Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Child

Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Child

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780195300963

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 1064

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 183 x 259 x 56 mm

An aparitie: 2 aug 2018



Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Child: Domains, Methods, and Case Studies, Second Edition, is an updated and expanded desk reference that retains the first edition's organizational structure, strong practical focus, and lifespan developmental perspective. It is a unique compilation of published and unpublished pediatric neuropsychological test normative data that contains extensive discussion of assessment methods and case formulation. Added for the first time are instructive clinical case vignettes that explicate brain-behavior relationships in youth, from preschool-age through adolescence. These cases illustrate immediate and late effects that result from common and rare medical diseases and psychological disorders, and highlight key issues that arise when examining a child's maturational trajectory and brain-behavioral relationships using convergence profile analysis. Part I, Child Neuropsychology: Current Status, contains four introductory chapters regarding definitions, education and training, and professional roles; reasons for referral; typical and atypical brain development; and clinical practice considerations. In Part II, Clinical Issues, discussion covers the procedural steps of neuropsychological assessment, behavioral assessment techniques, observational data, and oral and written communication of results. These chapters are followed in Part III, Domains and Tests, by extended coverage of topics and tests related to the major neuropsychological domains: intelligence, executive function, attention and processing speed, language, motor and sensory-perceptual function, visuoperceptual, visuospatial and visuoconstructional function, and learning and memory. A final chapter addresses deception in childhood, reasons why a child might reduce effort and invalidate assessment, and the use of performance validity tests, symptom validity tests, and embedded validity indicators to assess noncredible effort. Each of the 16 chapters includes definitions, theoretical concepts, models, and assessment techniques that are essential knowledge for clinical and research pediatric neuropsychologists.


Table of Contents:


Part I Child Neuropsychology: Current Status

1 Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology: Growth of a Subspecialty

Educational, Clinical, and Research Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Research Guidelines

Pediatric Neuropsychology

Board Certification in the Specialty of Clinical Neuropsychology

Subspecialization in Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychology

Lifespan Neuropsychology

Anecdotal Example

Fetal (Developmental) Origins Hypothesis

Expanded Roles for Pediatric Neuropsychologists

Clinical Practitioner

Use of Technicians/Psychometrists

Research Investigator

Rehabilitation and Intervention

Telecommunication/Telehealth Provider


Expert Witness



2 Reasons for Referral

Referrals Due to Academic Difficulties

Referrals from Parents

Referrals Due to Disease, Disorder, or Injury

Outcome Prediction in a Developmental Context

The Kennard “Principle”

Growing into One’s Deficit: A Concept with Practical Implications

Referrals from Medical and Other Professionals

Anesthesia Exposure: Potential Etiology?

Anesthesia and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disability

Referrals for Serial Clinical Evaluation

Timing of Serial Evaluation

Serial Evaluation in Forensic Cases

Practice Effects

Serial Evaluation and Developmental Considerations

Referrals of Typically Developing Children

Referrals Due to Neurological “Soft Signs”

Referral for Longitudinal Developmental Research

Referral for Treatment, Management, and Rehabilitation

Reserve Capacity



3 Brain Development, Response to Injury, and Sociodemographic Influences

Typical Brain Development: Some Basics

Brain Development in Infancy and Childhood

Brain Development in Adolescence

Atypical Brain Development

Interrupted Brain Development: The Circumstance of Preterm Birth

Late Preterm Birth

Neuropsychological Outcomes of Preterm Birth

Gestational Age Effects

Response to Brain Injury or Disruption


Experience-Dependent Structural Plasticity

Plasticity in Response to Brain Dysfunction

Plasticity Under Extreme Conditions

Hemispherectomy, Hemidecortication, and Hemispherotomy


Sociodemographic Factors

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Sex Differences

Socioeconomic Status




4 Clinical Practice Considerations

Convergence Profile Analysis

Qualitative Observations and Error Analyses

Test Data Analysis

Testing Models

Maturational Model of Child Neuropsychological Development

A Pragmatic Approach

Alternate Test Forms

Reliable Change

Pediatric Neuropsychological Normative Data: Some Ideals and the Realities



Part II Clinical Issues

5 Behavioral Assessment

Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychological Evaluation: Methods

