Multiparametric Ultrasound for the Assessment of Diffuse Liver Disease

Multiparametric Ultrasound for the Assessment of Diffuse Liver Disease

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780323874793

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Elsevier

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 256

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 191 x 235 mm

An aparitie: 22 Nov. 2022



For those who treat and diagnose liver disease, whether radiologists, emergency medical physicians, hepatologists, or sonographers, a clear understanding of the strict protocol needed to obtain accurate measurements is essential. Multiparametric Ultrasound for the Assessment of Diffuse Liver Disease offers a practical approach to liver shear wave elastography acquisition from globally recognized leaders in the field. It answers critical questions such as how to use each of the current techniques to best characterize your patients’ liver disease, how to deal with the limitations of each of these techniques, and what to ask-and not to ask-of your devices and software. 



Table Of Contents:


1 Introduction
2 Conventional Ultrasound Findings in Chronic Liver Disease
3 Liver Stiffness Measurement Techniques: Basics
4 Protocols for Liver Stiffness Acquisition
5 Tips and Tricks for Liver Stiffness Evaluation
6 Artifacts in Liver Stiffness Evaluation
7 Staging Liver Fibrosis with Shear Wave Elastography
8 The Role of Ultrasound in Portal Hypertension
9 Liver Stiffness Beyond the Staging of Liver Fibrosis
10 Liver Shear Wave Elastography: Guidelines
11 Noninvasive Assessment of Liver Steatosis with Ultrasound Techniques
12 Shear Wave Dispersion
13 Focal Liver Lesions in the Setting of Chronic Liver Disease
14 Conclusions (Multiparametric Ultrasound for the Work-Up of Chronic Liver Disease)



An aparitie 22 Nov. 2022
Autor Richard G. Barr, Giovanna Ferraioli
Dimensiuni 191 x 235 mm
Editura Elsevier
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780323874793
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 256
Versiune digitala DA

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