Textbook of Pediatric Neurosurgery
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Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani
Editura: Springer
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 3077
Coperta: Hardcover
Dimensiuni: 17.81 x 25.4 cm
An aparitie: 14 July 2020
About this book
This book documents the state of the art in pediatric neurosurgery with the intention of providing a comprehensive guide to the management of the full range of pediatric neurosurgical disorders that will aid in the delivery of optimal care. Detailed practical instruction, taking into account recent advances, is provided on the neurosurgical treatment of congenital brain malformations, cerebrovascular diseases, head injuries and spinal trauma, infections, functional disorders, congenital and developmental spinal disorders, and brain and spinal tumors. Pearls and pitfalls are highlighted, and attention drawn to the most useful tips and tricks.
Information is also included on relevant related topics, including the principles of neuroimaging, the physiological responses of newborns, infants, and children to neurosurgical trauma, preoperative evaluation, anesthesiology and intensive care, and other forms of therapy. The authors are renowned experts in the field, and the text is supported by a wealth of high-quality images. Handbook of Pediatric Neurosurgery will be of value for neurosurgeons of all levels of experience, as well as for pediatricians, neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and neuro-oncologists.
Table of Contents:
Pages i-xl
Pages 1-1
Development of the Central Nervous System
Martin Catala
Pages 3-77
Neurologic Development and Objective Neurological Examination of the Infant and the Child
Elvio Della Giustina
Pages 79-108
Principles of Neuroimaging
Charles Raybaud
Pages 109-131
Physiological Responses of the Newborn, Infant, and Child to Neurosurgical Trauma
Anthony Figaji
Pages 133-151
Basic Preoperative Evaluation, Anesthesiological, and Intensive Care Management in the Pediatric Patients
Tomohiro Yamamoto, Ehrenfried Schindler
Pages 153-172
Pediatric Chemotherapy
Didier Frappaz, Cécile Faure-Conter
Pages 173-183
Pediatric Radiotherapy: Background and Current Paradigms
Ryan P. Lee, Christopher L. Tinkle, John T. Lucas Jr, Thomas E. Merchant, Frederick A. Boop
Pages 185-208
Pediatric Radiotherapy: Surgical Considerations, Sequelae, and Future Directions
Ryan P. Lee, John T. Lucas Jr, Christopher L. Tinkle, Thomas E. Merchant, Frederick A. Boop
Pages 209-218
Congenital Brain Malformation and Acquired Disorders
Pages 219-219
Encephalocele, Meningocele, and Dermal Sinus
Sandip Chatterjee, Kaushik Sil, L. S. Harishchandra
Pages 221-241
Chiari Malformations Types II, III, IV, and V
Luca Massimi, Massimo Caldarelli, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 243-275
Craniopagus Twins
James Tait Goodrich, Andrew Joshua Kobets, Kamilah Dowling, Oren Tepper
Pages 277-295
Hydrocephalus: Generalities and Clinical Presentations
Concezio Di Rocco, Paolo Frassanito
Pages 297-332
Neuroimaging in Pediatric Hydrocephalus
Charles Raybaud
Pages 333-423
Fetal Hydrocephalus and Its Treatment In Utero
Sergio Cavalheiro, Antonio Fernandes Moron, Marcos Devanir Silva da Costa, Patricia Alessandra Dastoli, Jardel Mendonça Nicacio, Italo Capraro Suriano
Pages 425-442
Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus
Juan F. Martínez-Lage, Antonio L. López-Guerrero, María-José Almagro
Pages 443-461
Postinfective Hydrocephalus
Deepak Gupta, Kanwaljeet Garg
Pages 463-485
Multiloculated Hydrocephalus
Graciela Zuccaro, Javier González Ramos
Pages 487-500
Aqueductal Stenosis and Hydrocephalus
Paolo Frassanito, Burcu Goker, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 501-519
X-Linked Hydrocephalus
Mami Yamasaki, Yonehiro Kanemura
Pages 521-531
Hydrocephalus Associated with Myelomeningocele
Radovan M. Mijalcic
Pages 533-547
Hydrocephalus Associated with Tumors
Mohamed A. El Beltagy
Pages 549-559
Medical Treatment of Hydrocephalus
Burcu Goker, Gianpiero Tamburrini
Pages 561-566
Surgical Treatment of Hydrocephalus Based on CSF Shunt Devices
Paolo Frassanito, Gianpiero Tamburrini, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 567-574
In-Depth View: Functional Characteristics of CSF Shunt Devices (Pros and Cons)
Alfred Aschoff
Pages 575-604
How to Perform a V-P CSF Shunt?
