Surgical Gynecology: A Case-Based Approach
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Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani
Editura: Cambridge University Press
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 292
Coperta: Paperback
Dimensiuni: 21.79 x 1.19 x 27.41 cm
An aparitie: 2 Dec. 2021
Gynecology is principally an operative specialty and the range of gynecologic procedures managed is constantly expanding due to improved instrumentation and minimally invasive techniques. Covering the entire spectrum of gynecologic surgery through a case-based, digestible format, procedures such as vaginal, transvaginal, hysteroscopic, laparoscopic, robotic, and abdominal procedures are included, as well as common surgical challenges and complications. For each case, a clinical vignette outlines the situation and the clinical context of the patient, followed by a comprehensive discussion of the evidence-based management approach and key teaching points. The decision to operate, contraindications, alternatives to surgery and preoperative counseling is discussed in detail along with the level of care needed for each case. Readers will improve their knowledge base of gynecologic surgery and gain multiple tools to overcome common surgical obstacles.
Table of Contents:
Case 1 A 45-Year-Old Woman Undergoing Hysterectomy Requests Oophorectomy
Case 2 A 40-Year-Old G0 Developmentally Delayed Woman Requires Hysterectomy
Case 3 A 45-Year-Old Woman with Possible Penicillin Allergy Scheduled for Hysterectomy
Case 4 A 50-Year-Old Woman with Prior DVT Undergoing Hysterectomy
Case 5 A 40-Year-Old Woman with Severe Anemia Scheduled for Surgery Refuses Blood Products
Case 6 A 55-Year-Old Woman Enquires about Your Institution’s Protocols for Enhanced Recovery after
Case 7 A 55-Year-Old Female with a 25-Year Smoking History and COPD Is Undergoing a Robotic Hysterec
Case 8 A 48-Year-Old with Adult-Onset Diabetes Is Undergoing a Hysterectomy for Recurrent Simple Hyp
Case 9 A 10-Year-Old Girl with a Vulvar Hematoma after Playground Injury
Case 10 A 50-Year-Old Woman with a Discrete Area of Leukoplakia That on In-Office Punch Biopsy Showe
Case 11 A 50-Year-Old Woman with Recurrent Bartholin’s Gland Cyst
Case 12 A 21-Year-Old Woman with Labial Pain During Exercise
Case 13 A 33-Year-Old Woman with Localized Vulvodynia without Vaginismus
Case 14 A 24-Year-Old Woman with Multiple Large Vulvar Condyloma
Case 15 A 70-Year-Old with Vulvar Paget’s Disease
Case 16 A 45-Year-Old Female with Multifocal VIN
Case 17 A 70-Year-Old Woman with Diabetes, Exquisitely Painful 2 cm Vulvar Ulcerative Lesion, and Su
Case 18 A 14-Year-Old Adolescent with Cyclic Pelvic Pain and Amenorrhea
Case 19 A 40-Year-Old Woman with a 3 cm Mass Prolapsing through the Cervix
Case 20 A 35-Year-Old Woman with a Fetal Demise at 20 Weeks’ Gestation
Case 21 A 25-Year-Old Woman with Intrauterine Embryonic Demise and Temperature of 39.2°C
Case 22 A 40-Year-Old G0 Woman with Endometrial Intraepithelial Neoplasia Desiring Hysterectomy
Case 23 A 35-Year-Old G3P3 Woman with a 12-Week Uterus and a Prior Cesarean Section Who Desires Vagi
Case 24 A 42-Year-Old G2P2 Woman Undergoing Vaginal Hysterectomy with Difficulty Entering the Perito
Case 25 A 28-Year-Old P0 Woman with Adenocarcinoma In Situ Has Intraoperative Bleeding during a Cold
Case 26 A 30-Year-Old G1 Woman with Suspected Uterine Perforation during Suction Dilation and Curett
Case 27 A 39-Year-Old P4 Woman with Recurrent HSIL after LEEP
Case 28 A 34-Year-Old G2P1 Woman with Elevated β-hCG (>250 000 mIU/mL) and Concern for Molar Gestat
Case 29 A 35-Year-Old G3P2 Woman with Persistent Bleeding after Suction D&C
Case 30 A 70-Year-Old G0 Woman with Postmenopausal Bleeding and Severe Vaginal Atrophy
Case 31 A 28-Year-Old G3P2 Woman Presents at Eight Weeks with a Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy
Case 32 A 45-Year-Old Woman with Leg Weakness following a Vaginal Hysterectomy
Case 33 A 45-Year-Old Woman Undergoes a Transvaginal Midurethral Sling and Is Unable to Void after t
Case 34 A 65-Year-Old Woman Presents with a Symptomatic Stage 2 Rectocele
Case 35 A 55-Year-Old Woman with Stress Urinary Incontinence without Uterine Prolapse
Case 36 A 45-Year-Old P2 Woman Undergoing Vaginal Hysterectomy Who Desires Opportunistic Salpingecto
Case 37 A 32-Year-Old G2P2 with Bleeding from a 5 cm Vaginal Laceration after Sexual Assault
Case 38 A 50-Year-Old Woman Loses Consciousness during an Office Hysteroscopy
Case 39 A 44-Year-Old Woman with Intermenstrual Spotting
Case 40 A 71-Year-Old G2P2 Woman with Postmenopausal Bleeding and Severe Cervical Stenosis
Case 41 A 34-Year-Old G2P2 Woman with a 4 cm Type 1 Submucosal Myoma Undergoing a Hysteroscopic Myom