Intake Interview and Scheduling

Reviewing Records

History Taking

Interview of a Child

Preparatory Steps for Testing

Use of an Interpreter

Behavioral Observations

The Testing Environment

Establishing Rapport

Stereotype Threat

Diagnosis Threat

Third Party Observers

Initiating and Sustaining Test-Taking Behavior

Additional Suggestions for Clinical Practice

Observe Behavior and Take Notes

Use Behavioral Strategies

Remain in Control

Use Parents Wisely

Start Easy–End Easy

Provide Clear Feedback

Adapt the Environment

Consider the Options

Conclude the Test Session

Health-Related Quality of Life

Health and Behavior Inventory

Family Burden of Injury Interview

Inpatient Monitoring of Recovery

Cognitive and Linguistic Scale

Social Cognition: Communication, Awareness, Perception, and Emotion

PEERS: Pediatric Evaluation of Emotions, Relationships and Socialization

Tests, Scales, and Questionnaires


Toronto Alexithymia Scale


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Central Coherence

Theory of Mind

Mirror Neurons

Mood Disorder

Psychiatric Disorder

Sleep Disorder

General Behavioral Measures



6 Communication of Results: The Interpretive Session and the Written Report

The Interpretive Session

Information Exchange

Parental Education

Stages and Strategies of the Interpretive Session

Communicating Results Simply

Defining Terminology

Incorporating Parent Restatement

Providing Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses

Encouraging Questions

Interpretation to a Child


The Written Report

Clinical Report Writing

Score Interpretation

Standard Scores


Age- and Grade-Adjusted Scores

Base Rate Data and Low Scores

Demographic Considerations

Descriptive Labels

Is Average Really Average?

Writing for School Personnel

Inpatient Notes

Expert Witness Report Writing

Limitations of Clinical Psychological Evaluations

Sample Report Format



Part III Domains and Tests

7 Preliminary Screening Assessment and Classification Scales

Pediatric Neuropsychological Screening

Inpatient Screening Assessment

Outpatient Screening Assessment

Screening as a Substitute for Full Evaluation

Preliminary Screening as Means to an End

Screening of a Preschooler

Oral and Written Letters, Numbers, and Name Writing


Receptive Language

Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning

Motor Efficiency

Learning and Memory

Attention and Executive Function

Emotional Screening

Screening of a School-Aged Child

Oral and Written Alphabet, Number Sequence Production, and Name Writing



Inhibitory Capacity

Motor and Sensory–Perceptual Efficiency

Learning and Memory


Projective Evaluation and Mood

Barrow Neurological Institute Screen for Higher Cerebral Functions in School-Age Children

Screening of an Adolescent

Classification Scales and Guidelines

Apgar Score

Children’s Coma Scale

Children’s Orientation and Amnesia Test

Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Classification Grading

Glasgow Coma Scale

International League Against Epilepsy Guidelines: 2014

Rancho Los Amigos Pediatric Level of Consciousness Scale

Screening Tests and Behavioral Questionnaires



8 Intelligence Testing: General Considerations

A Brief History of Intelligence Testing

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition: Recommendations

Intelligence and Neurological Status

Toxoplasma gondii

Stability of IQ

Estimation of Premorbid IQ: Baseline Determination

Intelligence and Preterm Birth

Intelligence Tests: Service or Disservice?

