Cambridge Prescriber's Guide in Psychiatry

Cambridge Prescriber's Guide in Psychiatry

310 Lei (TVA inclus)
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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781108986588

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini:

Coperta: Paperback


An aparitie: 30 noi 2023



Based on the best-selling Stahl's Prescriber's Guide, this essential guide to psychiatric prescribing has been developed by leading psychiatrists and medical students from the University of Cambridge to support all mental health professionals in achieving optimal care for their patients. Written with the authority of evidence and the guidance of clinical wisdom the formulary covers the psychotropic medications used in daily care including dosing recommendations and drug interactions. With its easy-to-use, full-colour template-driven navigation system, the book combines evidence-based data with clinically informed advice, including guidance on prescribing for children and adolescents and people with addictions. Drugs are presented in the same format to facilitate rapid access to information and are broken down into sections designated by a unique colour background thereby clearly distinguishing information presented on therapeutics, side effects, dosing and use, and the art of psychopharmacology. Popular prescribing 'tips and pearls are included throughout.


Table of Contents:


1 Acamprosate calcium

2 Agomelatine

3 Alprazolam

4 Amisulpride

5 Amitriptyline hydrochloride

6 Aripiprazole

7 Asenapine

8 Atomoxetine

9 Benperidol

10 Buprenorphine

11 Buprenorphine with naloxone

12 Bupropion hydrochloride

13 Buspirone hydrochloride

14 Carbamazepine

15 Cariprazine

16 Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride

17 Chlorpromazine hydrochloride

18 Citalopram

19 Clomipramine hydrochloride

20 Clonazepam

21 Clonidine hydrochloride

22 Clozapine

23 Dexamfetamine sulfate

24 Diazepam

25 Disulfiram

26 Donepezil hydrochloride

27 Dosulepin hydrochloride

28 Doxepin

29 Duloxetine

30 Escitalopram

31 Esketamine

32 Flumazenil

33 Fluoxetine

34 Flupentixol

35 Flurazepam

36 Fluvoxamine maleate

37 Gabapentin

38 Galantamine

39 Guanfacine

40 Haloperidol

41 Hydroxyzine hydrochloride

42 Hyoscine hydrobromide

43 Imipramine hydrochloride

44 Isocarboxazid

45 Lamotrigine

46 Levomepromazine

47 Lisdexamfetamine mesilate

48 Lithium

49 Lofepramine

50 Loprazolam

51 Lorazepam

52 Loxapine

53 Lurasidone hydrochloride

54 Melatonin

55 Memantine hydrochloride

56 Methadone hydrochloride

57 Methylphenidate hydrochloride

58 Mianserin hydrochloride

59 Midazolam

60 Mirtazapine

61 Moclobemide

62 Modafinil

63 Nalmefene

64 Naltrexone hydrochloride

65 Nitrazepam

66 Nortriptyline

67 Olanzapine

68 Oxazepam

69 Paliperidone

70 Paroxetine

71 Phenelzine

72 Pimozide

73 Prazosin

74 Pregabalin

75 Prochlorperazine

76 Procyclidine hydrochloride

77 Promethazine hydrochloride

78 Propranolol hydrochloride

79 Quetiapine

80 Reboxetine

81 Risperidone

82 Rivastigmine

83 Sertraline

84 Sodium oxybate

85 Sulpiride

86 Temazepam

87 Tetrabenazine

88 Tranylcypromine

89 Trazodone hydrochloride

90 Trifluoperazine

91 Trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride

92 Trimipramine

93 Tryptophan

94 Valproate

95 Varenicline

96 Venlafaxine

97 Vortioxetine

98 Zolpidem tartrate

99 Zopiclone

100 Zuclopenthixol

Medicines and Driving

Index by Drug Name

Index by Use

Index by Class



An aparitie 30 noi 2023
Autor Sepehr Hafizi, Peter B. Jones, Stephen M. Stahl
Editura Cambridge University Press
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781108986588
Limba Engleza

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