Didier Scavarda, Maurice Choux
Pages 605-617
How to Perform a Ventriculo-atrial CSF Shunt
Paolo Frassanito, Federico Bianchi, Gianpiero Tamburrini
Pages 619-625
In-Depth View: How to Perform a Lumboperitoneal CSF Shunt
Soumya Mukherjee, Paul D. Chumas
Pages 627-640
How to Perform a Ventriculopleural Shunt
Hamilton Matushita
Pages 641-646
How to Perform a Ventriculo-subgaleal CSF Shunt
Paolo Frassanito, Simone Peraio, Luca Massimi
Pages 647-653
How to Perform a Ventriculo-gallbladder CSF Shunt
Hamilton Matushita
Pages 655-659
External CSF Shunts
Mario Garcia-Conde, Julio Plata-Bello, Liberto Brage-Martin, Lucia Martin-Viota
Pages 661-680
Complications Related to the Treatment of Hydrocephalus with Extrathecal Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts
Carmine Mottolese, Pierre-Aurélien Beuriat, Alexandru Szathmari, Federico Di Rocco
Pages 681-704
Late Complications of Shunts
Paolo Frassanito, Simone Peraio, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 705-727
Endoscopic Treatment of Hydrocephalus Through Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy
Gianpiero Tamburrini
Pages 729-754
Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy: Technique
Gianpiero Tamburrini
Pages 755-765
Surgical Technique of Endoscopic Choroid Plexus Coagulation
Waleed A. Azab
Pages 767-771
Complications of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy
Roberta Rehder, Alan R. Cohen
Pages 773-788
Intracranial Congenital Arachnoid Cysts
Luca Massimi, Massimo Caldarelli, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 789-829
Dandy–Walker Malformations/Variants
Pietro Spennato, Daniele Cascone, Giuliana Di Martino, Giuseppe Mirone, Claudio Ruggiero, Giuseppe Cinalli
Pages 831-856
Cortical Dysplasia
Helio Rubens Machado, Marcelo Volpon Santos
Pages 857-882
Neurocutaneous Disorders
Martino Ruggieri, Andrea D. Praticò, Agata Polizzi
Pages 883-917
Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Sergey Gorelyshev, Natalia Serova, Nadezhda Mazerkina, Endzhe Valiakhmetova
Pages 919-963
Neurofibromatosis 2
Sergey Gorelyshev, Endzhe Valiakhmetova, Igor Pronin
Pages 965-988
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Gianpiero Tamburrini, M. Mohsen Amen, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 989-998
Tuberous Sclerosis
Federica Novegno, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 999-1032
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease
Mario Giordano, Cinta Arraez, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 1033-1047
Luca Massimi, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 1049-1080
Congenital Brain Malformation and Acquired Disorders
Cerebrocutaneous Melanosis
Wolf Lüdemann, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 1081-1088
Encephalocraniocutaneous Lipomatosis
Luca D’Angelo
Pages 1089-1095
Cerebrovascular Diseases
Pages 1097-1097
Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Malformations
Sergey Gorelyshev, Sergey Jakovlev, Adam Adaev
Pages 1099-1134
Pediatric Arterivenous Malformations
Abilash Haridas, Reza Dashti, Tahaamin Shokuhfar, Ali Shaibani
Pages 1135-1168
Luca Massimi, Souvik Kar, Mario Giordano, Helmut Bertalanffy
Pages 1169-1201
Pediatric Intracranial Aneurysms
Gao Zeng, Lidan Jiang
Pages 1203-1263
Moyamoya Disease
Kyu Won Shim, Eun Kyung Park, Joong Uhn Choi, Dong Seok Kim
Pages 1265-1281
Head Injuries
Pages 1283-1283
Birth-Related Head Traumas
Llewellyn C. Padayachy, A. Graham Fieggen
Pages 1285-1296
Accidental Head Traumas
Jessica S. Wallisch, Michael J. Bell, Kimberly Foster
Pages 1297-1319
Neurosurgical Aspects of Nonaccidental Injury in Children
Johannes Nicholaas Enslin, Anthony Figaji
Pages 1321-1336
Decompressive Craniectomy in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury
Adam M. H. Young, Peter J. A. Hutchinson
Pages 1337-1348
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Outcomes and Rehabilitation
Leigh E. Schrieff-Elson, Kevin G. F. Thomas, Ursula K. Rohlwink
Pages 1349-1369
Congenital Malformations of the Skull and Its Coverings
Pages 1371-1371
Craniosynostosis: Genetic Basis, Genes, Chromosomes, and Resulting Syndromes
Wanda Lattanzi
Pages 1373-1391
Craniosynostoses: Lessons Learned from Animal Models
Emilie Dambroise, Maxence Cornille, Davide Komla-Ebri, Nabil Kaci, Martin Biosse-Duplan, Federico Di Rocco et al.
