Atlas of Veterinary Surgical Pathology
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An indispensable next-to-the-microscope diagnostic resource for veterinary pathologists
Atlas of Veterinary Surgical Pathology delivers a comprehensive exploration of the lesions and diseases most commonly encountered by veterinary practitioners in small animals and horses. The book includes coverage of diseases of the skin, eye, and musculoskeletal systems, and male and female reproductive tracts. It also offers descriptions of relevant microscopic features and color microphotographs of the included lesions. More than 500 images depict lesions.
With fully detailed discussions of degenerative, inflammatory, and neoplastic lesions, the book is an authoritative guide to quickly and accurately identifying common and uncommon lesions in small animals and horses. It also offers:
· A thorough introduction to the techniques relevant to surgical pathology, including specimen preparation and the interpretation of biopsy and the reporting of results
· Comprehensive explorations of skin and adjacent soft tissue, including developmental and degenerative diseases, inflammatory diseases, and neoplasms
· Practical discussions of reproductive tract lesions
· Complete treatments of lesions of the musculoskeletal system, and eye and periocular tissues
Perfect for veterinary pathologists and residents, Veterinary Surgical Pathology is a practical handbook to the lesions and diseases encountered by veterinary professionals in small animal and equine surgical pathology.
List of Contributors xiii
Preface xiv
Acknowledgments xv
1 Pathology of the Eye and Periocular Tissues 1
Joseph S. Haynes
Introduction 1
Prefixation Preparation 1
Fixation of Eyes for Histopathology 1
Sectioning 2
Processing and Staining 2
Ocular Structure and Development 2
Cornea 3
General Corneal Reactions to Injury 4
Developmental and Degenerative Corneal Disease 5
Corneal Dermoid 5
Corneal Erosions and Ulcers 5
Corneal Sequestration 7
Corneal Endothelial Dystrophy and Mineralization 8
Corneal Stromal Dystrophy and Mineralization 8
Inflammatory Disease of the Cornea 8
Keratitis 8
Keratitis sicca 9
Canine Pannus Keratitis (Chronic Superficial Keratitis) 10
Feline Herpetic Keratitis 10
Feline Eosinophilic Keratitis 10
Mycotic Keratitis 11
Equine Corneal Stromal Abscess 11
Uvea 11
General Uveal Reactions to Injury 12
Developmental and Degenerative Uveal Disease 13
Goniodysgenesis and Pectinate Ligament Dysplasia 14
Persistent Pupillary Membrane 14
Choroidal Hypoplasia 14
Hypertensive Vasculopathy 15
Inflammatory Disease of the Uvea and Ocular 15
Uveitis 15
Lymphoplasmacytic Anterior Uveitis 16
Phacoclastic Uveitis/Endophthalmitis 19
Phacolytic Uveitis 19
Equine Recurrent Uveitis 19
Uveitis Due to FIP Coronavirus 19
Canine Uveodermatologic Syndrome (VKH-like Syndrome) 19
Pigmentary Uveitis 20
Endophthalmitis and Panophthalmitis 20
Bacterial Endophthalmitis 22
Ocular Blastomycosis 22
Ocular Cryptococcosis 22
Ocular Coccidioidomycosis 22
Ocular Histoplasmosis 24
Ocular Protothecosis 24
Lens 25
General Lens Reactions to Injury 25
Lens Luxation 25
Developmental and Degenerative Disease of the Lens 25
Microphakia and Aphakia 25
Persistent Pupillary Membrane, Persistent Primary (Hyperplastic) Vitreous, Persistent Posterior Tunica Vasculosa Lentis, and Persistent Hyaloid Artery 26
Cataract 27
Inflammatory Disease of the Lens 28
Phacitis 28
Retina 29
General Retinal Reactions to Injury 30
Developmental and Degenerative Retinal Disease 30
Retinal Dysplasia 30
