Core Techniques in Flap Reconstructive Microsurgery
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Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani
Editura: Springer
Limba: Engleza
Nr. pagini: 508
Coperta: Hardcover
Dimensiuni: 210 x 279 mm
An aparitie: 26 Apr 2023
A step-by-step clinical guide to modern reconstructive options in free flap surgery, practical and operative
Many chapters include supplemental video content to aid in comprehension
Easy-to-read content, supported by over 600 images and clinical illustrations
About this book
This book provides a practical, step-by-step guidance on modern workhorse flaps for plastic and reconstructive surgeons in training or in their early career. The 50 chapters cover everything from surgical fundamentals to preconditions of microsurgical techniques, but also covers pre-operative planning, steps of microsurgical dissection and management of complications in a straightforward, explanatory style, and are supplemented by over 600 clinical illustrations and cadaveric images. Further videos demonstrations with pertinent steps in flap dissection, anatomical nomenclature and long-term outcomes are also demonstrated.
For each flap a detailed discussion of key papers concerning its origin, pitfalls, technical refinements and tips for success are also included. Thanks to specific notes on common reconstructive challenges and complications, this book offers a valuable reference tool and would be unquestionably an integral reference guide for every surgeon interested in reconstructive microsurgical techniques, especially during their early microsurgical career.
Table of contents (51 chapters)
Front Matter
Pages i-xvii
Introduction to Reconstructive Microsurgery
Microsurgery Essentials: Preconditions, Instrumentation, and Setup
Alberto Ballestín, Sandra Shurey
Pages 3-9
Basic and Advanced Microvascular Anastomotic Techniques
Alberto Ballestín, Yelena Akelina
Pages 11-18
Decision-Making in Flap Surgery: Reconstructive Ladder Versus Elevator
Mohammed Farid, Thessa Friebel, Dariush Nikkhah
Pages 19-24
Assessment of Flap Perfusion: Microvascular Flowmetry
Joshua Luck
Pages 25-37
Re-exploration, Complications and Flap Salvage
Paul Caine, Johann A. Jeevaratnam, Adam Misky, Dariush Nikkhah
Pages 39-46
The Use of Ultrasound Technology in Planning Perforator Flaps and Lymphatic Surgery
Giuseppe Visconti, Alessandro Bianchi, Akitatsu Hayashi, Marzia Salgarello
Pages 47-53
Novel Microscopic Technologies in Reconstructive Microsurgery/Microvascular Surgery
Michalis Hadjiandreou, Georgios Pafitanis
Pages 55-75
Robotic Microvascular and Free Flap Surgery: Overview of Current Robotic Applications and Introduction of a Dedicated Robot for Microsurgery
Joost A. G. N. Wolfs, Rutger M. Schols, Tom J. M. van Mulken
Pages 77-86
Technical Tips in Microvascular Surgery
Marios Nicolaides, Georgios Pafitanis
Pages 87-95
Core Flaps
Temporal Artery Flaps
Oliver J. Smith, Greg O’Toole, Walid Sabbagh
Pages 99-103
Supraorbital and Supratrochlear Artery Flaps - Forehead Flap and Modifications
Daniel B. Saleh, Alex Dearden
Pages 105-116
Cervicofacial Flap
Luke Geoghegan, Dariush Nikkhah, Tiew Chong Teo
Pages 117-122
Bowel Flaps - Jejunum Flap
Georgios Pafitanis, Shin-Heng Chen, Hung-Chi Chen
Pages 123-132
Thoracodorsal Artery Flap: Latissimus Dorsi Flap
Mohammed Farid, Dariush Nikkhah, Jeremy Rawlins
Pages 133-151
Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap
Youn Hwan Kim, Lan Sook Chang
Pages 153-164
The Scapular Axis Flaps: An Expendable Direct Cutaneous Perforator with Many Options
Daniel Saleh, John Henton
Pages 165-170
Thoracoacromial Artery Flap: Pectoralis Major Muscle Flap
Jonathan A. Dunne, Ian C. C. King, Dariush Nikkhah, Jeremy Rawlins
Pages 171-179
Transverse Cervical Artery Flap - Supraclavicular Flap
Pedro Ciudad, Juste Kaciulyte, Georgios Pafitanis, Hung-Chi Chen
Pages 181-187
Inferior Epigastric Artery Flap: Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap
Alexandra O’Neill, Dariush Nikkhah, Ahmed M. Yassin, Bernard Luczak
Pages 189-204
Inferior and Superior Epigastric Artery Flaps: The Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flap
