Topical Diagnosis in Neurology: Anatomy, Physiology, Signs, Symptoms

Topical Diagnosis in Neurology: Anatomy, Physiology, Signs, Symptoms

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9783132409583

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Thieme

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 332

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 24.13 x 17.02 cm

An aparitie: 10 May 2019




The perennial neurology classic, updated and expanded

The sixth edition of Duus' classic Topical Diagnosis in Neurology builds on the clear, integrated presentation of anatomy, function, and disorders of the central nervous system that made it a success for almost over five decades, serving as a quick reference for practitioners and trainees alike. It elucidates the neuroanatomical pathways that lead to specific clinical syndromes, and demonstrates how comprehensive anatomical knowledge combined with a thorough neurological examination can help localize and categorize a lesion and arrive at a differential diagnosis.

The time-tested logical, thematic structure with useful summaries, at the beginning of each chapter, and color-coded section headings enable readers to distinguish neuroanatomical from clinical material at a glance and enable efficient and time saving study.

Features of the sixth edition:

New tables and clinical case examples

Improved descriptions of neuroanatomical/neurophysiological basics in the context of clinical symptoms

Twenty-three new illustrations, to a total of more than 400 illustrations

A wide range of study aids and clinical correlations that support the emphasis on integrative medicine in the current medical school curricula

Topical Diagnosis in Neurology is an ideal reference for neurologists and neuroscientists who correlate neurological diseases with anatomical location to arrive at a diagnosis or understand a clinical syndrome. It is also an essential tool for trainees and advanced students who need a solid grounding in key neurofunctional relationships.


Table of Contents:


1 Elements of the Nervous System

Information Flow in the Nervous System

Neurons and Synapses



Neurotransmitters and Receptors

Functional Groups of Neurons

Glial Cells

2 Somatosensory System

Peripheral Components of the Somatosensory System and Peripheral Regulatory Circuits

Receptor Organs

Peripheral Nerve, Dorsal Root Ganglion, Posterior Root

Peripheral Regulatory Circuits

Central Components of the Somatosensory System

Posterior and Anterior Spinocerebellar Tracts

Posterior Columns

Anterior Spinothalamic Tract

Lateral Spinothalamic Tract

Other Afferent Tracts of the Spinal Cord

Central Processing of Somatosensory Information

Somatosensory Deficits due to Lesions at Specific Sites along the Somatosensory Pathways

3 Motor System

Central Components of the Motor System and Clinical Syndromes of Lesions Affecting Them

Motor Cortical Areas

Corticospinal Tract (Pyramidal Tract)

Corticonuclear (Corticobulbar) Tract

Other Central Components of the Motor System

Lesions of Central Motor Pathways

Peripheral Components of the Motor System and Clinical Syndromes of Lesions Affecting Them

Clinical Syndromes of Motor Unit Lesions

Complex Clinical Syndromes due to Lesions of Specific Components of the Nervous System

Spinal Cord Syndromes

Vascular Spinal Cord Syndromes

Spinal Cord Tumors

Nerve Root Syndromes (Radicular Syndromes)

Plexus Syndromes

Peripheral Nerve Syndromes

Syndromes of the Neuromuscular Junction and Muscle

4 Brainstem

Surface Anatomy of the Brainstem




Cranial Nerves

Origin, Components, and Functions

Olfactory System (CN I)

Visual System (CN II)

Eye Movements (CN III, IV, and VI)

Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)

Facial Nerve (CN VII) and Nervus Intermedius

Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)—Cochlear Component and the Organ of Hearing

Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII)—Vestibular Component and Vestibular System

Vagal System (CN IX, X, and the Cranial Portion of XI)

Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)

Topographical Anatomy of the Brainstem

Internal Structure of the Brainstem

Brainstem Disorders

Ischemic Brainstem Syndromes

5 Cerebellum

Surface Anatomy

Internal Structure

Cerebellar Cortex

Cerebellar Nuclei

Afferent and Efferent Projections of the Cerebellar Cortex and Nuclei

Connections of the Cerebellum with Other Parts of the Nervous System

Cerebellar Function and Cerebellar Syndromes




Cerebellar Disorders

Cerebellar Ischemia and Hemorrhage

Cerebellar Tumors

Genetic and Metabolic Diseases of the Cerebellum

6 Diencephalon and Autonomic Nervous System

Location and Components of the Diencephalon



Position of the Thalamic Nuclei in Ascending and Descending Pathways

Functions of the Thalamus

Syndromes due to Thalamic Lesions

Thalamic Vascular Syndromes



Location and Components


Location and Components

Hypothalamic Nuclei

Afferent and Efferent Projections of the Hypothalamus

Functions of the Hypothalamus

Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System


Sympathetic Nervous System

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Autonomic Innervation and Functional Disturbances of Individual Organs

Visceral and Referred Pain

7 Limbic System


Internal and External Connections

Major Components of the Limbic System


Microanatomy of the Hippocampal Formation


Functions of the Limbic System

Types of Memory

Memory Dysfunction—the Amnestic Syndrome and Its Causes

8 Basal Ganglia

Preliminary Remarks on Terminology

The Role of the Basal Ganglia in the Motor System: Phylogenetic Aspects

Components of the Basal Ganglia and Their Connections


Connections of the Basal Ganglia

Function and Dysfunction of the Basal Ganglia

Clinical Syndromes of Basal Ganglia Lesions

9 Cerebrum


Gross Anatomy and Subdivision of the Cerebrum

Gyri and Sulci

Histological Organization of the Cerebral Cortex

Laminar Architecture

Cerebral White Matter

Projection Fibers

Association Fibers

Commissural Fibers

Functional Localization in the Cerebral Cortex


Primary Cortical Fields

Association Areas

Frontal Lobe

Higher Cortical Functions and Their Impairment by Cortical Lesions

10 Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord; Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

Coverings of the Brain and Spinal Cord

Dura Mater


Pia Mater

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

Structure of the Ventricular System

Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation and Resorption

Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation—Hydrocephalus

11 Blood Supply and Vascular Disorders of the Central Nervous System

Arteries of the Brain

Extradural Course of the Arteries of the Brain

Arteries of the Anterior and Middle Cranial Fossae

Arteries of the Posterior Fossa

Collateral Circulation in the Brain

Veins of the Brain

Superficial and Deep Veins of the Brain

Dural Sinuses

Blood Supply of the Spinal Cord

Arterial Anastomotic Network

Venous Drainage

Cerebral Ischemia

Arterial Hypoperfusion

Particular Cerebrovascular Syndromes

Impaired Venous Drainage from the Brain

Intracranial Hemorrhage

Intracerebral Hemorrhage (Nontraumatic)

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Subdural and Epidural Hematoma

Vascular Syndromes of the Spinal Cord

Arterial Hypoperfusion

Impaired Venous Drainage

Spinal Cord Hemorrhage and Hematoma




An aparitie 10 May 2019
Autor Mathias Bahr , Michael Frotscher
Dimensiuni 24.13 x 17.02 cm
Editura Thieme
Format Paperback
ISBN 9783132409583
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 332

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