Lysosomal Storage Diseases 30
Cystic Retinal Degeneration 31
Inherited Retinal Dysplasia and/or Degeneration (Progressive Retinal Atrophy) 31
Nutritionally Induced Retinopathy 32
Toxic Retinopathy 32
Ischemic and Infarctive Retinopathy 33
Glaucoma 33
Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome 34
Retinal Detachment 35
Inflammatory Disease of the Retina 36
Retinitis 36
Optic Nerve 36
Developmental and Degenerative Disease of the Optic Nerve 36
Hypoplasia of the Optic Nerve and/or Optic Chiasm 36
Axonal Degeneration and Atrophy of the Optic Nerve 36
Cavitation of Optic Disk 36
Canine Ocular Gliovascular Syndrome 37
Inflammatory Disease of the Optic Nerve 37
Optic Neuritis 37
Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis 38
Sclera 38
Developmental and Degenerative Scleral Disease 39
Scleral Ectasia 39
Inflammatory Disease of the Sclera 39
Lymphoplasmacytic Scleritis 39
Nodular Granulomatous Episcleritis and Necrotizing Scleritis 40
Eyelids, Conjunctiva and Retrobulbar Tissues 40
Developmental Disease of the Eyelids 40
Inflammatory Disease of the Eyelids 40
Granulomatous Blepharitis/Meibomian Adenitis 40
Marginal Nodular Blepharitis/Meibomian Adenitis 42
Inflammatory Disease of the Conjunctiva, Membrana Nictitans, and Retrobulbar Tissues 42
Conjunctivitis 42
Nodular Granulomatous Episcleritis/Conjunctivitis 42
Periocular/Retrobulbar Cellulitis/Abscess 42
Neoplasia of the Eye and Periocular Tissues 43
Neoplasia of the Cornea 43
Neoplasia of the Uvea 45
Intraocular Melanoma and Uveal Melanocytosis 45
Iridociliary Tumors 45
Anterior Uveal Sarcoma of Blue-Eyed Dogs 46
Intraocular Osteosarcoma 46
Intraocular Adenocarcinosarcoma (Malignant Mixed Tumor) 48
Lymphoma 48
Neoplasia of the Lens 50
Trauma-Induced Intraocular Sarcoma of Cats 50
Neoplasia of the Retina 50
Neoplasia of the Eyelids 50
Palpebral Melanocytoma and Malignant Melanoma 50
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 50
Squamous Papilloma 50
Meibomian Gland Tumors 52
Neoplasia of the Conjunctiva and Membrana Nictitans 52
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 52
Adenocarcinoma of Gland of Third Eyelid (Membrana Nictitans) 54
Epibulbar Melanoma 54
Neoplasia of Retrobulbar Tissues 54
Retrobulbar Meningioma 54
Retrobulbar Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor 55
Lymphoma 55
Adenoma/Adenocarcinoma of Lacrimal Gland or Zygomatic Salivary Gland 55
Canine Orbital Lobular Adenoma 57
References and Additional Readings 57
2 Pathology of the Bones and Joints 59
Joseph S. Haynes
Introduction 59
Specimen Preparation, Fixation, and Demineralization 59
Bone Structure and Physiology 60
Development of Bone and Cartilage 61
Basic Reactions of Bone to Injury 62
Hypoplastic/Dysplastic Bone Growth 62
Loss of Bone 63
Excessive Production of Bone 63
Osteonecrosis 64
Inflammation of Bone 65
Neoplasia of Bone 68
Joint Structure and Physiology 68
Basic Reactions of Joints to Injury 68
Degenerative Changes in Articular Cartilage 69
Inflammation of Articular Cartilage and Chondronecrosis 70
Inflammation of the Synovial Membrane and Joint Capsule 71
Diseases of Bone 72
Developmental Disorders and Anomalies 72
Osteochondrosis 72
Physeal Dysplasia in Cats 73
Chondrodysplasia 73
Osteochondromatosis (Multiple Cartilaginous Exostoses) 73
Hyperostotic Diseases of Bone 74
Hypertrophic (Pulmonary) Osteopathy 74
Canine Hepatozoonosis 74
Hyperostoses of Nutritional Origin 74
Hyperostoses of Unknown Cause 74
Inflammatory Diseases of Bone 75
Osteomyelitis Caused by Bacterial Infection 75
Osteomyelitis Caused by Fungal Infection 76