Advantages of Intelligence Tests

Limitations of Intelligence Tests

Intelligence Test Measures

Differential Ability Scales

Differential Ability Scales-II

Wechsler Series Intelligence Tests

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fourth Edition

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fifth Edition

Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Fourth Edition

Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence

Kaufman Tests

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition

Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test

Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition

Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition

Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Second Edition

Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Fourth Edition

Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition

Neurodevelopmental and Preschooler Assessment

Bayley Scales of Infant Development–Second Edition

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development–Third Edition

McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities

Mullen Scales of Early Learning

Merrill–Palmer-Revised Scales of Development

Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale

Leiter International Performance Scales–Third Edition

Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment

NEPSY and NEPSY-II: A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment

Age Correction for Preterm Birth

Descriptive Labels

Rapid IQ Test Development and Ethically Mandated Test Purchase

Flynn Effect

Research Cognition Battery

NIH Toolbox Cognition Battery



9 Executive Function

Historical Perspective: Phineas Gage

Executive Function Definitions

Explaining Executive Function to Parents

Executive Function Circuitry

Child–Adult Executive Function Differences

Dorsolateral Prefrontal Circuit

Anterior Cingulate Circuit

Orbitofrontal Circuit

Executive Function and Frontal–Subcortical Circuitry

Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex, Moral Judgment, and Social Decision-Making

Rostrolateral Prefrontal Cortex and Relational Reasoning

Developmental Trajectories

Conceptualizations of Executive Function

Hot and Cool Executive Function

Working Memory

Central Executive System

Phonological Loop and Visuospatial Sketchpad

Episodic Buffer

Updating, Shifting, and Inhibition Processes of the Central Executive System

Age and Working Memory Development

Cultural Influences on Verbal Working Memory

Interference Control


Age Effects

Inhibition and ADHD

Clinical Observations of Inhibitory Function

Double Dissociation

Executive Function and Intelligence

Executive Function and Socioenvironmental Influences

Executive Function and Preterm Birth

Executive Function and Genetic Syndromes

Executive Function Assessment in Children and Adolescents

Test Choice

Confounds in Executive Function Assessment

Error Analysis



Closing-in Behavior

Executive Function and Ecological Validity

Executive Function Subdomains and Tests

Inhibition and Interference Control

Eriksen Flanker Task

Attentional Network Test

Go/No-Go Tests

Reciprocal Motor Movements Tasks

Archibald and Kerns Go–No Go Task

Hayling Sentence Completion Test

Logan Stop Signal Task

Stroop Color–Word Test

Versions of the Stroop Procedure

Original Stroop Version

Golden Version

Regard Version

Comalli Version

Dodrill Version

Trenerry Version

Computerized Measures for Preschoolers

Boy–Girl Stroop

Day–Night Stroop

Sun–Moon Stroop

Fruit Stroop

Other Versions

Working Memory

n-Back Procedure

Delayed Alternation/Non-Alternation

Self-Ordered Pointing Test

Jack’s Boxes

Spin the Pots

Missing Scan Method

Digit Ordering Test

Topographical Working Memory

The Walking Corsi Test

Developmental Topographic Disorientation

Differential Ability Scales-II Working Memory Index

Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery

Planning, Organizing, Reasoning, and Set Shifting

Contingency Naming Test

Scoring the CNT

Category Test and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Category Test

Findeis and Weight Meta-Norms

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Dimensional Change Card Sort Task

Concept Generation Test

Tower of Hanoi

Tower of London

Tower of London–Drexel University, Second Edition

NEPSY and NEPSY-II Tower Tests

Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System Tower Test

Monkey Tree Test

Porteus Maze Test

Matching Familiar Figures Test

Cognitive Flexibility Tests Using Drawing


Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices Test

Verbal Fluency

Neuroanatomy of Verbal Fluency

Letter Fluency

Noun Fluency

Action-Verb Fluency

Action-Verb Fluency and Preterm Birth

Action-Verb Fluency Instructions and Data for Children Aged 3 and 6 Years

Neuroanatomic Circuitry of Verb Naming

Qualitative Analyses of Word Generation: Clustering and Switching

Fluency in Childhood

Verbal Fluency Tests

Verbal Fluency for Letters

Verbal Fluency: Letter F

NEPSY-II Verbal Fluency

Verbal Fluency: Letters F, A, and S

Verbal Fluency: Letters C, F, and L

Verbal Fluency: Letters C, P, B, and R

Animals, Letter B, and Letter S

Verbal Fluency for Category: Semantic Fluency

Animal Fluency

McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities: Category Fluency

Multilingual Aphasia Examination: Semantic Fluency

First Name Fluency

Naming of Animals, Foods, and Words Beginning with “sh”

