin, Leslie Baumann and Mari Paz Castanedo-Tardan
39. Scales Used to Classify Skin, Mari Paz Castanedo-Tardan and Leslie Baumann
40. The Psychosocial Aspects of Cosmetic Dermatology, Edmund Weisberg


An aparitie 2022
Autor Leslie S. Baumann , Evan A. Rieder, Mary D. Sun
Dimensiuni 22.61 x 3.3 x 28.19 cm
Editura McGraw-Hill
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780071794190
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 688

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