Rosens Breast Pathology
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Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani
Editura: LWW
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 1544
Coperta: Hardcover
Dimensiuni: 22.23 x 6.35 x 27.94 cm
An aparitie: 21 Dec. 2020
Widely recognized as the gold standard reference in the field, Rosen’s Breast Pathology provides comprehensive, up-to-date information on diseases of the breast from renowned experts at four leading medical centers, masterfully edited by Dr. Paul P. Rosen. The revised fifth edition covers the latest advances in immunohistochemical, pathobiological, and molecular aspects of benign and malignant breast diseases, helping you reach an accurate diagnosis with confidence. It’s an ideal reference for all physicians and medical personnel who require a thorough knowledge of breast pathology, including pathologists, surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, and radiation oncologists.
- Covers clinical and radiological presentation, epidemiology, gross pathology, microscopic pathology, treatment, and prognosis (when relevant) for each disease entity.
- Addresses surgical and oncological aspects of various diseases wherever appropriate.
- Thoroughly updated throughout to reflect the latest advances in this dynamic area of practice.
- Features more than 2,000 high-quality images that highlight key diagnostic features, including hundreds of new illustrations.
- Stresses the role of pathology in the multidisciplinary management of breast diseases.
- Emphasizes histopathological features of breast diseases.
- Recommends appropriate management for specific breast diseases.
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Table of Contents:
1 Anatomy and Physiologic Morphology
Syed Hoda
2 Abnormalities of Mammary Development and Growth
Syed Hoda
3 Inflammatory and Reactive Tumors
Syed Hoda
4 Specific Infections
Syed Hoda
5 Papilloma and Related Benign Lesions
Frederick Koerner
6 Myoepithelial Neoplasms
Edi Brogi
7 Adenosis and Microglandular Adenosis
Edi Brogi
8 Fibroepithelial Neoplasms
Edi Brogi
9 Ductal Hyperplasia: Usual and Atypical
Syed Hoda
10 Precancerous Breast Disease: Epidemiological, Pathological and Clinical Considerations
Syed Hoda
11 Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
Syed Hoda
12 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: Assessment of Prognosis with Morphological and Biological Markers
Syed Hoda
13 Tubular Carcinoma
Edi Brogi
14 Papillary Carcinoma
Frederick Koerner
15 Medullary Carcinoma
Frederick Koerner
16 Carcinoma with Metaplasia and Low-Grace Adenosquamous Carcinoma
Edi Brogi
17 Squamous Carcinoma
Edi Brogi
18 Mucinous Carcinoma
Adriana D. Corben and Edi Brogi
19 Apocrine Carcinoma
Edi Brogi
20 Mammary Carcinomas with Endocrine Features
Edi Brogi
21 Small Cell Carcinoma
Frederick Koerner
22 Secretory Carcinoma
Frederick Koerner
23 Mammary Carcinoma with Osteoclast-like Giant Cells
Frederick Koerner
24 Cystic Hypersecretory Carcinoma and Cystic Hypersecretory Hyperplasia
Edi Brogi
25 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Edi Brogi
26 Invasive Cribriform Carcinoma
Frederick Koerner
27 Lipid-Rich Carcinoma
Frederick Koerner
28 Glycogen-Rich Carcinoma
Frederick Koerner
29 Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma
Adriana D. Corben and Edi Brogi
30 Paget Disease of the Nipple
Elena Brachtel and Frederick Koerner
31 Lobular Carcinoma In Situ and Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia
Syed Hoda
32 Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Syed Hoda
33 Unusual Clinical Presentation of Carcinoma
Syed Hoda
34 Metastases in the Breast from Non-Mammary Neoplasms
Syed Hoda
35 Benign Proliferative Lesions of the Male Breast
Melissa Murray and Edi Brogi
36 Carcinoma of the Male Breast
Melissa Murray and Edi Brogi
37 Breast Tumors in Children
Edi Brogi
38 Benign Mesenchymal Neoplasms
Melinda F. Lerwill and Frederick Koerner
39 Sarcoma
Frederick Koerner
40 Lymphoid and Hematopoietic Neoplasms of the Breast
Judith Ferry
41 Pathologic Effects of Therapy
Elena Brachtel and Frederick Koerner
42 Cutaneous Neoplasms
Frederick Koerner
43 The Pathology of Axillary and Intramammary Lymph Nodes
Syed Hoda
44 Pathological Examination of Breast and Lymph Node Specimens, Including Sentinel Lymph Nodes
Syed Hoda and Erika Resetkova
45 Molecular Classification and Testing of Breast Carcinoma
Yun Wu and Aysegul A. Sahin
An aparitie | 21 Dec. 2020 |
Autor | Hoda , Syed A. , Rosen MD , Paul Peter , Brogi , Edi , Koerner |
Dimensiuni | 22.23 x 6.35 x 27.94 cm |
Editura | LWW |
Format | Hardcover |
ISBN | 9781496398918 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 1544 |
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