Pages 1393-1407
Sagittal Synostoses
Federico Di Rocco
Pages 1409-1423
Unilateral Coronal Craniosynostosis
Luca Massimi, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 1425-1460
Metopic Suture Synostoses
Saffet Mutluer
Pages 1461-1478
Lambdoid Synostoses
Gianpiero Tamburrini, M. Mohsen Amen, Concezio Di Rocco
Pages 1479-1489
Nonsyndromic Plurisutural Synostoses (Oxycephaly, Mercedes Benz Pattern Synostosis)
Kazuaki Shimoji, Masakazu Miyajima, Hajime Arai
Pages 1491-1510
Syndromic Craniosynostosis
José Hinojosa Mena-Bernal
Pages 1511-1540
Secondary Craniosynostoses
Marek Mandera
Pages 1541-1548
ICP in Craniosynostosis
Gianpiero Tamburrini
Pages 1549-1555
Management of Craniosynostosis: Evaluation of Results
Martina Messing-Jünger
Pages 1557-1566
Blood-Sparing Techniques and the Perioperative Management of Blood Losses
Federica Tosi, Angela Pusateri, Sonia Sensi, Rossella Garra
Pages 1567-1576
Osteogenic Distraction
Leonid Satanin, Niina Salokorpi, Vitaliy Roginskiy, Alexander L. Ivanov, Willy Serlo
Pages 1577-1592
Endoscopic Treatment of Craniosynostosis
José Hinojosa Mena-Bernal
Pages 1593-1609
Spring-Assisted Distraction: Principles and Techniques
Noor Ul Owase Jeelani
Pages 1611-1622
Bone Splitting and Materials
James Tait Goodrich, Kamilah Dowling, Oren Tepper
Pages 1623-1642
Neuropsychological Evaluation of Single Suture Craniosynostosis (SSC)
Daniela Chieffo
Pages 1643-1656
Craniosynostosis: Repercussions on Schooling, Inclusive Education, and Siblings
Séverine Colinet, Philippe Bonnet, Federico Di Rocco
Pages 1657-1661
Deformational Posterior Plagiocephaly
Luca Massimi
Pages 1663-1692
Scalp Agenesis
Luca D’Angelo
Pages 1693-1698
Pages 1699-1699
Meningitis: Neurosurgical Implications
Kristian Aquilina
Pages 1701-1717
Annie I. Drapeau, Lance S. Governale
Pages 1719-1733
Empyemas and Brain Abscesses
Philipp R. Aldana, Kelly Gassie
Pages 1735-1749
Pediatric Tuberculosis and Parasitic and Fungal Infections
Michael D. White, Michael M. McDowell, Taylor J. Abel
Pages 1751-1771
Pages 1773-1773
Genetic Basis and Classification of Cerebral Neoplasms
Vijay Ramaswamy, Carolina Nör
Pages 1775-1791
Familial Syndromes
Isabelle Ferry, Saira Alli, James T. Rutka
Pages 1793-1834
Infantile and Congenital Tumor
Federico Bianchi, Gianpiero Tamburrini
Pages 1835-1851
Cerebral Gliomas
Justin Cohen, Sergui Bannykh, Joshua Breunig, Moise Danielpour
Pages 1853-1875
Thalamic Gliomas
Dhruve S. Jeevan, James T. Rutka
Pages 1877-1890
Optic Pathway Gliomas
Eveline Teresa Hidalgo, Cordelia Orillac, Jeffrey H. Wisoff
Pages 1891-1907
Pituitary Adenomas
Davis G. Taylor, Panagiotis Mastorakos, Gabriella M. Paisan, I. Jonathan Pomeraniec, Maria-Beatriz S. Lopes, John A. Jane Jr.
