The Ethical Business Book (Concise Advice): 50 Ways You Can Help Protect People, The Planet And Profits
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Autor: Sarah Duncan
Editura: LID Publishing
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 184
Coperta: Hardcover
Dimensiuni: 11.94 x 1.52 x 17.78 cm
An aparitie: 24 Oct. 2019
YOU DON T HAVE TO BE PERFECT TO BE ETHICAL. YOU JUST NEED TO BE HONEST. The burgeoning array of literature on ethical behaviour tends to focus on what s happening at the extremes either owner managers of start-ups built around a strong moral crusade, or large corporations undergoing change due to the personal epiphany of a forward-thinking CEO. This book, however, is directed at the middle ground individuals who want their companies to adopt more ethical and sustainable practices, but don t know where to start. The 50 ideas and techniques in this book provide direction to help society and the planet, while preserving the bottom line.
An aparitie | 24 Oct. 2019 |
Autor | Sarah Duncan |
Dimensiuni | 11.94 x 1.52 x 17.78 cm |
Editura | LID Publishing |
Format | Hardcover |
ISBN | 9781912555581 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 184 |
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