Get Inside Your Doctor’s Head. Ten Commonsense Rules for Making Better Decisions about Medical Care

Get Inside Your Doctor’s Head. Ten Commonsense Rules for Making Better Decisions about Medical Care

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781421410692

Disponibilitate: Acest produs nu este momentan in stoc

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 144

Coperta: Hardback

Dimensiuni: 17,8x12,7 cm

An aparitie: August 2013

With so many medical tests and treatments and so much scientific and medical information – some of it contradictory – how can people make the best medical decisions? Most medical decisions, it turns out, are based on common sense. In this short and easy-to-read book, Dr. Phillip K. Peterson explains the ten rules of internal medicine. Using real case examples he shows how following the rules will help consumers make good decisions about their medical care. "Get Inside Your Doctor's Head" providesadvice about such questions as when to seek treatment, when to get another opinion, and when to let time take its course. Turn to the Ten Rules when you are weighing your doctor's recommendations about diagnostic tests and treatments and use them to communicate more effectively with your doctor. As with all rules, the Ten Rules of Internal Medicine have occasional exceptions – and when evidence suggests that you are an exception, the relevant rule should be broken. Follow the Ten Rules to make decisions in the increasingly complicated medical world when you need guidance about health matters for yourself and your loved ones.

An aparitie August 2013
Autor Peterson Phillip K.
Dimensiuni 17,8x12,7 cm
Editura Johns Hopkins University Press
Format Hardback
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 144

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