Depression (Primer On Series)

Depression (Primer On Series)

520 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780190929565

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: OUP Oxford

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 520

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 25.1 x 2.5 x 17.8 cm

An aparitie: 06 Dec 2019


·                     Provides a comprehensive review of depression from diagnosis to treatment

·                     Includes sections on diagnosis and treatment considerations for special populations, such as youth, the elderly, and those with chronic or acute medical conditions

·                     Examines how research on biological markers may lead to precision medicine

·                     Includes both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment of depression


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious, debilitating, life-shortening illness that affects many persons of all ages and backgrounds. The lifetime risk for MDD is 7-12% for men and 20-25% for women (Kessler et al., 2003). MDD is a disabling disorder that costs the U.S. over $200 billion per year in direct and indirect costs (Greenberg et al., 2015), and is the leading cause of disability worldwide (WHO, 2018). Depression also has detrimental effects on all aspects of social functioning (e.g., self-care, social role, and family life, including household, marital, kinship, and parental roles). While there have been several treatments that are efficacious, many individuals suffering from depression experience life-long challenges due to the chronic and episodic nature of the disease. Identifying strategies to find the right treatments for the right patients is critical. Ongoing research has explored the importance of examining physiologic biomarkers, as well as clinical characteristics to gain a better understanding of subtypes of depression, which will lead to improved treatments and better outcomes.

This book provides an introduction to the etiology and pathophysiology of depression, common comorbidities and differential diagnoses, pharmacotherapy strategies, psychotherapeutic and neuromodulation interventions, novel and non-traditional treatment strategies, and considerations in special populations.

Table of Contents


1.Introduction and Overview
I. Etiology/Pathophysiology
2. Neurobiology
3. Genetic Risk Factors
4. Environmental and Social Risk Factors
5. Blood-based Biomarkers
II. Comorbidities and Differential Diagnoses
6. Anxiety Disorders
7. Bipolar Disorder
8. Suicidality
9. General Medical Conditions
10. General Medical Conditions, Metabolic Disorders
III. Pharmacotherapy for Depression
11. First line and combination therapeutics
12. Augmentation strategies
13. Rapid-acting antidepressants
14. Side Effects of Antidepressant
15. Strategies for targeting residual symptoms
IV. Psychotherapy and modalities of delivery for Depression
16. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Behavioral Activation
17. Behavioral Activation for Depression
18. Psychodynamic and Supportive Psychotherapy
V. Novel, Non-Traditional Treatment Strategies for Depression
20. Exercise as a treatment for depression
21. Therapeutic Mindfulness For Relapse Prophylaxis in Unipolar Depression
22. Probiotics and Neutraceuticals
23. Chronobiological Treatments: Sleep and Light Therapies
VI. Special Populations in Depression
24. Children and Adolescents
25. Elderly Patients
26. Pregnant and Postpartum
27. Depression Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
28. Treatment in Primary Care
29. Future Directions: Precision Medicine and Biosignatures



An aparitie 06 Dec 2019
Autor Madhukar H. Trivedi , Steven M. Strakowski
Dimensiuni 25.1 x 2.5 x 17.8 cm
Editura OUP Oxford
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780190929565
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 520

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