Psychiatry: An Illustrated Colour Text
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Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani
Autor: Lesley Stevens, Ian Rodin
Editura: Elsevier
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 130
Coperta: Paperback
Dimensiuni: 210 x 297 mm
An aparitie: 8 mai 2024
The third edition of this award-winning book offers an accessible and fun way of learning about the basic principles and practice of psychiatry.
Psychiatry provides a highly visual experience, with each topic covered across two pages that you can review and digest easily. For each spread there are summary boxes, questions and answers and self-assessment tasks that will help with understanding and revision.
This wonderful book covers a wide range of subjects, from mental health services to different treatments, the full range of disorders, and psychiatry specialisations. It thus provides an ideal introduction to psychiatry for medical students or anyone learning about mental health for the first time.
Table of Contents:
I: Introduction
1. Mental health services I
The changing face of psychiatry
Psychiatric treatment settings
The Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
Who is on the MDT?
Care Planning
2. Mental health services II
Mental Health Pathways
Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) teams
Mental Health Crisis Services
Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) teams
Assertive Outreach teams (AOTs)
3. Classification in psychiatry
Classification systems
Psychiatric diagnosis
4. History and aetiology
Aetiology of psychiatric disorders
The psychiatric history
5. Mental state examination
Appearance and behaviour
Cognitive state
6. Assessment of risk
Assessing suicide risk
Management of risk of suicide
7. Management plan and formulation
Management Plan
Differential diagnosis
Care Plan
Clinical exam technique
8. Psychiatry in primary care
Psychiatric disorders in primary care
Recognising mental illness in primary care
Management of mental illness in primary care
NHS Talking Therapies
Referral to secondary mental health services
9. Mental capacity
Assessment of capacity
The five principles of capacity
Best interests
Advance Decisions
Who should speak on a person’s behalf?
The Court of Protection
Liberty Protection Safeguard (LPS)
10. The Mental Health Act
Admission and treatment under the MHA
Right of appeal and other safeguards
Limits of the MHA
Common law
II: Treatment in Psychiatry
11. Introduction to drug treatments
Neurotransmitter systems
Dopamine systems
Monoamine systems
Acetylcholine system
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate
12. Prescribing psychotropic drugs
When to prescribe
Adherence to medication
Monitoring drug treatment
13. Antipsychotic drugs
How do antipsychotics work?
Side effects
Depot antipsychotic drugs
Antipsychotics drugs and diabetes
14. Antidepressant drugs
How do antidepressants work?
Other drugs
Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms
Suicidality and antidepressants
15. Mood stabilisers, benzodiazepines and ECT
Mood stabilisers
Electroconvulsive therapy
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
16. Psychological treatments
Behavioural psychotherapy
Cognitive therapy
Dynamic psychotherapy
17. Family and social treatments
Family treatments
Social treatments
Occupational therapy
18. Recovery and social inclusion
The recovery model
Social inclusion
Advance decisions and statements
III: Schizophrenia
19. Diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia
Delusional disorders
20. Epidemiology and aetiology of schizophrenia
21. Acute and chronic schizophrenia
Acute schizophrenia
Chronic (residual) schizophrenia
Suicide risk
22. Management of schizophrenia
Clinical assessment
Drug treatment
Psychological treatment
Family treatments
Social treatments
IV: Mood Disorders
23. Classification of mood disorders
Episodes of mood disorder
Depressive disorders
Dysthymic Disorder
Bipolar disorder
Cyclothymic disorder
Seasonal affective disorder
Schizoaffective disorder
24. Epidemiology and aetiology of mood disorders
Bipolar disorder
Depressive Disorders
25. Bipolar disorder – clinical presentation and management
Clinical presentation of mania
Management of mania
Management of bipolar depression
26. Depressive disorder – clinical presentation
Clinical presentation
Core symptoms of depression
Mental state examination
27. Depressive disorder – management
V: Anxiety and Related Disorders
28. Anxiety- and fear-related disorders – clinical presentation and aetiology
Mixed depression and anxiety
29. Anxiety- and fear-related disorders – management
Drug treatment
Psychological treatment
30. Obsessive–compulsive disorders
Course and prognosis
31. Disorders associated with stress
Acute stress reaction
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Adjustment disorders
Prolonged grief disorder
32. Dissociative and bodily distress disorders
Dissociative disorders
Bodily distress disorders
VI: Personality Disorders
33. Personality disorders – introduction and classification
Personality and its assessment
Classification of abnormal personality
ICD11 diagnostic criteria for personality disorder
Epidemiology and aetiology
34. Personality disorders – management
Clinical assessment
Personality disorder and mental illness
VII: Substance Misuse and Addictive Behaviours
35. Alcohol dependence I
Clinical features
Psychiatric complications of alcohol dependence
36. Alcohol dependence II
37. Substance misuse
Treatment of substance misuse
Coexisting mental illness and substance misuse
Gambling disorders
VIII: Psychiatric Specialties
38. Older people’s mental health services and functional illness
Older people’s mental health services
Threshold for referral
Functional mental illness in older people
Depressive disorders
Bipolar disorder
Schizophrenia and delusional disorder
Substance misuse
Suicide and deliberate self-harm
39. Dementia diagnosis
Alzheimer’s disease
Dementia due to cerebrovascular disease (vascular dementia)
Lewy body dementia
Pick’s disease
Other causes of cognitive impairment
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
Huntington’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
40. Management of dementia
Early recognition of dementia
Post-diagnostic support
Drug treatments
Drug treatments for dementia
Prescribing drugs for dementia
Side effects
End-of-life care
41. Dementia in the general hospital
Caring for patients with dementia in the general hospital
Delirium and dementia
Head injury
42. Neurodevelopmental disorders
Autism spectrum disorders
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Specific developmental disorders
43. Learning disabilities
Mental illness and learning disability
Management of learning disability
44. Child and adolescent psychiatry I
Normal childhood development
Assessment of children
Disruptive behaviour and dissocial disorders
Disorders of elimination
45. Child psychiatry II
Emotional disorders of childhood
Child abuse
Mental health in young people
Self-harm in young people
46. Eating disorders
Anorexia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa
Course and prognosis
47. Liaison psychiatry
Liaison psychiatry
Psychological causes of physical illness
Psychological consequences of physical illness
48. Forensic psychiatry
Assessment of risk of violence
Diversion of mentally disordered offenders
Mental disorder and crime
49. Perinatal psychiatry
Postnatal depression
Postpartum psychosis
Organisation of services
Identification of women at risk
Drug treatment during pregnancy
Drug treatment during breastfeeding
50. Sexual dysfunction
Clinical assessment
General principles of management
Hypoactive sexual desire
Female sexual arousal dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction
Orgasmic dysfunction
Early ejaculation
Sexual pain penetration disorder (vaginismus)
Case history comments
Case history 1
Case history 2
Case history 3
Case History 4
Case history 5
Case history 6
Case history 7
Case history 8
Case history 9
Case history 10
Case history 11
Case history 12
Case history 13
Case history 14
Case history 15
Case history 16
Case history 17
Case history 18
Case history 19
Case history 20
Case history 21
Case history 22
Case history 23
Case history 24
Case history 25
Case history 26
Case history 27
Case history 28
Case history 29
Case history 30
Case history 31
Case history 32
Case history 33
Case history 34
Case history 35
Case history 36
Case history 37
Case history 38
An aparitie | 8 mai 2024 |
Autor | Lesley Stevens, Ian Rodin |
Dimensiuni | 210 x 297 mm |
Editura | Elsevier |
Format | Paperback |
ISBN | 9780323935807 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 130 |
42500 lei 38000 lei
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