Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (Robbins Pathology)
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Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani
Editura: Elsevier
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 1392
Coperta: Hardcover
Dimensiuni: 22.23 x 4.45 x 27.94 cm
An aparitie: 30 Jun. 2020
Readable and highly illustrated, Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th Edition presents an in-depth, state-of-the-art overview of human diseases and their cellular and molecular basis. This best-selling text delivers the latest, most essential pathology knowledge in a readable, interesting manner, ensuring optimal understanding of the latest basic science and clinical content. More than 1,000 high-quality photographs and full-color illustrations highlight new information in molecular biology, disease classifications, new drugs and drug therapies, and much more. This superb learning package also includes an enhanced eBook with a full complement of ancillary content on Student Consult.
Provides uniquely authoritative and readable coverage, ideal for USMLE or specialty board preparation, as well as for coursework.
Covers the hot topics you need to know about, including novel therapies for hepatitis C, classification of lymphomas, unfolded protein response, non-apoptotic pathways of cell death, coronavirus infections, liquid biopsy for cancer detection, regulation of iron absorption, clonal hematopoiesis and atherosclerosis, thrombotic microangiopathies, heparin-induced thrombocytopenias, inflammatory myopathies, genetic tools for treatment of cystic fibrosis, and many more.
Uses an outstanding full-color, user-friendly design to simplify your study and quickly direct you to the information you need to know, with learning features such as boldface overviews at the beginning of each section, key concepts boxes, suggested readings, schematic diagrams that illustrate complex concepts, and new gross and microscopic figures for clarity of morphology.
Brings you up to date with the latest information in molecular and genetic testing, mechanisms of disease, personalized medicine and its impact on treatment of human diseases, the role of microbiome and metabolome in non-communicable diseases, and much more.
Provides access to a wealth of interactive ancillaries online: pathology case studies, videos, self-assessment questions, Targeted Therapy boxes that discuss drug therapy for specific diseases, interactive cases, and more.
Evolve Instructor site with an image and test bank is available to instructors through their Elsevier sales rep or via request at https://evolve.elsevier.com.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 The Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease
The Genome
Cellular Housekeeping
Cellular Metabolism and Mitochondrial Function
Cellular Activation
Growth Factors and Receptors
Extracellular Matrix
Maintaining Cell Populations
Suggested Readings
Chapter 2 Cell Injury, Cell Death, and Adaptations
Introduction to Pathology
Overview of Cellular Responses to Stress and Noxious Stimuli
Reversible Cell Injury
Cell Death
Mechanisms of Cell Injury
Clinicopathologic Correlations: Selected Examples of Cell Injury and DEATH
Adaptations of Cellular Growth and Differentiation
Intracellular Accumulations
Pathologic Calcification
Cellular Aging
Suggested Readings
Chapter 3 Inflammation and Repair
Overview of Inflammation: Definitions and General Features
Acute Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation
Systemic Effects of Inflammation
Tissue Repair
Suggested Readings
Chapter 4 Hemodynamic Disorders, Thromboembolic Disease, and Shock
Edema and Effusions
Hyperemia and Congestion
Hemostasis, Hemorrhagic Disorders, and Thrombosis
Suggested Readings
Chapter 5 Genetic Disorders
Genes and Human Diseases
Mendelian Disorders
Complex Multigenic Disorders
Chromosomal Disorders
Single-Gene Disorders With Nonclassic Inheritance
Molecular Genetic Diagnosis
Suggested Readings
Chapter 6 Diseases of the Immune System
The Normal Immune Response
Hypersensitivity: Immunologically Mediated Tissue Injury
Autoimmune Diseases
Rejection of Tissue Transplants
Immunodeficiency Diseases
Suggested Readings
Chapter 7 Neoplasia
Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Neoplasms
Epidemiology of Cancer
Molecular Basis of Cancer: Role of Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations
Carcinogenic Agents and Their Cellular Interactions
Clinical Aspects of Neoplasia
Suggested Readings
Chapter 8 Infectious Diseases
General Principles of Microbial Pathogenesis
Viral Infections
Bacterial Infections
Fungal Infections
Parasitic Infections
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Special Techniques for Diagnosing Infectious Agents
Suggested Readings
Chapter 9 Environmental and Nutritional Diseases
Health Effects of Climate Change
