Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 7th Edition

Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 7th Edition

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781260460308

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: McGraw-Hill

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 1632

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 20 x 14 x 4 cm

An aparitie: 30 Mar. 2022





Everything pharmacists and pharmacy students need to know about drug information management Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists provides you with the tools you need to to research, interpret, evaluate, collate, and disseminate drug information in the most effective and efficient manner possible. This trusted resource addresses essential topics such as formulating an effective response and recommendations for information, evaluation of drug literature, the application of statistical analysis in the biomedical sciences, medications and patient safety, investigational drugs, and more. This updated seventh edition also addresses other important issues such as the legal and ethical considerations of providing information, how to respond to requests for information, and how to determine what information should be made available.


Table of Contents:


Chapter One. Introduction to the Concept of Drug Information

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


The Beginning

The Evolution

Opportunities in Drug Information Specialty Practice

Summary and Direction for the Future

Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Two. Formulating an Effective Response: A Structured Approach

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Steps for Answering a Question

Case Study 2–1

Case Study 2–2

Case Study 2–3

Formulating the Response

Case Study 2–4


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Three. Drug Information Resources

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Types of Biomedical Resources

Tertiary Resources

Case Study 3–1

Case Study 3–2

Case Study 3–3

Secondary Resources

Case Study 3–4

Primary Resources

Case Study 3–5

Alternative Resources

Case Study 3–6

Consumer Health Information

Staying Current

Reference Budget Considerations


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Four. Drug Literature Evaluation I: Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluation

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Biomedical/Pharmacy Literature

Approach to Evaluating Research Studies (True Experiments)

Case Study 4–1

Case Study 4–2

Specialized Types of Controlled Clinical Trials

Case Study 4–3


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Five. Drug Literature Evaluation II: Beyond the Randomized Controlled Trial

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Observational Studies

Case Study 5–1: Observational Study


Case Study 5–2: Meta-Analysis

Other Study Designs

Natural Medicines Medical Literature

Case Study 5–3: Study Testing a Natural Medicine


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Six. The Application of Statistical Analysis in the Biomedical Sciences

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Populations and Sampling

Variables and the Measurement of Data

Descriptive Statistics

Common Probability Distributions

Epidemiological Statistics

Types of Study Design

Case Study 6–1

The Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials

Statistical Inference

Selecting the Appropriate Statistical Test

Case Study 6–2

Introduction to Common Statistical Tests

Case Study 6–3


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Seven. Pharmacoeconomics

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Pharmacoeconomics: What Is It and Why Do It?

Relationships of Pharmacoeconomics to Outcomes Research

Models of Pharmacoeconomic Analysis

Assessment of Costs

Assessment of Outcomes

Performing an Economic Analysis

What is Decision Analysis?

Steps in Reviewing Published Literature

Case Study 7–1

Selected Pharmacoeconomic Websites


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Eight. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Practice Guidelines

Guideline Development Methods and Evaluation

Case Study 8–1

Case Study 8–2

Case Study 8–3

Guideline Evaluation Tools

Use of Clinical Practice Guidelines

Case Study 8–4

Sources of Clinical Practice Guidelines


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Nine. Journal Clubs

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Conducting Journal Clubs

Case Study 9–1

Preparing the Presentation

Case Study 9–2

Case Study 9–3


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Ten. Peer Review

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


What Is Peer Review?

Criticisms and Variations of Peer Review

Reasons to Participate in Peer Review

Locating Peer Review Opportunities

Preparing for Peer Review

Case Study 10–1

Reasons to Decline a Peer Review Invitation

Case Study 10–2

Performing Peer Review

Case Study 10–3

Involving Learners in Peer Review


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Eleven. Legal Aspects of Drug Information

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Tort Law

Case Study 11–1

Case Study 11–2

Defenses to Negligence and Malpractice Protection

Labeling and Advertising

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Drug Information

Off-Label Use and Informed Consent

Liability Concerns for Internet/Social Media Information

Fraud and Abuse

Intellectual Property Rights

Case Study 11–3


Case Study 11–4

Industry Support for Educational Activities


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twelve. Ethical Aspects of Drug Information Practice