Case 42 A 50-Year-Old Woman with a Retained IUD
Case 43 A 30-Year-Old Woman Seeking Pregnancy Who Has Intrauterine Synechiae
Case 44 A 42-Year-Old Woman with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Who Desires In-Office Ablation
Case 45 A 55-Year-Old G1P1 Woman with New-Onset Vaginal Bleeding after Prior Endometrial Ablation
Case 46 A 22-Year-Old G3P0030 Woman with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Uterine Septum
Case 47 A 33-Year-Old G2P2 Woman with Persistent Irregular Vaginal Bleeding after Cesarean Delivery
Case 48 A 38-Year-Old G3P2 Woman with Pelvic Pain following Endometrial Ablation
Case 49 A 33-Year-Old Woman with Acute Hypoxia during Hysteroscopic Myomectomy
Case 50 A 40-Year-Old Woman Desires Endometrial Ablation for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Case 51 A 24-Year-Old G0 Woman with Suspected Endometriosis Who Has Failed Medical Management
Case 52 A 35-Year-Old G0 Woman with Chronic Pain and Multiple Prior Surgeries Undergoing Diagnostic
Case 53 A 25-Year-Old Woman with Sudden Cardiovascular Collapse after Creation of Pneumoperitoneum
Case 54 A 30-Year-Old G0 Woman with 6 cm Complex Ovarian Cyst Suspicious for Borderline Ovarian Tumo
Case 55 A 32-Year-Old G4P4 Woman with Through-and-Through Small Bowel Penetration on Placement of Um
Case 56 A 43-Year-Old G3P3 BRCA1 Carrier Desiring Risk-Reducing Salpingo-oophorectomy
Case 57 A 34-Year-Old G3P3 Is Undergoing an Interval Bilateral Salpingectomy. During Initial Trocar
Case 58 A 28-Year-Old G0 Woman with Stage IV Endometriosis and an Obliterated Posterior Cul-de-sac
Case 59 A 40-Year-Old G3P3 Woman with 20 cm Unilateral Simple Cyst
Case 60 A 16-Year-Old Female G0 Adolescent with Acute Pelvic Pain
Case 61 A 29-Year-Old G2P0 Woman with Symptomatic Ectopic Pregnancy and History of Prior Salpingecto
Case 62 A 35-Year-Old P2 Woman with Preperitoneal Insufflation at Time of Laparoscopy
Case 63 A 38-Year-Old Woman Who Desires Device Removal after Hysteroscopic Sterilization
Case 64 A 28-Year-Old Woman with a 6 cm Complex Mass Adherent to the Pelvic Sidewall
Case 65 A 21-Year-Old Woman with an 8 cm Adnexal Mass Presumed to Be a Dermoid Tumor
Case 66 A 24-Year-Old G2P1 Woman with an Eight-Week Interstitial Ectopic Pregnancy
Case 67 A 16-Year-Old G0 Adolescent with Acute Psychosis and 3 cm Ovarian Dermoid Cyst
Case 68 A 23-Year-Old Woman with Cyclic Pelvic Pain and Suspected Obstructed Rudimentary Uterine Hor
Case 69 A 31-Year-Old Woman with Cesarean Scar Pregnancy
Case 70 A 35-Year-Old Woman with Bleeding from a Right Lower Abdominal Trocar Site
Case 71 A 21-Year-Old Woman with an Intra-abdominal IUD
Case 72 A 32-Year-Old G2P1 Woman with Ovarian Pregnancy Noted at Time of Surgery for Presumed Tubal
Case 73 A 32-Year-Old P0 Woman with Persistent Pain after LAVH/BSO for Endometriosis
Case 74 A 50-Year-Old Woman with Bleeding with Intercourse Four Weeks after Robotic Hysterectomy
Case 75 A 42-Year-Old Woman Who Desires Minimally Invasive Surgery for a 20-Week-Sized Uterus
Case 76 A 40-Year-Old Woman with No Spill from Her Left Ureter on Postoperative Cystoscopy after Tot
Case 77 A 40-Year-Old G1P1 Woman with Endometriosis Desiring Definitive Management
Case 78 A 40-Year-Old G4P4 Woman with 16-Week-Size Fibroid Uterus and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Desi
Case 79 A 45-Year-Old Woman with Vaginal Bleeding and Fever to 38.3°C after Hysterectomy
Case 80 A 45-Year-Old Woman with Decreased Urine Output on POD#1 after Robotic-Assisted Total Laparo
Case 81 A 38-Year-Old G0 Woman with a 4 Cm Umbilical Mass
Case 82 A 26-Year-Old G0 Woman with Large Multifibroid Uterus Desiring Myomectomy
Case 83 A 45-Year-Old Woman with a Foul-Smelling Pfannenstiel Incision on POD 7
Case 84 A 45-Year-Old Woman with Watery Vaginal Discharge Six Weeks after Hysterectomy
Case 85 A 34-Year-Old G0 Jehovah’s Witness Undergoing Myomectomy
Case 86 A 50-Year-Old G0 Woman with Class III Obesity Undergoing Abdominal Hysterectomy
Case 87 A 60-Year-Old G2P2 Woman with Nausea and Abdominal Distension Following Abdominal Hysterecto
Case 88 A 15-Year-Old Adolescent with Severe Abdominal Pain and Hemoperitoneum
Case 89 A 24-Year-Old Woman Presents with Evidence of a Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy and Is Reporting
Case 90 A 26-Year-Old Female Presents for Nexplanon Removal with a Non-palpable Device
An aparitie | 2 Dec. 2021 |
Autor | Todd R. Jenkins, Lisa Keder, Abimola Famuyide, Kimberly S. Gecsi, David Chelmow |
Dimensiuni | 21.79 x 1.19 x 27.41 cm |
Editura | Cambridge University Press |
Format | Paperback |
ISBN | 9781009001816 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 292 |