Oxford Textbook of the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability

Oxford Textbook of the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780198794585

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Oxford

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 336

Coperta: Hardback

Dimensiuni: 276x219 mm

An aparitie: 09-01-20

Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability is the definitive resource on the subject. Written and edited by world-renowned experts with decades of experience in the field, each chapter provides reliable evidence and practical advice for clinical situations, with multiple choice questions for self-evaluation. 1 Sally Ann Cooper: Definitions, classifications and epidemiology of intellectual disability (ID); 2 Sabyasachi Bhaumik, Regi Alexander, Shweta Gangavati, Rohit Gumber, and Samuel Tromans: Clinical Assessment Including Bedside Diagnosis; 3 Satish C. Girimaji, Salah Basheer, Asit Biswas, and Satheeshkumar Gangadharan: Intellectual disability - concepts, aetiology and genetics; 4 Tom Berney and Mark Lovell: Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability; 5 Peter Tyrer, Freya Tyrer, Marissa Hanney, and Stephen Tyrer: Measuring outcomes including use of rating scales and instruments in people with intellectual disability; 6 Sally Ann Cooper: Types of mental disorders in people with intellectual disability; 7 Mary Barrett and Traolach S. Brugha: Autism Spectrum Disorder; 8 Kiriakos Xenitidis, Shazia Zahid, and Caryl Marshall: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in people with intellectual disability; 9 Ande Strydom, Karen Dodd and Nwamaka Uchendu, and Suzanne Wilson: Dementia and other disorders associated with ageing in people with intellectual disability; 10 Laura Humphries, Dasari Michael, and Angela Hassiotis: Schizophrenia and related psychoses in people with Intellectual Disability; 11 Samuel Tromans, Atiq Umar, Jennifer Torr, Regi Alexander, and Sabyasachi Bhaumik: Depressive Disorders in People with Intellectual Disability; 12 Samuel Tromans, Ian Jones, Ignatius Gunaratna, Natalie Orr, and Sabyasachi Bhaumik: Bipolar Affective Disorder in Intellectual Disability; 13 Sherva Cooray and Avinash Hiremath: Anxiety and related disorders in people with Intellectual Disability; 14 Regi Alexander, Verity Chester, and William R. Lindsay: The assessment and treatment of personality disorders in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities; 15 Tobias Buxton, Verity Chester, Bijil Arackal, Divya Devulapally, and Yona Lunsky: Alcohol and Substance Misuse and People with Intellectual and / or Developmental Disabilities; 16 Glynis H. Murphy and Peter McGill: Challenging behaviours in people with ID; 17 John L. Taylor, William R. Lindsay, and John Devapriam: Offending Behaviours in People with Intellectual Disabilities; 18 Peter E. Langdon, Tawakalitu Kehinde, and Georgina Parkes: Psychological therapies with people who have intellectual disabilities; 19 David Branford, Reena Tharian, Regi Alexander, and Sabyasachi Bhaumik: Pharmacotherapy for Mental Illness and Behaviours that challenge in People with Intellectual Disabilities; 20 Umesh Chauhan, Ken Courtenay, and Matthew Hoghton: Physical Health in people with Intellectual disabilities; 21 Kim Kendall, Jeremy Hall, and Mike Owen: Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Schizophrenia: Recent Developments; 22 Rohit Shankar and Matthew Walker: Epilepsy in people with Intellectual Disability; 23 Anthony Holland: Behaviour Phenotypes; 24 Reza Kiani and Sugato Bhaumik: Visual and Hearing Impairments and their Impact on the Mental Health of Adults with Intellectual Disability; 25 Verity Chester, Neil James, Ian Rogers, Jackie Grace, and Regi Alexande: Family Experiences of Psychiatric Services for their Relative with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; 26 Rupert Thurston, Samuel Tromans, Verity Chester, Sally-Ann Cooper, Andre Strydorm, Sabyasachi Bhaumik, and Dheeraj Rai: Current and Future Research Priorities in the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability; 27 Sujeet Jaydeokar, John Devapriam, Jane McCarthy, Chaya Kapugama, and Sabyasachi Bhaumik: Models of service development and delivery for people with Intellectual Disability; 28 Meera Roy, Ashok Roy, Priyanka Tharian, Ameeta Retzer: Safeguarding and ethical practice for people with intellectual disability

An aparitie 09-01-20
Autor Bhaumik, Sabayasachi; Alexander, Regi
Dimensiuni 276x219 mm
Editura Oxford
Format Hardback
ISBN 9780198794585
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 336

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