Modern British and World History 1760-1900 (Knowing History)

Modern British and World History 1760-1900 (Knowing History)

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780008492069

Disponibilitate: Acest produs nu este momentan in stoc

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 136

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 7.56 x 0.2 x 10.43 inches

An aparitie: 2022

Provide a coherent chronological KS3 history curriculum with 50 knowledge-rich lessons on modern world history. Spark pupils’ curiosity, develop their understanding of the past and equip them to investigate the past as a historian.

Ignite an interest in modern history through memorable and compelling narratives, rich contextual detail and extraordinary people
Help all students to think critically about the past by focusing on the knowledge they need and then checking their understanding
Build secure positive identities and cultural capital with culturally and geographically diverse coverage including five new global history units for the 2nd edition
Support pupils’ long-term learning with knowledge organisers on key vocabulary, people, places, and dates
Put knowledge into context with a full timeline covering the broad geographical scope of the period studied
Easy to implement in your school with the 10 unit/ 5 chapter structure and overarching enquiry question per unit
Deliver excellent lessons and save time planning with the Teacher Guide available free on, containing teaching ideas, suggested sources, assessment, answers, essay titles and extended writing examples
Unit 1: The British Empire
Unit 2: Transatlantic Slavery
Unit 3: The Industrial Revolution
Unit 4: The Age of Reform
Unit 5: The Victorian Empire
Unit 6: Birth of the USA
Unit 7: The French Revolution
Unit 8: Nineteenth-century Europe
Unit 9: Qing China
Unit 10: Global Imperialism

An aparitie 2022
Dimensiuni 7.56 x 0.2 x 10.43 inches
Editura Harper Collins Publisher
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780008492069
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 136

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