Be A Free Range Human: Escape the 9-5, Create a Life You Love and Still Pay the Bills

Be A Free Range Human: Escape the 9-5, Create a Life You Love and Still Pay the Bills

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780749497095

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Kogan Page

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 304

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 14 x 2 x 21.6 cm

An aparitie: 3 Sep 2019

Trapped in a job or business that's "just not you"? Always dreaming of your next vacation or living for the weekend? Marianne Cantwell's straight-talking bestseller will help you break out of that career cage and Be A Free Range Human. It's about much more than just quitting your job and becoming your own boss. It's about life on your terms, working when, where and how you want - so you don't have to leave a piece of yourself at the door in order to get paid. With brand new stories of people who have successfully gone free range, this second edition won't just inspire you, it will give you unconventional and practical steps to: - Discover what you really want to do with your life (even if no answer has ever fully fit) - Test an idea in under 30 days - Create a free range career, tailor-made for you and the life you want - Get paid well to be you - Stand out from the crowd and do things your way! Be A Free Range Human was one of the first and most popular guides to creating a custom career (without an office or a boss). Updated with new advice on how to make free range work for your personality (you don't need to be a constantly-networking extrovert or have an MBA), this smart, energizing guide will help you cut through the noise, see your options in a new way, and get the freedom and fulfilment you crave.

·  Introduction

·  From beach to boardroom

·  What I do now (work or pleasure?)

·  Jobs are so last century (welcome to free ranging)

·  What this book is not

·  Who am I to write this book?

·  Part One: Get ready for the ride

·  01 What your school career adviser never told you

·  The ‘safe job’ myth

·  Myth buster

·  Free range third way

·  02 Why this matters now

·  What would you do if you had only one life?

·  Notes

·  Part Two: Creating your free range life

·  03 Why doing what you love is not negotiable

·  The two-step strategy

·  04 Dream big – then get off your butt and do it

·  How to quit your job, write a book and get on TV (while baking cakes)

·  Dare to dream

·  05 Defrosting – your secret weapon in figuring out what you want

·  Is your GPS out of whack?

·  06 How to create your perfect ‘career’ when you want to do everything

·  The ‘one thing’ myth

·  Myth buster

·  07 Spot your superpowers

·  Average is no longer an option

·  Weaknesses are just strengths in the wrong environment

·  How to use your strengths to find your thing

·  FREE RANGE PROFILE: Benny’s story

·  08 Taking free range action

·  The ‘endless research’ myth

·  Myth buster

·  Free range third way

·  Notes

·  Part Three: Think like a Free Range Human

·  FREE RANGE PROFILE: Peter’s story

·  09 Why you don’t need an original idea

·  The ‘originality’ myth

·  Myth buster

·  Free range third way

·  10 Think beyond your job title

·  The ‘but I don’t have decades of experience’ myth

·  Myth buster

·  Free range third way

·  11 What a free range business looks like

·  Five free range business types (plus one extra option)

·  12 How to free range-ify your idea

·  13 How to start with what you have

·  The 100k question

·  Get Champagne results on a Chardonnay budget

·  14 How to know if your idea will work

·  How to know if your idea can pay enough

·  How to know if people will really pay for what you have to offer

·  Where are you in your idea?

·  FREE RANGE PROFILE: Susan’s story

·  Notes

·    Interlude: Free range reality check

·  15 Meet the people who don’t want you to escape the career cage

·  The truth is the beige army is just a group of scared but vocal people

·  The beige army’s biggest weapon is its pretence that it represents everyone

·  16 What to do with those Reasons Why Not

·  The ‘not for the likes of me’ myth

·  Myth buster

·  Free range third way

·  17 Wait, but what if I’m not a shiny-haired, always-confident entrepreneur?

·  Free range thinking (under the surface)

·  FREE RANGE PROFILE: Jon’s story

·  Notes

·  Part Four: Build your free range escape hatch

·  18 Making a living without an office

·  19 Why you don’t need a business plan

·  The ‘research’ myth

·  Myth buster

·  Free range third way

·  20 Why you don’t need to appeal to everyone

·  Big lives come from bold steps

·  My journey from bland to bold

·  21 How to decide who gets to give you money

·  From burnout to brilliant: a real-life turnaround

·  How to choose your niche

·  22 How to brand like a rock star

·  The power of branding as you

·  Your brand is more than a name

·  23 How to stand out from the crowd

·  How to stand out (by being more you)

·  Who am I again? (the problem with personal branding)

·  24 The three Free Range Styles

·  What are the Free Range Styles?

·  Bringing this to life

·  25 The Free Range Faststart

·  How to do the Free Range Faststart

·  Choosing your Faststart partners

·  Faststart with Style

·  FREE RANGE PROFILE: Connie’s story

·  26 Instant status

·  Status hacking 101

·  Three pillars of instant status

·  27 How to communicate in an unsucky way

·  Speak human

·  28 Why you don’t have to be an all-rounder

·  29 How to sell without selling your soul

·  The four Es of selling without selling your soul

·  30 Get comfortable with setting your salary

·  31 Overcoming information overwhelm

·  Filter 1. Is this right for who I am?

·  Filter 2. Is this right for where I am?

·  32 What to do when you get stuck

·  When to give up

·  When to give in

·  33 Living and working anywhere (or: creating your own lifestyle)

·  Choose your own adventure

·  34 How to quit your job


An aparitie 3 Sep 2019
Autor Marianne Cantwell
Dimensiuni 14 x 2 x 21.6 cm
Editura Kogan Page
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780749497095
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 304

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