Homophone Meaning Generation Test

Thurstone Word Fluency Test

Design Fluency Tests

Five-Point Test

NEPSY Design Fluency Modification

Ruff Figural Fluency Test

Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System: Design Fluency

Estimation Tests

Biber Cognitive Estimation Test

Time Estimation

Visuomotor Tests

Repeated Patterns Test

Graphical Sequences Test

Alternating Sequences Tests

Executive Function Test Batteries

Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System

Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome for Children

Pediatric Studies Using the BADS-C

Adolescent Studies Using the BADS

Adult Studies Using the BADS

Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery

Preschool Executive Function Battery

Preschooler Hot and Cool Executive Function Battery

Preschooler Battery

Simon Task

Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks

Executive Function Rating Scales and Questionnaires

Comment on Behavioral Rating Questionnaires



10 Attention and Processing Speed

Subdomains of Attention

Focused and Selective Attention

Divided Attention

Sustained Attention

Alternating Attention/Task Set Shifting

Executive Attention/Cognitive Control

Subdomain Developmental Course

Models of Attention

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Incidence and Prevalence

Diagnosis of ADHD

Clinical Evaluation of ADHD

Treatment of ADHD

Attentional Problems Not ADHD

Neural Circuitry of ADHD

Clinical Realities

Sluggish Cognitive Tempo

Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale

Neuropsychology’s Contributions to Evaluation of Attention

Preschoolers and Attentional Deficit

Preterm Birth and Attentional Deficit

ADHD and Comorbid Motor Control Deficit

ADHD and Comorbid Processing Speed Deficit

Tests of Attention

Span Tests

Digit Span

Knox Cube Test

Corsi Block-Tapping Span Test

Alpha Span Test

Pattern Span

Word Span

Reading Span

Category Listening Span Dual-Task

Visuospatial Span Dual-Task

Trail Making Tests

Trail Making Test

Part A Versus Part B

Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System Trail Making Test

Trail Making Test Error Analysis

Children’s Color Trails Test

Progressive Figures Test and Color Form Test

Comprehensive Trail Making Test

Tests of Divided Attention

Auditory Consonant Trigrams Test

Index of Sustained Effort and Attention for the ACTT

Children’s Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test

Tests of Sustained Attention

Symbol Digit Modalities Test

Dichotic Listening

Tests of Focused/Selective Attention

Visual Search Cancellation

Verbal and Nonverbal Cancellation Tests for Children

Cancellation of Targets

d2 Test of Attention

The Underlining Test

Attention Test Batteries

Test of Everyday Attention for Children and Test of Everyday Attention for Children–Second Edition

Computerized Tests of Attention

Preschooler Continuous Performance Tests

Behavioral Questionnaires and Structured Interviews



11 Language

Clinical Evaluation of Language

Spontaneous Conversational Fluency

Automatic Language Sequences

Right–Left Orientation


Visual Confrontational Naming

Object Naming

Color Naming

Verbal Fluency

Stuttering and Stammering

Phonological Processing



Written Language

Handwriting Position


Apraxic Agraphia

Unilateral Agraphia (Callosal Apraxia)


Macrographia (Megalographia)


Mirror Writing



Pure Alexia


Deep Dyslexia


Savant Syndrome

Neglect Dyslexia

Phonological Dyslexia

Surface Dyslexia




Language Lateralization

Genetic Contribution to Language


Bilingualism and Preterm Birth

Neuroimaging and Bilingualism

Clinical Practice with Bilinguals

Preterm Birth and Language


Aphasia Subtypes

Subcortical Aphasia

Acquired Epileptiform Aphasia (Landau–Kleffner Syndrome)

