The Aircraft Book

The Aircraft Book

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781409364801

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 320

Coperta: Hardback

Dimensiuni: 26 x 2.8 x 30.8 cm

An aparitie: 2 April 2013

The Aircraft Book is all about the men, machines, and landmark technology behind the most iconic aircraft from the Supermarine Spitfire to the Concorde. Featuring over 1,000 of the greatest military and commercial aircraft in the world, this is an amazing visual guide tracing their evolution over the past 10 decades. Plus, go on a virtual tour inside the engines of some of the legendary planes to see just what powers their performance. The Aircraft Book is essential for aviation buffs, covering the enduring impact that aircraft has on society as an object of curiosity, a symbol of luxury, and an essential weapon of war.

An aparitie 2 April 2013
Autor Philip Whiteman
Dimensiuni 26 x 2.8 x 30.8 cm
Editura Dorling Kindersley
Format Hardback
ISBN 9781409364801
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 320

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