Pages 1909-1920
Jean-Pierre Farmer, Todd Hankinson, Roy Dudley
Pages 1921-1940
Pineal Region Tumors
Nir Shimony, Asim F. Choudhri, John T. Lucas Jr., Paul Klimo Jr.
Pages 1941-1956
Brainstem Tumors
Peter A. Chiarelli, Jason K. Chu, Mark D. Krieger
Pages 1957-1983
Cerebellar Astrocytomas
Travis J. Atchley, Jeffrey P. Blount
Pages 1985-1995
A. S. Guerreiro Stucklin, C. M. Kuzan-Fischer, Michael D. Taylor
Pages 1997-2016
John S. Myseros
Pages 2017-2037
Pediatric Meningioma
Lissa C. Baird, Nathan R. Selden
Pages 2039-2051
Douglas R. Taylor, Jorge A. Lee Diaz, Frederick A. Boop
Pages 2053-2070
Choroid Plexus Tumors
Kristian Aquilina
Pages 2071-2093
Skull Base Tumors
Mark Calayag, Reid Hoshide, Joanna Kemp, Michael Levy
Pages 2095-2105
Skull Tumors and Scalp Lesions
Timothy Beutler, Beth Currado, Zulma Tovar-Spinoza
Pages 2107-2119
Functional Disorders
Pages 2121-2121
What Is Epilepsy?
Berge Minassian, Evan Lewis, Robyn Whitney
Pages 2123-2141
Medical Intractable Epilepsy: Preoperative Evaluation
Cristina Y. Go
Pages 2143-2154
Catastrophic Epilepsy and Hemispherotomy
Brian J. Dlouhy, Matthew D. Smyth
Pages 2155-2167
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery
Sandi Lam, Howard L Weiner
Pages 2169-2185
Extratemporal Lobe Epilepsy in Children: Localization and Outcomes After Surgery
James T. Rutka, Laura-Nanna Lohkamp, Brian Hanak
Pages 2187-2201
Palliative Surgical Techniques (VNS, Callosotomy)
James E. Baumgartner, Fatima Q. Ajmal
Pages 2203-2219
Benjamin Davidson, George M. Ibrahim, James T. Rutka
Pages 2221-2240
Michael M. McDowell, Taylor J. Abel
Pages 2241-2254
Movement Disorders
Vamsidhar Chavakula, Scellig S. D. Stone
Pages 2255-2271
Congenital and Developmental Spinal Disorders
Pages 2273-2273
Genetic Basis of Neural Tube Defects
Andrew J. Copp, Philip Stanier, Nicholas D. E. Greene
Pages 2275-2294
Classification of Spinal Dysraphic Malformations According to Embryogenesis: Gastrulation Defects and Split Cord Malformation
Dachling Pang, Yong Jin Hou, Sui T. Wong
Pages 2295-2340
Open Neural Tube Defects
Jetan H. Badhiwala, Farshad Nassiri, Abhaya V. Kulkarni
Pages 2341-2363
Limited Dorsal Spinal Nondisjunctional Disorders: Limited Dorsal Myeloschisis, Congenital Spinal Dermal Sinus Tract, and Mixed Lesions
Sui T. Wong, Amanda Kan, Dachling Pang
Pages 2365-2422
Secondary Neurulation Defects-1: Thickened Filum Terminale, Retained Medullary Cord
Dachling Pang, Sangjoon Chong, Kyu-Chang Wang
Pages 2423-2437
Secondary Neurulation Defects-2: Terminal Myelocystocoele: Surgical Observations, Laboratory Findings, and Theory of Embryogenesis
Dachling Pang, Ji Yeoun Lee, Kyu-Chang Wang
Pages 2439-2480
Surgical Management of Complex Spinal Cord Lipomas: How, Why, and When to Operate
Dachling Pang
Pages 2481-2532
Antenatal Management of Spinal Dysraphism-2: Antenatal Surgery of Myelomeningocele
Sergio Cavalheiro, Antonio Fernandes Moron, Mauricio Mendes Barbosa, Italo Capraro Suriano, Hérbene Jose Milani, Marcos Devanir Silva da Costa et al.
