Critical Care Echocardiography Review: 1200+ Questions and Answers: Print + Digital Version with Multimedia

Critical Care Echocardiography Review: 1200+ Questions and Answers: Print + Digital Version with Multimedia

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781975144135

Disponibilitate: La comanda in 3-4 saptamani

Editura: LWW

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 1088

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 213 x 276 mm

An aparitie: 25/01/2022



Prepare for success on the Examination of Special Competence in Critical Care Echocardiography (CCEeXAM)! Critical Care Echocardiography Review is a first-of-its-kind, review textbook containing over 1,200 questions and answers. Helmed by Drs. Marvin G. Chang, Abraham Sonny, David Dudzinski, Christopher R. Tainter, Ryan J. Horvath, Sheri M. Berg, Edward A. Bittner as well as a team of associated editors and authors from institutions across the nation , this highly visual resource covers every aspect of the use of ultrasound for clinical diagnosis and management in the critical care setting, providing a thorough, effective review and helping you identify areas of mastery and those needing further study.


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Table of Contents:



Interactive Presentation

1. Basic Ultrasound Wave Properties

2. Pulsed-Wave vs. Continuous-Wave Doppler

3. Ultrasound Propagation Through Tissue

4. Ultrasound Transducer and System

5. Ultrasound Modes

6. Longitudinal, Lateral, and Temporal Resolution

7. Doppler Effect and Principles

8. Physics of Ultrasound Bioeffects

9. Patient and Ultrasound Machine Positioning, Probe Selection and Orientation, Proper Ultrasound Care

10. Optimizing Probe Position and Knobology for Image Acquisition

11. Knobology, Probe Positioning, and Concepts of Image Acquisition

12. Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE) and Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) Views: TTE Versus TEE

13. Three-Dimensional Echocardiography

14. Physics of Artifacts

15. Types of Artifacts

16. Ultrasound Artifacts Versus Pathological and Normal Anatomical Variants

17. Doppler Shift Principles

18. Pulsed Wave Doppler, Continuous Wave Doppler, and Tissue Doppler Imaging

19. Hemodynamic Calculations

20. Quantification Calculations

21. Quantification of Diastolic Function

22. Left Ventricular Systolic Function

23. Right Ventricular Function and Pulmonary Hypertension

24. Aortic Valvular Disease

25. Mitral Valvular Disease

26. Tricuspid Valvular Disease

27. Pulmonary Valve Diseases

28. Mechanical and Bioprosthetic Valves

29. Endocarditis and Other Pathologic and Normal Anatomic Variants

30. Left Atrial and Right Atrial Size, Function, and Pathology

31. Pericardial Disease

32. Aortic and Other Great Vessel Diseases

33. Ischemic/Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies and Congenital Heart Disease

34. Myocardial Ischemia, Infarction, and Wall Motion Abnormalities

35. Diastology

36. Mechanical Circulatory Support

37. Intracardiac Shunts

38. Intracardiac Masses, Abnormal Structures, Normal Anatomic Variants, and Artifacts

39. Transthoracic Echocardiogram Versus Transesophageal Echocardiogram

40. Obstructive Shock

41. Hypovolemic shock

42. Distributive, Vasodilatory, Neurogenic, and Septic

43. Cardiogenic Shock

44. Various Protocols: FATE, FEEL, FEER, FAST

45. Cardiac Arrest and Peri-Arrest

46. E-FAST

47. Hypoxemia

48. Mechanical Circulatory Support and Cannulation Strategies

49. Predicting and Measuring Fluid Responsiveness

50. Clinical Applications of Diastology

51. Echocardiography in Assessment and Management of Acute and Chronic Right Heart Failure

52. Pneumothorax

53. Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema, Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (ARDS), Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease (Interstitial Pneumonitis)