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Basics of Ethics Analysis

Case Example 12–1 (Micro-Level Case)

Case Example 12–2 (Meso-Level Case)

Case Study 12–1 (Micro Level)

Case Study 12–2 (Micro Level)

Case Study 12–3 (Meso Level)

Case Study 12–4 (Macro Level)

Resources for Use by Professionals Seeking to Learn More about Medical Ethics, as Applied to Issues Involving Provision of Drug Information

Structures That Support Ethical Decision-Making


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Thirteen. Professional Communication of Drug Information

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Steps in Writing

Case Study 13–1

Specific Documents

Case Study 13–2

Case Study 13–3


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Fourteen. Media Relations

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Working with the Media

Case Study 14–1

Case Study 14–2

Case Study 14–3


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Fifteen. Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Case Study 15–1

Organizational Background

Pharmacy Support of the P&T Committee

P&T Committee Meeting

P&T Committee Functions

Case Study 15–2

Case Study 15–3

Communication within an Organization

Case Study 15–4


Study Questions

Self-Assessment Questions


Chapter Sixteen. Drug Evaluation Monographs

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Purpose of Drug Evaluation Monographs

Sources of Drug Monographs

Contents of the Drug Monograph

Importance of the Drug Monograph

Summary Page

Body of the Monograph

Distribution of Drug Formulary


Case Study 16–1

Case Study 16–2

Case Study 16–3

Case Study 16–4

Case Study 16–5

Case Study 16–6

Self-Assessment Questions


Chapter Seventeen. Drug Shortages and Counterfeit Drugs

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Drug Shortages

Case Study 17–1

Case Study 17–2

Case Study 17–3

Counterfeit Drugs


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Eighteen. Quality Improvement and the Medication Use System

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


The Changing Environment for Health Care Quality

Case Study 18–1

Case Study 18–2

Purpose of Measuring Quality

Quality Measures

Quality Improvement

Case Study 18–3

Case Study 18–4

Case Study 18–5

Case Study 18–6

Quality in Drug Information

Publication of Quality Improvement Studies


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Nineteen. Medication Safety I: Adverse Drug Reactions

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Impact of Adverse Drug Reactions


Causality and Probability of Adverse Drug Reactions

Case Study 19–1

Classification of Adverse Drug Reactions

Implementing a Program

The Role of Technology in ADR Surveillance

Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions

Case Study 19–2

Case Study 19–3

Future Approaches to Pharmacovigilance


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty. Medication Safety II: Medication Errors

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Definitions: Medication Errors, Adverse Drug Events (ADES), and Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRS)

The Impact of Errors on Patients and Health Care Systems

Identification and Reporting of Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events

Classification of Error Types

Classifying Patient Outcomes

External Reporting

Managing an Event Reporting System

Human Error or System Error?

Case Study 20–1

Risk Factors for Errors and Events

Types of Safety Analyses

Case Study 20–2

Just Culture

Case Study 20–3

Key Organizations for Safety Best Practices

Case Study 20–4

Conclusion: Safety as a Priority

Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-One. Policy, Procedure, and Guideline Development

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Regulatory Considerations

Practice Document Design and Organization

Factors Influencing Practice Document Development

Systematic Method for Practice Document Development and Maintenance

Case Study 21–1


Case Study 21–2

Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-Two. Project Management

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Projects, Programs, and Portfolios

Selecting Projects

Initiating a Project

Planning a Project

Case Study 22–1

Executing a Project

Monitoring and Controlling a Project

Closing a Project


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-Three. Investigational Drugs

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


History of Drug Development Regulation in the United States

The Drug Approval Process

Case Study 23–1

Case Study 23–2

The Orphan Drug Act

Institutional Review Board/Institutional Ethics Committee

Case Study 23–3

Role of the Health Care Professional


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-Four. Regulatory Affairs and Pharmaceutical Industry

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Anatomy of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration

Division of Drug Information

Case Study 24–1

Opportunities within the FDA

The Food and Drug Administration and the Pharmaceutical Industry

Medical Communications in the Pharmaceutical Industry

FDA Regulatory Oversight

Fulfillment of Medical Information Requests

Case Study 24–2

Required Safety Reporting to FDA

Case Study 24–3

Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals

Opportunities for Health Professionals within Industry


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-Five. Assessing Drug Promotions