Pages 2533-2555
Caudal Agenesis and Associated Spinal Cord Malformations
Ji Yeoun Lee, Dachling Pang, Kyu-Chang Wang
Pages 2557-2575
Spinal Cord Arteriovenous Shunts in the Pediatric Population
Arturo Consoli, Georges Rodesch
Pages 2577-2598
Intraspinal Cysts Including Syringomyelia Unrelated to Chiari I Ma lformation
Zubair Tahir, Dominic N. P. Thompson
Pages 2599-2621
Scoliosis and Other Congenital Vertebral Anomalies
Mari L. Groves, Andrew C. Vivas, Amer F. Samdani
Pages 2623-2633
Craniovertebral Junction Disorders
Pages 2635-2635
Embryology, Classification, and Surgical Management of Bony Malformations of the Craniovertebral Junction
Dachling Pang
Pages 2637-2708
Chiari I Malformation and Associated Syringomyelia
Dominic N. P. Thompson
Pages 2709-2732
Anterior Surgical Approaches to the Craniovertebral Junction and Upper Cervical Spine
Dominic N. P. Thompson
Pages 2733-2754
Special Considerations for Surgical Fusion of the Occiput and Cervical Spine
Kyle G. Halvorson, Douglas L. Brockmeyer
Pages 2755-2769
Spine and Spinal Cord Neoplasms
Pages 2771-2771
Intramedullary Tumors
Adam Ammar, Neil Haranhalli, Phillip Cezayirli, Andrew Joshua Kobets, Rick Abbott
Pages 2773-2788
Intradural Extramedullary Spinal Tumors
Atul Goel
Pages 2789-2809
Vertebral Tumours
Dominic N. P. Thompson
Pages 2811-2833
Spinal Trauma
Pages 2835-2835
Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries in Children: General Aspects Including Pure Ligamentous Injuries in Children
Vijay M. Ravindra, Douglas L. Brockmeyer
Pages 2837-2852
Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiographic Abnormality (SCIWORA) in Children
Dachling Pang, Sebastian Eibach
Pages 2853-2882
Traumatic Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation in Children
Sui T. Wong, Dachling Pang
Pages 2883-2905
Atlantoaxial Rotatory Fixation (AARF)
Dachling Pang
Pages 2907-2939
Infectious Diseases of the Spine
Pages 2941-2941
Tuberculosis of the Spine
Sandip Chatterjee
Pages 2943-2957
Pediatric (Nontuberculous) Spinal Infections
Chandrashekhar E. Deopujari, Chandan B. Mohanty
Pages 2959-2974
Pediatric Disc Disease
Mark S. Dias, Elias Rizk
Pages 2975-2989
Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring
Pages 2991-2991
Intraoperative Neurophysiology During Intracranial Surgery in Children
Francesco Sala, Angela Coppola, Yong Jin Hou, Dachling Pang
Pages 2993-3020
Intraoperative Neurophysiology During Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery in Children
Francesco Sala, Yong Jin Hou
Pages 3021-3044
Back Matter
Pages 3045-3077
An aparitie | 14 July 2020 |
Autor | Concezio Di Rocco , Dachling Pang , James T. Rutka |
Dimensiuni | 17.81 x 25.4 cm |
Editura | Springer |
Format | Hardcover |
ISBN | 9783319721675 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 3077 |
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