Neurologic Complications of Critical Illness

Neurologic Complications of Critical Illness

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780197585016

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 704

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 25.53 x 3.35 x 18.9 cm

An aparitie: 21 Sept. 2023


Essential practical text for neurologists, intensivists, trauma surgeons, transplant surgeons and trainees, and other critical care nursing staff

Systematically discusses all major topics in neurological critical care, including neurologic complications after organ transplantation and from invasive procedures and devices, complications from cardiac surgery, traumatic brain, spine and peripheral nerve injury, and environmental injuries such as hypothermia and near drowning

Addresses end of life care in the intensive care and the responsibilities of the consulting neurologist




Neurologic consultations are essential to patient outcomes, not only providing diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic advice but also directing care to the patient. Neurologic Complications of Critical Illness is the foremost guide for neurologists entering the intensive care unit (ICU). This fourth edition has been thoroughly updated, refreshed, and expanded in recognition of the vast number of changes in neurology and neurocritical care. In addition, every chapter provides a representative selection of the state-of-the art management and latest clinical innovations in critical care medicine.

As with previous editions, the book offers practical advice on dealing with coma and outcome after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), failure to awaken after surgery, delirium, new onset seizures, generalized weakness, acute paraplegia, movement disorders and many other manifestations of a neurologic emergency such as complications after organ transplantation, neurologic complications of invasive procedures and devices, complications from cardiac surgery, traumatic brain, spine and peripheral nerve injury, and environmental injuries such as hypothermia and near drowning. Chapters include a wealth of helpful tables, precise algorithms, and a large, curated selection of neuroimaging. Each chapter has a section to reconcile theory and practice.

This edition offers new chapters on the interpretation of focal findings and acute movement disorders in critical illness, cancer immunotherapy and ethical dilemmas. This clinical text with dedicated coverage of all major neurologic illnesses will be helpful to a very wide audience of health care providers and any intensivist and general neurologist managing complex medical disorders, surgeries, and co-morbidities.


Table of Contents:


Part I: Criteria, Urgency, and Importance

Chapter 1: Indications for a Neurologic Consult in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 2: Consulting in the Intensive Care Unit

Part II: General Clinical Neurologic Problems in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 3: Acute Confusional State in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 4: Coma in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 5: Neurologic Manisfestations of Drugs Used for Analgesia and Anesthesia in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 6: Seizures in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 7: Generalized Weakness in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 8: Acute Neurological Focal Findings and Assymetries in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 9: Acute Movement Abnormaliites in the Intensive Care Unit

Part III: Neurologic Complications in Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Units and Transplantation Units

Chapter 10: Neurologic Complications of Invasive Procedures and Devices

Chapter 11: Neurologic Manifestations of Acute Bacterial Infections

Chapter 12: Neurological Manifestations of Infectious Outbreaks

Chapter 13: Neurologic Complications of Cardiac Arrest

Chapter 14: Neurologic Manifestations of Acid-Base Derangements, Electrolyte Disorders, and Endocrine Crises

Chapter 15: Neurologic Complications of Acute Renal Disease

Chapter 16: Neurologic Manisfestations of Acute Hepatic Failure

Chapter 17: Neurologic Complications Associated with Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis

Chapter 18: Neurologic Complications of Acute Vasculities Syndromes

Chapter 19: Neurologic Complications in the Critically Ill Pregnant Patient

Chapter 20: Neurologic Complication of Cancer in the ICU

Chapter 21: Neurologic Complications of Aortic Surgery

Chapter 22: Neurologic Complications of Cardiac Surgery

Chapter 23: Neurologic Complications of Acute Environmental Injuries

Chapter 24: Neurologic Complications of Drug Overdose, Poisoning, and Terrorism

Chapter 25: Neurologic Complications of Traumatic Brain Injury

Chapter 26: Neurologic Complications of Trauma to the Spine, Spinal Cord, adn Nerves

Chapter 27: Neurologic Complications of Organ Transplantation

Part IV: Outcome in Central Nervous System Catastrophes

Chapter 28: Outcome of Acute Injury to the Central Nervous System

Part V: Consultative Neurology and End of Life Care in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 29: The Neurologist and End of Life Care in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 30: The Neurologist and ICU Ethical Dilemmas


An aparitie 21 Sept. 2023
Autor Eelco F.M. Wijdicks
Dimensiuni 25.53 x 3.35 x 18.9 cm
Editura Oxford University Press
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780197585016
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 704

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