MRI: The Basics

MRI: The Basics

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781496384324

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani


Editura: LWW

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 496

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 17.78 x 2.03 x 25.15 cm

An aparitie: 1 Nov. 2017



Concise, readable, and engaging, MRI: The Basics, 4th Edition, offers an excellent introduction to the physics behind MR imaging. Clinically relevant coverage includes everything from basic principles and key math concepts to more advanced topics, including the latest MR techniques and optimum image creation. Hundreds of high-quality illustrations, board-style questions and answers, legible equations, and instructive diagrams take you from the basics of MR physics through current applications.


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Table of Contents:


Part I: Basic Concepts

1 Introductory Math

2 Basic Principles of MRI

3 Radio Frequency Pulse

4 T1, T2, and T2*

5 TR, TE, and Tissue Contrast

6 Tissue Contrast: Some Clinical Applications

7 Pulse Sequences: Part I (Saturation, Partial Saturation, Inversion Recovery)

8 Pulse Sequences: Part II (Spin Echo)

9 Fourier Transform

10 Image Construction: Part I (Slice Selection)

11 Image Construction: Part II (Spatial Encoding)

12 Signal Processing

13 Data Space

14 Pulse Sequence Diagram

15 Field of View

16 k-Space: The Final Frontier!

17 Scan Parameters and Image Optimization

18 Artifacts in MRI

Part II: Fast Scanning

19 Fast Spin Echo

20 Gradient Echo: Part I (Basic Principles)

21 Gradient Echo: Part II (Fast Scanning Techniques)

22 Echo Planar Imaging

23 Scanning Features

24 Parallel Imaging (by Mark Bydder, PhD)

25 Tissue Suppression Techniques

26 Flow Phenomena

27 MR Angiography (contributions by Jiang Du, PhD)

28 Cardiac MRI

29 MR Spectroscopy in the Brain

30 High-Performance Gradients

31 The Many Combinations of MRI

Part III: Advanced Scan Techniques

32 Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging

33 MR Elastography

34 MR Relaxometry (T1 and T2/T2* Times)

35 Motion Correction

36 Restriction Spectrum Imaging (RSI)

Part IV: MR Safety

37 General MR Safety (by Christopher Walker, MD)

38 Contrast Safety

Part V: Boards-Style Questions

39 100 Questions and Answers

Appendix A: Chapter Answers

Appendix B: Abbreviations

Appendix C: Suggested Readings

Appendix D: Bibliography



An aparitie 1 Nov. 2017
Dimensiuni 17.78 x 2.03 x 25.15 cm
Editura LWW
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781496384324
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 496
Versiune digitala DA

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