Canine Metaphyseal Osteopathy (Canine Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy) 76
Osteonecrosis and Bone Infarction 77
Necrosis of the Femoral Head and Legg–Calve–Perthes Disease 77
Bone Infarction 77
Neoplasia of Bone 78
Osteoma 78
Osteosarcoma 78
Chondroma 80
Chondrosarcoma 82
Multilobular Tumor of Bone 82
Osteochondroma 83
Giant Cell Tumor 83
Multiple Myeloma 83
Chordoma 84
Hemangiosarcoma 84
Ossifying Fibroma 84
Diseases of Joints 85
Osteochondrosis Dissecans 85
Infectious Arthritis due to Bacteria 86
Lyme Disease 86
Autoimmune and Immune-Mediated Arthritis 86
Chronic Osteoarthritis 86
Neoplasms of Joints 87
References and Additional Readings 89
3 Pathology of the Skin 90
Joseph S. Haynes
Introduction 90
Specimen Preparation and Fixation 90
Basic Reactions of Skin to Injury 90
Inflammation of the Skin: Dermatitis 90
Microscopic Patterns of Cutaneous Inflammation 91
Acute Dermatitis 91
Chronic Dermatitis 94
Abnormal Keratinization 95
Alopecia 96
Abnormal Pigmentation 96
Diseases of the Skin 96
Developmental Disorders and Anomalies of the Skin 96
Ichthyosis 96
Primary Seborrhea 96
Hyperplastic Dermatosis of the West Highland White Terriers 97
Zinc Responsive Dermatosis 97
Black-Hair Follicular Dysplasia and Color Mutant Alopecia 98
Collagen Dysplasia 98
Degenerative, Atrophic, and Necrotizing Diseases of the Skin 99
Endocrine-Related Disease 99
Superficial Necrolytic Dermatitis 100
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis 101
Cutaneous Infarction 101
Inflammatory Diseases of the Skin 101
Allergic Skin Diseases 101
Feline Miliary Dermatitis 103
Autoimmune Skin Diseases 107
Bacterial Skin Disease 111
Pyoderma 112
Nocardiosis and Actinomycosis 112
Fungal Skin Disease 112
Dermatophytosis 112
Additional Fungal Skin Disease 112
Parasitic Skin Disease 113
Demodectic Mange 113
Sarcoptic and Notoedric Mange (Scabies) 115
Cutaneous Habronemiasis 116
Miscellaneous Inflammatory Skin Diseases 116
Acral Lick Dermatitis 116
Chronic Otitis Externa 117
Pyogranulomatous Panniculitis 117
Sebaceous Adenitis 117
Neoplasms and Cystic Lesions of the Skin 117
Epithelial Neoplasms 117
Squamous Papilloma 117
Inverted Viral Squamous Papilloma 119
Cutaneous Horn 119
Canine and Feline Viral Plaque 119
Actinic Keratosis 119
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 120
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 121
Basosquamous Carcinoma 124
Infundibular Keratinizing Acanthoma (Intracutaneous Cornifying Epithelioma) 124
Subungual Keratoacanthoma 125
Trichoblastoma (Basal Cell Tumor) 125
Trichoblastoma 125
Trichoepithelioma 125
Pilomatricoma 129
Apocrine Gland Tumors 131
Anal Sac Apocrine Adenocarcinoma 132
Ceruminous Gland Tumors 133
Sebaceous Gland Tumors 133
Hepatoid/Perianal Gland Tumors 135
Eccrine Gland Tumors 135
Melanotic Tumors 137
Mesenchymal Neoplasms 138
Canine Soft Tissue Sarcomas 138
Equine Sarcoid 140
Feline Sarcoid 141
Canine Keloidal Fibroma 141
Feline Giant Cell Sarcoma 141
Feline Vaccination Site Sarcoma 141
Cutaneous Hemangioma and Hemangiosarcoma 141
Round Cell Neoplasms and Reactive Proliferations 143
Cutaneous Lymphoma 143
Cutaneous Histiocytic Diseases 143
Canine Persistent and Recurrent Cutaneous Histiocytomas 144
Cutaneous Plasmacytoma 148
Canine Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors 148
Canine Subcutaneous Mast Cell Tumors 151
Feline Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors 151
Equine Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors 151
Other Masses, Cysts, and Cyst-like Structures 153
