Oxford Handbook of Musculoskeletal Nursing

Oxford Handbook of Musculoskeletal Nursing

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780198831426

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Oxford

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 656

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 180x100 mm

An aparitie: 02-01-20

Filled with practical advice and up-to-date clinical information and management techniques, this book is an invaluable guide for all nurses and allied health professionals working with patients who have musculoskeletal conditions. Features new chapters on the patient's perspective, nurse-led clinics, and public health awareness Musculoskeletal conditions and their management; 1 Susan Oliver: Introduction; 2 Nicola Walsh and Alice Berry: Osteoarthritis; 3 Donna Rowe: Osteoporosis; 4 Polly Livermore, Liz Smith, Patricia Cornell, Danniel Murphy, and Susan Oliver: Inflammatory joint diseases; 5 Janice Mooney, Richard Watts, and Louise Parker: Connective tissue diseases; 6 Sarah Ryan, Daniel Murphy, and Julian Barratt: Chronic non-inflammatory pain; 7 Maureen Cox: Orthopaedic surgery; Clinical issues; 8 Susan Oliver: Assessing the patient - clinical examination and history taking; 9 Sarah Ryan: Symptom control - using pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods; 10 Sarah Ryan: Holistic and patient-centred care; 11 Dawn Homer, Yeliz Prior, Nicola Walsh, and Alice Berry: Care in the community; 12 Dawn Homer, Yeliz Prior, and Susan Oliver: Ward-based care and referral to the multidisciplinary team (MDT); 13 Susan Oliver and Michael Oliver: Rapid access and emergency issues; 14 Ian Giles: Fertility, pregnancy, and relationships; Nursing care issues - treatment, nursing management, and tools; 15 Sarah Ryan: Pharmacological management - pain relief; 16 Patricia Cornell and Diane Home: Pharmacological management - disease modifying drugs; 17 Cath Thwaites, Janice Mooney, Richard Watts, Michael Oliver, and Susan Oliver: Blood tests and investigations; 18 Susan Oliver and Diane Home: Intra-articular, subcutaneous and intravenous therapies; 19 Yeliz Prior, Nicola Walsh, and Alice Berry: Non-pharmacological therapies; 20 Mwidimi Ndosi: Assessment tools; 21 Dawn Homer: Specialist nursing support - the role and nurse prescribing; 22 Ailsa Bosworth: Patient's perspective; 23 Alison Leary and Mwidimi Ndosi: Nurse-led clinics; 24 Susan Oliver: Public health awareness

An aparitie 02-01-20
Autor Oliver OBE, Susan M.
Dimensiuni 180x100 mm
Editura Oxford
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780198831426
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 656

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