Think Big!: A Resource Manual for Teen Library Programs That Attract Large Audiences

Think Big!: A Resource Manual for Teen Library Programs That Attract Large Audiences

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781538128411

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 154

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 21.59 x 1.02 x 26.97 cm

An aparitie: 1 July 2020


Think Big: A Resource Manual for Library Programs That Attract Large Teen Audiences is a how-to manual for librarians who want to attract large groups of teens to their libraries with meaningful, memorable events. Large programs may seem to be impossible to attempt until the project is broken down into the separate parts needed. Think Big begins with those separate parts necessary to create a large event, starting with the logistics of time and place, the budget and how to find funding, making a timeline to make everything fall into place, communication among all of the people involved, marketing to the teen audience, troubleshooting with thorough preparation, and the importance of evaluations for reporting and for future planning. Part 2 is a collection of best practices. Seventeen successful, large programs are included, contributed by librarians who have dared to think big and made it work. Included are the book and author programs in school and public libraries. There are also creative programs about poetry and dance, STEM activities, pop culture, and school and work. Every section has two to four programs. Each program explains how the program began and evolved to the event it is today. A timeline, how the program was financed, who assisted to make every step successful, how the program was publicized, and how evaluations were collected and written are provided in detail to empower a librarian to tackle their first-time big program.

An aparitie 1 July 2020
Autor RoseMary Ludt
Dimensiuni 21.59 x 1.02 x 26.97 cm
Editura Rowman & Littlefield
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781538128411
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 154

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