The Psychiatry Resident Handbook

The Psychiatry Resident Handbook

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781615374113

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 582

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 152 x 229 x 24 mm

An aparitie: 27 Jun. 2023

Seamlessly combining the wisdom of seasoned leaders in psychiatry residency and fellowship training with the perspective of current residents-in-training, The Psychiatry Resident Handbook offers insights and guidance readers will not easily find in any other resource.

An opening description of the state of mental health care in the United States serves as a foundation from which the guide proceeds to address topics in five key areas:

Identity, including trainees' gender and sexual identities, as well as the experience of individuals from underrepresented communities in medicine and international medical graduates

Clinical practice, from working with historically oppressed patient populations to telehealth and legal and ethical issues

Skill-building, including working with technology and social media, developing as a leader, publishing research, and engaging in advocacy

Career development, with discussions of mentorship and sponsorship, finding a first job, and board certification

Managing both a career and personal life, including recognizing and mitigating burnout, addressing mistreatment and discrimination, and navigating personal finances

Chapters feature key points that preview the content; specific challenges and strategies in which content is applied to real-life scenarios; self-directed questions that spur reflection and professional identity development; and recommended resources that include psychiatric, medical, business, and other literature, as well as relevant websites and online materials.

For guidance on how to successfully navigate training and pursue a fulfilling personal life, medical students, psychiatry residents, fellows and psychiatry educators will not find a more comprehensive resource than The Psychiatry Resident Handbook.


Table of Contents:


  1. Understanding Residency

Chapter 1. Framing the Residency Experience

Chapter 2. The U.S. Mental Health Care Landscape

  1. Centering Our Identities

Chapter 3. Centering Our Identities

Chapter 4. The Underrepresented in Medicine Experience

Chapter 5. Gender and Sexual Identity

Chapter 6. Professional and Personal Life: The International Medical Graduate Experience

III. Approaching Clinical Work

Chapter 7. Learning to Develop a Case Formulation

Chapter 8. Working with Historically Oppressed Patient Populations

Chapter 9. The Psychiatric Emergency

Chapter 10. On-Call and Night Float

Chapter 11. Non-Psychiatry Services

Chapter 12. Inpatient Services

Chapter 13. The Psychiatric Consult

Chapter 14. Working in a Multi-Disciplinary Team

Chapter 15. Outpatient Services

Chapter 16. Best Practices in Prescribing Medications

Chapter 17. Best Practices in Providing Psychotherapy

Chapter 18. Telehealth Services

Chapter 19. Legal Issues

Chapter 20. Managing Patient Suicide

Chapter 21. Public Mental Health

Chapter 22. Supervision

  1. Building Skills

Chapter 23. Blue Ink and Blind Spots: Working Toward Accurate Self-Knowledge Through Self-Awareness

Chapter 24. Communication Skills and Managing Conflict

Chapter 25. Embracing Uncertainty: A Prescription Toward Clinical Expertise

Chapter 26. The Resident as Teacher

Chapter 27. Navigating Technology in Residency

Chapter 28. Navigating Use of Social Media

Chapter 29. Leadership

Chapter 30. Scholarship

Chapter 31. Publishing

Chapter 32. Advocacy

  1. Developing a Career

Chapter 33. Mentorship and Sponsorship

Chapter 34. Preparing for Your Career

Chapter 35. Steps to Securing Your First Job

Chapter 36. Beyond Training: Board Certification and Continuing Medical Education

  1. Maintaining a Professional and Personal Life

Chapter 37. Work-Life Integration: Accomplishing Your Professional and Personal Goals

Chapter 38. Wellness: Am I Well or am I Burned Out?

Chapter 39. Handling Mistreatment and Discrimination

Chapter 40. Physician Impairment

Chapter 41. Practical Finances: Creating a Budget and Beginning Investing

VII. Self-Directed Learning



An aparitie 27 Jun. 2023
Autor Sallie De Golia, Sallie G. de De Golia MD MPH, Raziya Wang MD
Dimensiuni 152 x 229 x 24 mm
Editura American Psychiatric Association Publishing
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781615374113
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 582

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