Multimodality Imaging and Intervention in Oncology

Multimodality Imaging and Intervention in Oncology

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9783031285233

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Springer

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 597

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 178 x 254 mm

An aparitie: 27 dec 2023


Provides the reader with a fully integrated multimodality approach (radiology and molecular imaging)

Focused on diagnostic pathways for the staging and re-staging of oncologic disease

Presents therapeutic strategies in oncology, with image-guided interventions as well as


About this book


This book provides the reader with a focused review of multimodality imaging strategies (radiology and molecular imaging) in staging and re-staging the major types of cancer (i.e. thyroid, breast, colon-rectum, lung, prostate, pancreas, liver, head and neck, and hematological cancer), including rare neoplasms.

In addition to presenting the possible diagnostic pathways for all oncologic diseases, the book identifies those interventions currently available in clinical practice (these being a branch of interventional radiology), while also examining and detailing molecular radiotherapy strategies.

The work has an interdisciplinary appeal and, thanks to its highly informative and cutting-edge coverage, professionals as well as advanced students and residents in radiology, oncology and surgery will find it of particular interest.



An aparitie 27 dec 2023
Autor Emanuele Neri, Paola Anna Erba
Dimensiuni 178 x 254 mm
Editura Springer
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9783031285233
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 597

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