The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 7, The Modern Social Sciences

The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 7, The Modern Social Sciences

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780521594424

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 790

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 16.31 x 5.41 x 23.34 cm

An aparitie: 4 Aug. 2003


This volume provides a history of the concepts, practices, institutions, and ideologies of social sciences (including behavioural and economic sciences) since the eighteenth century. It offers original, synthetic accounts of the historical development of social knowledge, including its philosophical assumptions, its social and intellectual organization, and its relations to science, medicine, politics, bureaucracy, philosophy, religion, and the professions. Its forty-two chapters include inquiries into the genres and traditions that formed social science, the careers of the main social disciplines (psychology, economics, sociology, anthropology, political science, geography, history, and statistics), and international essays on social science in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It also includes essays that examine the involvement of the social sciences in government, business, education, culture, and social policy. This is a broad cultural history of social science, which analyzes from a variety of perspectives its participation in the making of the modern world.

An aparitie 4 Aug. 2003
Autor Theodore M. Porter , Dorothy Ross
Dimensiuni 16.31 x 5.41 x 23.34 cm
Editura Cambridge University Press
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780521594424
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 790

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