Follicular Cyst 153
Infundibular Cyst 153
Isthmus Cyst 154
Matrical Cyst 154
Hybrid Cyst 154
Dermoid Cyst 155
Apocrine Gland Cyst 155
Canine Apocrine Cystomatosis 156
Feline Ceruminous Cystomatosis 156
Calcinosis Circumscripta 156
Follicular Hamartoma 156
Fibroadnexal Hamartoma 156
Collagenous Hamartoma 158
Acrochordon (Skin Tag) 158
References and Additional Readings 159
4 Pathology of the Male Reproductive System 160
Michael J. Yaeger
Prostate 160
Introduction 160
Developmental and Degenerative Diseases 160
Prostatic Hypoplasia/Atrophy 160
Prostatic Hyperplasia/Hypertrophy 160
Prostatic Cysts 162
Prostatic Squamous Metaplasia 162
Prostatic Inflammatory Diseases 162
Acute and Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis 162
Prostatic Abscessation 163
Prostatic Neoplasia 163
Prostatic Adenocarcinoma 164
Prostatic Transitional Cell Carcinoma 164
Testes and Epididymis 164
Developmental and Degenerative Diseases 166
Testicular Hypoplasia 166
Testicular Atrophy/Degeneration 166
Testicular and Epididymal Inflammatory Disease 166
Infectious Orchitis and Epididymitis 166
Spermatocele and Sperm Granulomas 167
Testicular Neoplasia 167
Sertoli Cell Tumors 169
Seminoma 169
Interstitial Cell (Leydig) Tumor 169
Biologic Behavior of Canine Testicular Tumors 171
Feline Testicular Tumors 171
Equine Testicular Tumors 171
Penis and Prepuce 171
Introduction 171
Developmental and Degenerative Diseases 172
Inflammatory Diseases 172
Balanitis, Posthitis and Balanoposthitis 172
Neoplastic Diseases 172
Equine Penile Neoplasia 172
Equine Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma 173
Equine Penile Sarcoid 173
Equine Penile Melanoma 173
Bovine Penile Fibropapilloma 174
Canine Penile Papilloma 174
Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor 174
References and Additional Readings 176
5 Pathology of the Female Reproductive System 178
Michael J. Yaeger
Ovaries 178
Introduction 178
Developmental and Degenerative Diseases 178
Ovarian Cysts 178
Ovarian Inflammation 179
Oophoritis and Salpingitis 179
Ovarian Neoplasia 179
Germ Cell Tumors/Dysgerminoma and Teratoma 180
Dysgerminoma 180
Teratoma 181
Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors 181
Epithelial Tumors 182
Uterus and Vagina 183
Introduction 183
Developmental and Degenerative Diseases 184
Endometrial Hyperplasia/Cysts 184
Serosal Inclusion Cysts 184
Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia 184
Pseudoplacentational Endometrial Hyperplasia 184
Adenomyosis 185
Subinvolution of Placental Sites 185
Uterine Inflammation 186
Endometritis, Metritis, Perimetritis, and Pyometra 186
Endometrial Biopsies 186
Uterine and Vaginal Neoplasia 189
Endometrial Polyps 189
Uterine Tumors 189
Vaginal and Vulvar Tumors 190
Mammary Gland 191
Introduction 191
Developmental and Degenerative Diseases 191
Feline Mammary Fibroadenomatous Hyperplasia 191
Mammary Duct Ectasia and Hyperplasia 191
Inflammatory Disease 192
Mastitis 192
Mammary Neoplasia 192
Rat Mammary Neoplasia 192
Fibroadenoma 192
Canine Mammary Neoplasia 193
Mammary Adenoma and Complex Mammary Adenoma (Mixed Tumor) 193
Malignant Mammary Neoplasia 194
Mammary Adenocarcinoma, Sarcoma, and Carcinosarcoma 194
Feline Mammary Neoplasia 196
Feline Mammary Carcinoma/Adenocarcinoma 197
References and Additional Readings 197
Index 199
An aparitie | 16 Mar. 2023 |
Autor | JS Haynes |
Dimensiuni | 22.1 x 1.52 x 27.94 cm |
Editura | Wiley |
Format | Hardcover |
ISBN | 9781119261223 |
Limba | Engleza |
Nr pag | 224 |
91900 lei 87000 lei
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