Oxford Textbook of Obstetric Anaesthesia

Oxford Textbook of Obstetric Anaesthesia

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780198713333

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Oxford

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 1072

Coperta: Hardback

Dimensiuni: 276x219mm

An aparitie: 2016

From early conception until the postpartum period, anaesthetists are required to provide pregnant women with the highest standard of anaesthetic care and pain relief whilst negotiating challenges such as concurrent systemic disease, infertility, and obesity as well as practising in accordance with new developments in fetal medicine surgery, pharmacology, and imaging. The Oxford Textbook of Obstetric Anaesthesia provides an up-to-date summary of the scientific basis, assessment for and provision of anaesthesia throughout pregnancy and labour.

This highly authoritative textbook is conceptually divided into nine sections, detailing maternal and fetal physiology, fetal and neonatal assessment and therapy, anaesthesia before and during pregnancy, labour and vaginal delivery, anaesthesia for caesarean delivery, anaesthetic and obstetric complications, as well as systemic disease. Individual chapters address topics such as simulation and ultrasound.

Authored by an international team of expert anaesthetists this textbook reflects current world-wide practice and guidelines. Designed for consultants and trainees in anaesthesia, the Oxford Textbook of Obstetric Anaesthesia is the definitive source of expert knowledge for anaesthetists in this subspecialty.

An aparitie 2016
Autor Vicki Clark, Marc Van de Velde,Roshan Fernando
Dimensiuni 276x219mm
Editura Oxford
Format Hardback
ISBN 9780198713333
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 1072

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