54. Pulmonary Consolidations

55. Pleural Effusions

56. Differentiating Pulmonary Edema, Pneumonia, COPD/Asthma, Bronchiolitis, ARDS, Pulmonary Embolism

57. Esophageal Versus Endotracheal Intubation

58. Optimization and Facilitation of Weaning from the Ventilator

59. Other Causes of Hypoxemia

60. Trauma Ultrasound and E-FAST Examination

61. Liver and Gallbladder

62. Kidney

63. Detection of Free Fluid and Air

64. Small Bowel Obstruction, Perforation, and Other Bowel Pathology

65. Bladder Ultrasound

66. Obstetrics and Gynecology

67. Abdominal Vascular Ultrasound

68. Gastric Ultrasound

69. Abdominal Emergencies

70. Deep Vein Thrombosis

71. Pseudoaneurysm

72. Aneurysm

73. Aortic Dissection

74. Invasive Line Placement: Central Line, Arterial Line, and Peripheral IV Placement

75. Thoracentesis and Chest Tube Placement

76. Paracentesis

77. Pericardiocentesis

78. Endotracheal Intubation

79. Abscess Evaluation and Drainage

80. Lumbar Puncture

81. Transcranial Doppler

Static Presentation

I. Physics of Ultrasound

1. Basic Ultrasound Wave Properties

2. Pulsed-Wave vs. Continuous-Wave Doppler

3. Ultrasound Propagation Through Tissue

4. Ultrasound Transducer and System

5. Ultrasound Modes

6. Longitudinal, Lateral, and Temporal Resolution

7. Doppler Effect and Principles

8. Physics of Ultrasound Bioeffects

II. Image Acquisition, Optimization, Knobology, and Ultrasound Care

9. Patient and Ultrasound Machine Positioning, Probe Selection and Orientation, Proper Ultrasound Care

10. Optimizing Probe Position and Knobology for Image Acquisition

11. Knobology, Probe Positioning, and Concepts of Image Acquisition

12. Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE) and Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) Views: TTE Versus TEE

13. Three-Dimensional Echocardiography

III. Artifacts

14. Physics of Artifacts

15. Types of Artifacts

16. Ultrasound Artifacts Versus Pathological and Normal Anatomical Variants

IV. Quantification and Hemodynamic Calculations

17. Doppler Shift Principles

18. Pulsed Wave Doppler, Continuous Wave Doppler, and Tissue Doppler Imaging

19. Hemodynamic Calculations

20. Quantification Calculations

21. Quantification of Diastolic Function

V. Cardiac

22. Left Ventricular Systolic Function

23. Right Ventricular Function and Pulmonary Hypertension

24. Aortic Valvular Disease

25. Mitral Valvular Disease

26. Tricuspid Valvular Disease

27. Pulmonary Valve Diseases

28. Mechanical and Bioprosthetic Valves

29. Endocarditis and Other Pathologic and Normal Anatomic Variants

30. Left Atrial and Right Atrial Size, Function, and Pathology

31. Pericardial Disease

32. Aortic and Other Great Vessel Diseases

33. Ischemic/Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies and Congenital Heart Disease

34. Myocardial Ischemia, Infarction, and Wall Motion Abnormalities

35. Diastology

36. Mechanical Circulatory Support

37. Intracardiac Shunts

38. Intracardiac Masses, Abnormal Structures, Normal Anatomic Variants, and Artifacts

39. Transthoracic Echocardiogram Versus Transesophageal Echocardiogram

VI. Differentiating Shock

40. Obstructive Shock

41. Hypovolemic shock

42. Distributive, Vasodilatory, Neurogenic, and Septic

43. Cardiogenic Shock

44. Various Protocols: FATE, FEEL, FEER, FAST

VII. Rescue Echo

45. Cardiac Arrest and Peri-Arrest

46. E-FAST

47. Hypoxemia

48. Mechanical Circulatory Support and Cannulation Strategies

VIII. Predicting and Measuring Fluid Responsiveness

49. Predicting and Measuring Fluid Responsiveness

IX. Clinical Applications of Diastology

50. Clinical Applications of Diastology

X. Pulmonary Hypertension and Cor Pulmonale

51. Echocardiography in Assessment and Management of Acute and Chronic Right Heart Failure

XI. Lung and Pleural Ultrasound

52. Pneumothorax

53. Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema, Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (ARDS), Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease (Interstitial Pneumonitis)

54. Pulmonary Consolidations

55. Pleural Effusions

56. Differentiating Pulmonary Edema, Pneumonia, COPD/Asthma, Bronchiolitis, ARDS, Pulmonary Embolism

57. Esophageal Versus Endotracheal Intubation

58. Optimization and Facilitation of Weaning from the Ventilator

59. Other Causes of Hypoxemia

XII. Trauma Ultrasound and E-FAST Exam

60. Trauma Ultrasound and E-FAST Examination

XIII. Abdominal Ultrasound

61. Liver and Gallbladder

62. Kidney

63. Detection of Free Fluid and Air

64. Small Bowel Obstruction, Perforation, and Other Bowel Pathology

65. Bladder Ultrasound

66. Obstetrics and Gynecology

67. Abdominal Vascular Ultrasound

68. Gastric Ultrasound

69. Abdominal Emergencies

XIV. Vascular Ultrasound

70. Deep Vein Thrombosis

71. Pseudoaneurysm

72. Aneurysm

73. Aortic Dissection

XV. Procedures

74. Invasive Line Placement: Central Line, Arterial Line, and Peripheral IV Placement

75. Thoracentesis and Chest Tube Placement

76. Paracentesis

77. Pericardiocentesis

78. Endotracheal Intubation

79. Abscess Evaluation and Drainage

80. Lumbar Puncture

81. Transcranial Doppler




An aparitie 25/01/2022
Autor Marvin G. Chang, Abraham Sonny MD, FASE, David Dudzinski, Christopher R. Tainter, Ryan J. Horvath MD, PhD, Sheri M. Berg MD, Edward A Bittner
Dimensiuni 213 x 276 mm
Editura LWW
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781975144135
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 1088
Versiune digitala DA

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