Neurological Diseases and Pregnancy: A Coordinated Care Model for Best Management

Neurological Diseases and Pregnancy: A Coordinated Care Model for Best Management

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780190667351

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: OUP Oxford

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 416

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 25.65 x 2.79 x 18.29 cm

An aparitie: 18 July 2018


For a woman of reproductive age, any medical appointment is a pre-conception visit and an opportunity to address pre-existing conditions that affect pregnancy and the maternal-fetal dyad. However, many neurologic conditions are rarely seen in pregnancy, and limited experience and knowledge may prevent the team from developing a shared approach to these complex conditions during pregnancy. Neurological Diseases and Pregnancy: A Coordinated Care Model for Best Management brings together experts across the disciplines of maternal fetal medicine, neurology, obstetrics, family planning, genetics, anesthesia, psychiatry, neurosurgery, and lactation to provide a multi-disciplinary, comprehensive, protocol-driven guide on best care for patients with neurologic disease before, during and after pregnancy. Each chapter provides a detailed care map on each unique disorder, and discusses the use of neurological medications during pregnancy and in lactation. Through this multi-disciplinary approach clinicians can navigate the complexities of preconception and pregnancy care, and help to optimize outcomes for the mother-infant dyad. Beyond pregnancy care, this volume further serves as a resource on best care for the life-course of women affected by neurologic disease including pre-pregnancy planning, genetic counseling, contraception, and sexuality in neurologic disease, as well as post-partum depression and menopausal neurologic changes.

An aparitie 18 July 2018
Autor Emma Ciafaloni MD FAAN FANA , Loralei L. Thornburg MD , Cheryl D. Bushnell MD
Dimensiuni 25.65 x 2.79 x 18.29 cm
Editura OUP Oxford
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780190667351
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 416

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