Matthew Wordsworth, Dariush Nikkhah, Alex Woollard, Norbert Kang
Pages 205-211
Superficial Inferior Epigastric Artery and Superficial Circumflex Iliac Artery Perforator Combined Flaps
Hidehiko Yoshimatsu, Yuma Fuse, Ryo Karakawa, Akitatsu Hayashi
Pages 213-218
Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap
Mohammed Farid, Mohamed Shibu
Pages 219-225
Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap
Maleeha Mughal, Paul Roblin
Pages 227-230
The Lumbar Artery Perforator Flap: A True Alternative in Autologous Breast Reconstruction
Filip B. J. L. Stillaert, Phillip Blondeel, Koenraad Van Landuyt
Pages 231-242
Right Gastroepiploic Artery: Omental Flap
Vladimir Anikin, Katherine de Rome
Pages 243-248
Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flaps
Prateush Singh, Andreas Georgiou, Julia Ruston, Dariush Nikkhah
Pages 249-257
Digital Artery Flaps: Homodigital and Heterodigital Island Flaps
Sirke Rinkoff, Julia Ruston, Dariush Nikkhah
Pages 259-269
Radial Forearm Flap
Shahriar Raj Zaman, Qadir Khan, Jeremy M. Rawlins, Allan Ponniah, Dariush Nikkhah
Pages 271-279
Posterior Interosseous Artery Flap
Douglas Copson, Dariush Nikkhah, Mark Pickford
Pages 281-288
Venous Flaps
Christopher Deutsch, Jamil Moledina
Pages 289-295
Free Thenar Flap
Dimitris Reissis, Petr Vondra, Zheng Yumao
Pages 297-304
Medial and Lateral Arm Fasciocutaneous Flaps
Katerina Kyprianou, Georgios Pafitanis, Dajiang Song, Youmao Zhen
Pages 305-312
The Groin Flap: The Workhorse Flap for Upper Limb Reconstruction
Hari Venkatramani, David Zargaran, Dariush Nikkhah, Julia Ruston, S. Raja Sabapathy
Pages 313-323
Superficial Circumflex Iliac Artery Perforator Flap: A Thin and Versatile Option for Limb and Head and Neck Reconstruction
Juan Enrique Berner, Dariush Nikkhah, Tiew Chong Teo
Pages 325-332
Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery—Anterolateral Thigh Flap: Anterolateral Thigh Flap
Robert Miller, Dariush Nikkhah, Edmund Fitzgerald O’Connor, Jeremy Rawlins
Pages 333-341
Transverse Upper Gracilis (TUG) Flap: A Reliable Alternative for Breast Reconstruction
Juan Enrique Berner, Adam Blackburn
Pages 343-351
Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery: Gracilis Muscle Flap
Robert Miller, Dariush Nikkhah, Graeme Glass
Pages 353-364
Profunda Artery Perforator Flap
Tomoyuki Yano
Pages 365-371
Medial Femoral Condyle Flap
Anthony L. Logli, Alexander Y. Shin
Pages 373-384
Medial Sural Artery Perforator Flap
Dimitris Reissis, Dariush Nikkhah, Bernard Luczak, Georgios Orfaniotis
Pages 385-395
Peroneal Artery Flaps: The Free Fibula Flap
Amitabh Thacoor, Daniel Butler, Dariush Nikkhah, Jeremy Rawlins
Pages 397-408
Posterior Tibial and Peroneal Perforators Flaps
Ahmed M. Yassin, Muholan Kanapathy, Georgios Pafitanis
Pages 409-418
Second Toe Free Flap
Dariush Nikkhah, Juan Enrique Berner, Petr Vondra, Bran Sivakumar, Mark Pickford
Pages 419-428
Great Toe Flaps
Dariush Nikkhah, Norbert Kang
Pages 429-441
The Medial Plantar Flap
Alexander E. J. Trevatt, Miguel A. Johnson, Tiew C. Teo
Pages 443-452
Common Recipient Vessels
Chest Wall Recipient Vessels Access
Pennylouise Hever, Dariush Nikkhah, Alexandra Molina, Martin Jones
Pages 455-463
Head and Neck Recipient Vessels Access
Alexandra O’Neill, Juan Enrique Berner, Georgios Pafitanis
Pages 465-471
Upper Limb Recipient Vessels Access
Zhi Yang Ng, Calum Honeyman, Amir Sadr, Dariush Nikkhah
Pages 473-480
Lower Limb Recipient Vessels Access
Yezen Sheena, Georgios Pafitanis, Dariush Nikkhah, Edmund Fitzgerald O’Connor, Jeremy Rawlins
Pages 481-488
Lymphatic Supermicrosurgery
Takumi Yamamoto, Nana Yamamoto
Pages 489-496
Cadaveric Anatomy: Microvascular Flaps Dissection
Georgios Pafitanis, Dajiang Song, Youmao Zheng
Pages 499-508
An aparitie | 26 Apr 2023 |
Autor | Dariush Nikkhah, Jeremy Rawlins, Georgios Pafitanis |
Dimensiuni | 210 x 279 mm |
Editura | Springer |
Format | Hardcover |
ISBN | 9783031076770 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 508 |
1,13400 lei 1,00000 lei
1,19700 lei 1,04500 lei
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