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Ethical Criteria for Medicinal Drug Promotion

Direct-to-Consumer Advertising (DTCA)

Case Study 25–1

Promotions to Health Care Professionals

Case Study 25–2

Case Study 25–3

Case Study 25–4


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-Six. Drug Information in Ambulatory Care

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Providing Drug Information in the Ambulatory Care Setting

Drug Information Responsibilities in Ambulatory Care

Case Study 26–1

Case Study 26–2

Case Study 26–3

Case Study 26–4


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-Seven. Drug Information and Contemporary Community Pharmacy Practice

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Pharmacists as Drug Information Providers

Patient Sources of Drug Information

Case Study 27–1

Case Study 27–2

Case Study 27–3

A New Model of Drug Information


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-Eight. Pharmacy Informatics I: Systems and Technology for Patient Care

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Medication-Use Proces

Pharmacy Informatics

Order Entry (Prescribing Stage)

Case Study 28–1

Order Verification




Case Study 28–2

Case Study 28–3

The Future: Informatics in the U.S. Health Care System

Case Study 28–4

Case Study 28–5


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Twenty-Nine. Pharmacy Informatics II: Big Data

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Reporting and Analytics

Case Study 29–1

Big Data

Case Study 29–2

Artificial Intelligence


Self-Assessment Questions

Chapter Thirty. Drug Information Education and Training

Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


Drug Information in Pharmacy Curriculum

Case Study 30–1

Case Study 30–2

Postgraduate Training in Drug Information

Case Study 30–3

Pursuing Specialty Training


Self-Assessment Questions


Appendix 2–1 Example of Drug Information Consult Documentation Form

Appendix 2–2 Standard Questions for Obtaining Background Information from Requestors

Appendix 3–1 Performing a PubMed Search

Appendix 3–2 Selected Primary Literatures Sources

Appendix 4–1 Drug Literature Assessment Questions for Clinical Trials

Appendix 5–1 Drug Literature Assessment Questions for Other Study Designs

Appendix 8–1 Grade Evidence Profile: Antibiotics for Children with Acute Otitis Media

Appendix 12–1 Code of Ethics for Pharmacists

Appendix 13–1 Question Example

Appendix 13–2 Abstracts

Appendix 13–3 Bibliography

Appendix 15–1 Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Procedure

Appendix 15–2 Formulary Request Form

Appendix 15–3 P&T Committee Meeting Attributes

Appendix 15–4 Example P&T Committee Minutes

Appendix 15–5 Chairperson Skills

Appendix 15–6 Conflict of Interest Declaration

Appendix 16–1 Format for Drug Monograph

Appendix 16–2 Example Drug Monograph

Appendix 16–3 Biosimilar Monograph

Appendix 18–1 Tools Used in Quality Assurance

Appendix 18–2 Example of Criteria and Request for Approval

Appendix 18–3 Example of Medication Use Evaluation (MUE) Results

Appendix 18–4 Evaluation Form for Drug Information Response

Appendix 19–1 Kramer Questionnaire

Appendix 19–2 Naranjo Algorithm

Appendix 19–3 Jones Algorithm

Appendix 19–4 Liverpool ADR Causality Assessment Tool

Appendix 19–5 MedWatch Form

Appendix 21–1 Policy Example: High-Alert Medications

Appendix 22–1 Example of a Project Charter

Appendix 22–2 Stakeholder Matrix—IV Compounding Software Project

Appendix 22–3 Example PESTLE Analysis—IV Compounding Software Project

Appendix 22–4 Example Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)—IV Compounding Software Project

Appendix 24–1 Example REMS Template for Writing Participant Information

Appendix 24–2 Response Letter Drug A—Incidence of Yellow Stripes


Case Study Answers


Answers for Self-Assessment Questions



An aparitie 30 Mar. 2022
Autor Patrick Malone, Meghan Malone, Benjamin A. Witt, David Peterson
Dimensiuni 20 x 14 x 4 cm
Editura McGraw-Hill
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781260460308
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 1632

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