Toxicity of Chemical and Physical Agents
Environmental Pollution
Occupational Health Risks: Industrial and Agricultural Exposures
Effects of Alcohol
Injury by Therapeutic Drugs and Drugs of Abuse
Injury by Physical Agents
Nutritional Diseases
Suggested Readings
Chapter 10 Diseases of Infancy and Childhood
Congenital Anomalies
Prematurity and Fetal Growth Restriction
Perinatal Infections
Fetal Hydrops
Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Other Genetic Disorders
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions of Infancy and Childhood
Suggested Readings
Chapter 11 Blood Vessels
Vascular Structure and Function
Vascular Anomalies
Vascular Wall Response to Injury
Hypertensive Vascular Disease
Aneurysms and Dissection
Disorders of Blood Vessel Hyperreactivity
Veins and Lymphatics
Vascular Tumors
Pathology of Vascular Intervention
Suggested Readings
Chapter 12 The Heart
Cardiac Structure and Specializations
Overview of Cardiac Pathophysiology
Heart Failure
Cardiac Development
Congenital Heart Disease
Ischemic Heart Disease
Hypertensive Heart Disease
Valvular Heart Disease
Pericardial Disease
Tumors of the Heart
Cardiac Transplantation
Cardiac Devices
Suggested Readings
Chapter 13 Diseases of White Blood Cells, Lymph Nodes, Spleen, and Thymus
Normal Hematopoiesis
Disorders of White Cells
Suggested Readings
Chapter 14 Red Blood Cell and Bleeding Disorders
Bleeding Disorders: Hemorrhagic Diatheses
Suggested Readings
Chapter 15 The Lung
Congenital Anomalies
Atelectasis (Collapse)
Pulmonary Edema
Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Diffuse Alveolar Damage)
Obstructive and Restrictive Lung Diseases
Obstructive Lung Diseases
Chronic Diffuse Interstitial (Restrictive) Diseases
Diseases of Vascular Origin
Pulmonary Infections
Lung Transplantation
Suggested Readings
Chapter 16 Head and Neck
Oral Cavity
Upper Airways
Salivary Glands
Suggested Readings
Chapter 17 The Gastrointestinal Tract
Congenital Abnormalities
Small Intestine and Colon
Peritoneal Cavity
Suggested Readings
Chapter 18 Liver and Gallbladder
The Liver and Bile Ducts
Suggested Readings
Chapter 19 The Pancreas
Congenital Anomalies
Nonneoplastic Cysts
Suggested Readings
Chapter 20 The Kidney
Clinical Manifestations of Renal Diseases
Glomerular Diseases
Tubular and Interstitial Diseases
Vascular Diseases
Congenital and Developmental Anomalies
Cystic Diseases of the Kidney
Urinary Tract Obstruction (Obstructive Uropathy)
Urolithiasis (Renal Calculi, Stones)
Neoplasms of the Kidney
Suggested Readings
Chapter 21 The Lower Urinary Tract and Male Genital System
The Lower Urinary Tract
The Male Genital Tract
Suggested Readings
Chapter 22 The Female Genital Tract
Body of Uterus and Endometrium
Gestational and Placental Disorders
Suggested Readings
Chapter 23 The Breast
Disorders of Development
Clinical Presentations of Breast Disease
Inflammatory Disorders
Benign Epithelial Lesions
Carcinoma of the Breast
Stromal Tumors
Other Malignant Tumors of the Breast
Suggested Readings
Chapter 24 The Endocrine System
Pituitary Gland
Thyroid Gland
Parathyroid Glands
The Endocrine Pancreas
Adrenal Glands
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes
Pineal Gland
Suggested Readings
Chapter 25 The Skin
The Skin: More Than a Mechanical Barrier
Disorders of Pigmentation and Melanocytes
Benign Epithelial Tumors
Adnexal (Appendage) Tumors
Premalignant and Malignant Epidermal Tumors
Tumors of the Dermis
Tumors of Cellular Migrants to the Skin
Disorders of Epidermal Maturation
Acute Inflammatory Dermatoses
Chronic Inflammatory Dermatoses
Blistering (Bullous) Diseases
Disorders of Epidermal Appendages
Suggested Readings
Chapter 26 Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors
Soft Tissue Tumors
Suggested Readings
Chapter 27 Peripheral Nerves and Skeletal Muscles
Diseases of Peripheral Nerves
Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction
Diseases of Skeletal Muscle
Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors
Suggested Readings
Chapter 28 The Central Nervous System
Cellular Pathology of the Central Nervous System
Cerebral Edema, Hydrocephalus, Raised Intracranial Pressure, and Herniation
Malformations and Developmental Disorders
Perinatal Brain Injury
Cerebrovascular Disease
Demyelinating Diseases
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Genetic Metabolic Diseases
Toxic and Acquired Metabolic Diseases
Suggested Readings
Chapter 29 The Eye
Anterior Segment
Retina and Vitreous
Optic Nerve
The End-Stage Eye: Phthisis Bulbi
Suggested Readings
An aparitie | 30 Jun. 2020 |
Autor | Vinay Kumar MBBS MD FRCPath (Author), Abul K. Abbas MBBS (Author), Jon C. Aster MD PhD |
Dimensiuni | 22.23 x 4.45 x 27.94 cm |
Editura | Elsevier |
Format | Hardcover |
ISBN | 9780323531139 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 1392 |
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