Radial Access for Neurointervention

Radial Access for Neurointervention

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780197524176

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 152

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 25.91 x 1.27 x 18.29 cm

An aparitie: 23 Sept. 2021



For the longest time, neuroendovascular procedures have been done through the femoral artery (TFA) located in the thigh and groin region. Over the last decade, interventional cardiologists have pioneered a newer approach: by utilizing the radial artery in the wrist to access the arterial system, a new procedure has been employed: radial access. Numerous studies and randomized controlled trials have demonstrated this to be a safer way of performing endovascular procedures, and a majority of the interventional cardiac procedures are performed via radial access. The neurointerventional community, however, has been slow to adopt this innovation. The radial access innovation is finally making its way to the neurointerventional community. Radial Access for Neurointervention has all the literature supporting illustrating how radial access is useful to the neuro community. Detailed chapters describe the techniques of radial access including positioning the patient on the table, driving the microcatheters intracranially, aneurysms treatment, AVM/AVF embolizations, complications management, and more. Readily enhanced throughout with pictures and movies, this first-of-its-kind book will guide neurointerventionalists to transition their practices to radial first.



Table of Contents:


1. The Rationale for Radial Artery Access in Neurointerventional Surgery

2. Transradial Access Techniques

3. Distal Transradial “Snuffbox” Approach

4. Diagnostic Angiography

5. Transradial Interventional Procedures

6. Aneurysm Treatment

7. Treatment of Arteriovenous Fistulas and Arteriovenous Malformations

8. Carotid Stenting

9. Transradial Approach for Stroke

10. Left Transradial Approach

11. Use of Long Radial Sheaths for Radial Artery Spasm in Neurointerventions

12. Closure Techniques

13. Pediatric Transradial Approach

14. Intraoperative Transradial Angiogram

15. Access-Site Complications of the Transfemoral Approach

16. How to Start Your Radial Practice

17. Future Directions


An aparitie 23 Sept. 2021
Autor Pascal Jabbour , Eric Peterson
Dimensiuni 25.91 x 1.27 x 18.29 cm
Editura Oxford University Press
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780197524176
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 152

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