Handbook Of International Food And Agricultural Policies (In 3 Volumes)
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Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani
Editura: World Scientific Publishing Company
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 1347
Coperta: Hardcover
An aparitie: 27 Jan 2018
Pret valabil pana la data de 15 martie 2018.
Handbook of International Food and Agricultural Policies is a three-volume set that aims to provide an accessible reference for those interested in the aims and implementation of food and farm policies throughout the world. The treatment is authoritative, comprehensive and forward looking.
The three volumes combine scholarship and pragmatism, relating academic writing to real-world issues faced by policy-makers.
A companion volume looking at the future resource and climate challenges for global agriculture will be published in the future.
Readership: Students and researchers who are interested in economic development, agricultural markets and food systems; and policy-makers and professionals involved in monitoring and regulating agricultural and food markets. Contents:
Volume I: Policies for Agricultural Markets and Rural Economic Activity Volume I covers Farm and Rural Development policies of developed and developing countries. The volume contains 19 country chapters together with a concluding comprehensive synthesis of lessons to be drawn from the experiences of the individual countries.
• Evolving Agricultural and Rural Policy in a Global Context: Diverse Origins and Varied Paths (William H Meyers and Thomas G Johnson)
• US Agricultural Policy (Joseph W Glauber and Anne Effland)
• Rural Policy in the United States (Bruce Weber and Maureen Kilkenny)
• Agricultural Policy in Europe (Ken Thomson)
• Rural Policy in Europe (John Bryden and Francesco Mantino)
• The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy in Canada (Douglas Hedley)
• Rural Policy in Canada (Ray D Bollman and Bill Ashton)
• Agricultural Policy in Japan (Masayoshi Honma)
• Agricultural and Rural Policy in Australia (Geoff Cockfield and Linda Courtenay Botterill)
• Agricultural and Rural Policies in Brazil (Joaquim Bento and Carlos Eduardo F Vian)
• Food and Agriculture Policies in India: Evolution and Performance (Shweta Saini and Ashok Gulati)
• Agricultural and Rural Policies in Indonesia: Understanding Food Security and the Changing Role of Rice Through a Food Policy Lens (C Peter Timmer)
• Agricultural and Rural Policies in Chile (Alberto Valdes and William Foster)
• Agriculture and Rural Policies in Pakistan (Sohail Jehangir Malik)
• Agricultural Policies in South Africa (Nick Vink, Johann Kirsten, Frikkie Liebenberg, Jan C Greyling and Ferdi Meyer)
• Agricultural and Rural Policies in Kenya (Jonathan Makau Nzuma and Willis Oluoch-Kosura)
• Agriculture and Rural Policies in Ghana: Trends and Impacts (Ramatu M Al-Hassan)
• Agricultural and Rural Policies in China (Funing Zhong, Kevin Chen and Jing Zhu)
• Agricultural and Rural Policies in Vietnam (Pham Van Hung and Pham Bao Duong)
• Agricultural and Rural Policies in Russia (David Sedik, Zvi Lerman, Natalia Shagaida, Vasilii Uzun and Renata Yanbykh)
• Agricultural Policies in Kazakhstan (Martin Petrick and Richard Pomfret)
• Global Interlinkage of National Agricultural and Rural Policies: Technical Change, Trade, and the Environment (Karen Brooks and Frank Place) Volume II: Policies for Food Safety and Quality, Improved Nutrition, and Food Security
Volume II: Policies for Food Safety and Quality, Improved Nutrition, and Food Security.
Volume II examines the experience of countries with food policies, including those dealing with food safety and quality and the responsibility for food security in developing countries. The chapters address issues such as obesity, nutritional supplements, organic foods, food assistance programs, biotech food acceptance, and the place of private standards.
• Introduction (Donna Roberts and Tim Josling)
• Policies to Improve Food Safety (Laurian J Unnevehr)
• Food Standards, Trade, and Development (Miet Maertens and Johan Swinnen)
• Organic Food and Farming: Past, Present and Future? (Tim Josling)
• Healthier Eating: Policy Challenges in Improving Consumers’ Ability to Choose (Jill E Hobbs and William A Kerr)
• A Review of US Food and Nutrition Programs and Their Effectiveness in Assuring Adequate Nutrition and Improving Nutritional Choices for Program Participants (Joanna P MacEwan and Abigail M Okrent)
• The Causes and Consequences of Obesity, and the Effects of Obesity Policies on Producer and Consumer Incentives and Health Outcomes (Julian M Alston and Abigail M Okrent)
• Short-Term Risks for Food and Nutrition Security — Causes, Impacts, and Responses (Jan Brockhaus, Mekbib Haile, and Joachim von Braun)
• Improving Food Availability for the Poor (Harold Alderman, Ugo Gentilini and Shahidur Rashid)
• Balancing Consumer Concerns with Scientific Opinion: Policies that Restrain the Use of Additives, Hormones, and Other Chemicals in Animal Production (Nicole Olynk Widmar and Philip L Paarlberg)
• Policies Toward Genetically Engineered Foods (Robert Paarlberg) Volume III: International Trade Rules for Food and Agricultural Products
Volume III describes and explains the international trade dimension of farm and food policies — both at the bilateral and regional level — and also the multilateral rules that influence and constrain individual governments. The volume also looks at the steps that countries are together taking to meet the needs of developing and low-income countries.
• Introduction (Tim Josling and Karl Meilke)
• The Place of International Trade in Food and Farm Products in National Policy Discourse (Tim Josling and Michel Petit)
• Distortionary Impacts of Food and Agricultural Trade Policies (Kym Anderson)
• Multilateral Rules for Agriculture: From GATT to WTO (Stefan Tangermann)
• From Multilateralism to Mega-Regionalism — Implications for Agricultural Trade Policy (Jason H Grant)
• Dealing with Disputes Over Agricultural Trade (William A Kerr)
• Contingent Protection and Special Safeguards in Agricultural Trade (Will Martin)
• Tariff Policies and the Progress Toward Open Markets for Agricultural Products (Jean-Christophe Bureau, Houssein Guimbard and Sébastien Jean)
• Export Competition and Trade Disciplines (James Rude)
• Farm Support, Domestic Policies, and the WTO Rules: the World is Changing (Lars Brink)
• International Trade Rules for Food Safety and Food Quality (Christine Wieck)
• Governance of International Food Assistance (Ryan Cardwell)
• International Assistance for Developing Countries to Participate Fully in The Trade System (Diwakar Dixit and Alan Matthews)
World Scientific Publishing Company
An aparitie | 27 Jan 2018 |
Autor | Tim Josling, William H Meyers, Thomas Johnson |
Editura | World Scientific Publishing Company |
Format | Hardcover |
ISBN | 9789813226289 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 1347 |
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