Williams Syndrome

Foreign Accent Syndrome

Case Examples


Internal Capsule Ischemia

Language and Ambidexterity

Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma

Right Hemisphere Lesion and Language Impairment

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Thalamic Brain Tumor

Cerebrovascular Accident

Language Tests and Batteries

Aphasia Screening Tests

Halstead–Wepman Aphasia Screening Test

Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination

Spreen–Benton Aphasia Test or Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Examination for Aphasia

Jordan Left–Right Reversal Test

Phonological Processing

Auditory Analysis Test


Boston Naming Test

Martielli and Blackburn Boston Naming Test Data for Adolescents

Mattson Boston Naming Test Data for Age 4 Years

Auditory and Visual Naming Tests for Children

Rapid Automatized Naming

Naming Errors

Receptive and Expressive Language

Test de Vocabulario en Imagenes

Object Definition Test

Auditory Perception

Speech Sounds Perception Test

Seashore Rhythm Test

Other Measures



12 Motor Examination

Motor Disorders

Abnormal Motor Movements and Their Etiologies

Complex Motor Stereotypies

Motor Soft Signs

Mirror Movements (Motor Overflow)

Basal Ganglia

Direct Pathway

Indirect Pathway

Hyperdirect Route

Motor, Associative, and Limbic Subregions

Internal Capsule

Anterior Limb


Posterior Limb

Syndrome Presentations


Congenital Versus Acquired Lesions

Age Effects

Right Cerebellum Versus Left Cerebellum

Lesion Size

Cerebellum and Preterm Birth

Cerebellar Syndromes


Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome

Cerebellar Mutism Syndrome/Posterior Fossa Syndrome

Elective or Selective Mutism

Joubert Syndrome

Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis

Cerebral Palsy

Gross Motor Functional Classification Scale

Manual Ability Classification System

Developmental Coordination Disorder

Imitation Behavior and Utilization Behavior

Anarchic Hand/Alien Hand Syndrome

Frontal Variant

Callosal Variant

Posterior Variant

Motor Tests

Motor Soft Signs and Sequencing


Timed Motor Examination

Finger Sequencing

Hand Pronation–Supination Test

Luria’s Fist–Edge–Palm Test

Push–Turn–TapTap Task

Oseretskii Test of Reciprocal Coordination

Associated Movements

Lateral Dominance: Handedness


Right–Left Orientation

Praxis and Apraxia

Ideomotor Apraxia

Ideational Apraxia

Conceptual Apraxia

Limb-Kinetic Apraxia

Conduction Apraxia

Other Types of Apraxia

Praxis Assessment

Pantomime Recognition

Motor Speed, Dexterity, Strength, Coordination, and Balance

Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2

Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2

Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency

Finger Tapping Test

Findeis and Weight Meta-Normative Data

Mandernach et al. Adolescent Normative Data

Bilateral Alternating Finger Tapping Test

Grooved Pegboard Test

Grooved Pegboard: Age 4

Purdue Pegboard Test

Adolescent Normative Data for the Purdue Pegboard

Grip Strength Test

Psychomotor Problem Solving

Tactual Performance Test



13 Sensory–Perceptual Examination

Sensory–Perceptual Test Advantages

Visual, Verbal, and Tactile Agnosia



Auditory Agnosia


Color Agnosia

Mirror Agnosia



Tactile Agnosia

Topographagnosia or Topagraphical Disorientation

Visual Agnosia

Kluver–Bucy Syndrome

Developmental Prosopagnosia

Clinical Interpretation

Unilateral Versus Bilateral Errors

Static/Chronic Versus Progressive Profiles

Sensory–Perceptual Tests

Reitan–Kløve Sensory-Perceptual Examination

Double Simultaneous Stimulation Testing

Finger Recognition (Finger Agnosia) Testing

Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum

Gerstmann Syndrome

Angular Gyrus Syndrome

Fingertip Symbol Writing Recognition and Fingertip Number Writing Recognition

Tactile Form Recognition

Benton Finger Localization Test

Quality Extinction Test

Sensory Profile

Semmes–Weinstein Monofilaments

Color Perception

Supplemental Case Examples

Visual Field Defects and Lesion Localization

Deafness and Hearing Impairment

Cranial Nerves



14 Visuoperceptual, Visuospatial, and Visuoconstructional Function

Dorsal Visual Stream and Ventral Visual Stream Pathways

Nonverbal Test Interpretation

Obstacles to Interpretation of Nonverbal Function

Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Adult Tests Extended Downward Versus Tests Developed for Children

Right Hemisphere Versus Left Hemisphere

Gender Differences in Nonverbal Competence

Nonverbal Learning Disability

Global–Local Processing

Verbal–Performance Split

The Brain’s Ventricular System

Evaluation of Perceptual and Spatial Abilities

Turner Syndrome

Cortical Blindness

Perceptual and Spatial Tests

Visual Neglect and Line Bisection

Visuoconstructional Tests

Structured Drawings

Beery Developmental Test of Visual–Motor Integration

Matching Figures, Matching V’s, Matching Pictures, Star Test, and Concentric Squares Test

Clock Face Drawing

Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities

The Test of Spatial Abilities

Perceptual Tests: Nonconstructional

Experimental Measures

Mooney Test of Incomplete Face Perception

Mooney–Verhallen Test

Gollin Incomplete Figures Test

Poppelreuter–Ghent Overlapping Figures Test

Clinical Tests of Face Recognition and Face Memory

Benton Facial Recognition Test

Cambridge Face Memory Test for Children

Ekman 60 Faces Test

Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test for Children: Face Recognition Subtest

The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children: Facial Recognition Subtest

NEPSY-II: Face Recognition Subtest

Visuospatial Function Without a Motor Component

Test of Visuospatial Construction

Judgment of Line Orientation Test

Hooper Visual Organization Test

Children’s Size-Ordering Task

Planning, Organization, and Navigation

Wechsler Mazes and Porteus Mazes

Standardized Road Map Test of Directional Sense (Money Road Map Test)

The Santa Barbara Sense-of-Direction Scale

Additional Tests


15 Learning and Memory

Memory Systems

Medial Temporal Lobe and Hippocampus

Patient P.B.

Patient H.M.


Patient N.A.

Basal Forebrain


Confabulation by Children

Infant Memory Development


Infantile Amnesia or Childhood Amnesia

Developmental Amnesia

Paramnesia and Delusional Misidentification Syndromes

Transient Global Amnesia

Dissociative Amnesia

Memory Terminology

Anterograde Memory

Associative Memory

Autobiographical Memory


Echoic Memory


Episodic Memory

Everyday Memory

Explicit or Declarative Memory

Immediate Memory

Implicit, Procedural, or Nondeclarative Memory

Long-Term Memory

Metacognition and Metamemory

Primary Memory

Prospective Memory

Types of Prospective Memory

Age Differences Affect Prospective Memory

Tests of Prospective Memory

Recognition: Recollection and Familiarity

Wernicke–Korsakoff Syndrome

Retrieval and Recognition

Lesion Location Influences

Remote Memory

Retrograde Amnesia

Semantic Memory

Short-Term Memory

Source Memory

Spatial Location Memory

Spatial Location Memory Development in Infants and Preschoolers

Tests of Spatial Location Memory

Topographical Memory

Working Memory

Amnestic Disorder in Childhood: Case Examples


Carbon Monoxide Exposure



Third Ventricle Brain Tumor

Choroid Plexus Papilloma

Memory Batteries

Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test For Children

NEUROPSI Attention and Memory

NEPSY and NEPSY-II: Learning and Memory Subtests

Child and Adolescent Memory Profile

Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning

Tests of Verbal Learning and Memory

Verbal Selective Reminding Test

Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test

California Verbal Learning Test–Children’s Version

CVLT-C Administration and Scoring

Hopkins Verbal Learning Test–Revised

Sentence Memory

Multilingual Aphasia Examination: Sentence Repetition

Paired Associate Learning

Wechsler Memory Scale–Revised Logical Memory

Story Recall

Tests of Nonverbal Learning and Memory

Wechsler Memory Scale–Revised Visual Reproduction

Benton Visual Retention Test–Fifth Edition

Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test



Alternate Designs

Validity Data

Developmental Trends

Scoring Systems

Scoring Hemi-Inattention

Developmental Scoring System

Rey Complex Figure Organizational Strategy Score (RCF-OSS)

Boston Qualitative Scoring System

Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial

Normative Data

Special Population Data: Deaf Children

Baltimore Board, Early Childhood Version

Administration Procedure and Instructions

Rey Visual Design Learning Test

Extended Complex Figure Test

Continuous Recognition Memory Test and Derivations

Continuous Recognition Memory–Pre(school)

Brown–Scott Continuous Picture-Recognition Test

Continuous Visual Memory Test

Nonverbal Selective Reminding Test

Biber Figural Learning Test

Target Test

Memory Questionnaires

Everyday Memory Questionnaire

Observer Memory Questionnaire–Parent Form

Memory Training Program

Amsterdam Memory and Attention Training–for Children

Memory Test for Adults


16 Validity Testing

Validity Test Terminology

Performance Validity Tests

Symptom Validity Tests

Embedded Validity Indicators

Validity Tests in Neuropsychological Practice

Validity Tests in Research

Validity Tests Versus Clinical Judgment

Early Validity Test Methods

Malingered Neurocognitive Dysfunction

Slick Criteria

Adult Simulation Studies

Multiple Effort Indicators and Embedded Measures

Validity Tests in Pediatric Assessment

Deception by Children and Adolescents

Intelligence Level and Validity Testing

Age Limits for Pediatric Validity Testing

Conditions with a High Probability of Noncredible Effort

Embedded Validity Indicators in Pediatric Assessment

Pediatric Simulation Studies

Validity Test Use in Clinical Pediatric Practice

Examiner Judgment

Pediatric-Adult Validity Test-Taking Differences

Reasons for Insufficent Effort

Red Flags in Pediatric Effort Assessment

Overt Resistance and Oppositional Behavior

Inconsistencies in Performance

Atypical Errors

Impaired Performance on Tasks Usually Easily Accomplished

Feigned Ignorance

Poor Motivation

Game Playing

Malingered Neurocognitive Dysfunction by Proxy

Malingering, Factitious Disorder, and Somatoform Disorder

Malingered Neurocognitive Dysfunction by Proxy Apparent: How to Proceed?

Validity Test Statistic Review

Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value, and Negative Predictive Value

Likelihood Ratio

Base Rate

Hit Rate

Effect Size

Performance Validity Tests

Amsterdam Short-Term Memory Test

Computerized Assessment of Response Bias

Dot Counting Test

Medical Symptom Validity Test

Nonverbal Medical Symptom Validity Test

Rey 15-Item Visual Memory Test

Test of Memory Malingering

Timed Automatized Sequences

21-Item Test

Victoria Symptom Validity Test

Word Memory Test

Rating Scales and Self-Report Questionnaires

Symptom Validity Scale for Low Functioning Individuals

Self-Report Behavioral Questionnaires

Embedded Indicators

Reliable Digit Span

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fourth Edition: Digit Span Scaled Score

California Verbal Learning Test-Children’s Version

Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices Test

CNS Vital Signs


An aparitie 2 aug 2018
Autor Ida Sue Baron
Dimensiuni 183 x 259 x 56 mm
Editura Oxford University Press
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780195300963
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 1064

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