Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach

Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781975168797

Disponibilitate: La comanda in 3-4 saptamani

Editura: LWW

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 784

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 213 x 276 mm

An aparitie: 31 August 2021



For nearly 40 years, Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach has helped orthopaedic surgeons enhance their anatomic knowledge, increase safety, and improve patient outcomes. The fully revised sixth edition carries on the legacy of Dr. Stanley Hoppenfeld (1934-2020), whose ideas have influenced orthopaedic surgical care worldwide. Coauthored by Piet de Boer and Dr. Richard Buckley, this bestselling reference provides a clear view of orthopaedic anatomy from the surgeon’s perspective using easy-to-follow descriptions and hundreds of superb full-color illustrations. 


Table of Contents:


Chapter 1 The Shoulder

Anterior Approach to the Clavicle

Minimally Invasive Approach to Clavicle

Anterior Approach to the Shoulder Joint

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Approach to the Shoulder Joint

Anterolateral Approach to the Acromioclavicular Joint and Subacromial Space

Lateral Approach to the Proximal Humerus

Minimally Invasive Lateral Approach to the Proximal Humerus

Minimally Invasive Anterolateral Approach to the Proximal Humerus for IM Nailing

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Anterolateral and Lateral Approaches

Posterior Approach to the Scapula and Shoulder Joint

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Approach to the Scapula and Shoulder Joint

Arthroscopic Posterior and Anterior Approaches to the Shoulder

Chapter 2 The Humerus

Anterior Approach to the Humeral Shaft

Minimally Invasive Anterior Approach to the Humeral Shaft

Posterior Approach to the Humerus

Anterolateral Approach to the Distal Humerus

Lateral Approach to the Distal Humerus

Medial Approach to the Distal Humerus

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Arm

Chapter 3 The Elbow

Posterior Approach to the Elbow with Olecranon Osteotomy

Posterior Approach to the Elbow without Olecranon Osteotomy

Posterior Triceps-On Approach to the Distal Humerus

Anteromedial Approach to the Elbow

Posteromedial Approach to the Coronoid Process of the Ulna

Anterolateral Approach to the Elbow

Anterior Approach to the Cubital Fossa

Posterolateral Approach to the Radial Head

Applied Surgical Anatomy

Chapter 4 The Forearm

Anterior Approach to the Radius

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Compartment of the Forearm

Exposure of the Shaft of the Ulna

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Approach to the Ulna

Posterior Approach to the Radius

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Approach to the Radius

Approaches for the treatment of forearm compartment syndrome

Anterior Approaches for Forearm Flexor Compartment Decompression

Posterior Approach for Forearm Compartment Syndrome Decompression

Ulnar Approach for Forearm Compartment Syndrome Decompression

Chapter 5 The Wrist and Hand

Dorsal Approach to the Wrist

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Dorsal Approach to the Wrist

Volar Approach to the Distal Radius

Volar Approach to the Carpal Tunnel and Wrist

Volar Approach to the Ulnar Nerve

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Volar Aspect of the Wrist

Volar Approach to the Flexor Tendons

Midlateral Approach to the Flexor Sheaths of the Proximal and Middle Phalanges

Dorsal Approach to Phalanges and Interphalangeal Joints

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Finger Flexor Tendons

Volar Approach to the Scaphoid

Dorsolateral Approach to the Scaphoid

Drainage of Pus in the Hand

Anatomy of the Web Space of the Fingers

Anatomy of the Web Space of the Thumb

Tendon Sheath Infection

Deep Palmar Space Infection

Drainage of the Medial (Midpalmar) Space

Drainage of the Lateral (Thenar) Space

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Deep Palmar Space

Drainage of the Radial Bursa

Drainage of the Ulnar Bursa

Anatomy of the Hand

Chapter 6 The Spine


Posterior Approach to the Lumbar Spine

Minimally Invasive Posterior Approach to the Lumbar Spine

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Approach to the Lumbar Spine

Anterior (Transperitoneal and Retroperitoneal) Approach to the Lumbar Spine

Anterior Retroperitoneal Approach to the Lumbar Spine

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Approach to the Lumbar Spine

Anterolateral (Retroperitoneal) Approach to the Lumbar Spine


Posterior Approach to the Subaxial Cervical Spine

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Approach to the Subaxial Cervical Spine

Posterior Approach to the C1-2 Vertebral Space

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Approach to the C1-2 Vertebral Space

Anterior Approach to the Cervical Spine

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Approach to the Cervical Spine


Posterolateral (Costotransversectomy) Approach to the Thoracic Spine

Anterior (Transthoracic) Approach to the Thoracic Spine


Posterior Approach to the Thoracic and Lumbar Spines for Scoliosis

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Approach to the Thoracic and Lumbar Spines

Approach to the Posterior Lateral Thorax for Excision of Ribs

Approaches for Fixation of Rib Fractures

Muscle-Sparing Approach for Posterolateral Rib Plating

Axillary Approach for Rib Plating

Chapter 7 Pelvis and Acetabulum



Anterior Approach to the Iliac Crest for Bone Graft

Posterior Approach to the Iliac Crest for Bone Graft

Anterior Approach to the Pubic Symphysis

Anterior Approach to the Sacroiliac Joint

Posterior Approach to the Sacroiliac Joint

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Bony Pelvis

Ilioinguinal Approach to the Acetabulum

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Ilioinguinal Approach to the Acetabulum

Anterior Intrapelvic Approach to the Acetabulum

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior Intrapelvic Approach to the Acetabulum

Posterior Approach to the Acetabulum

Chapter 8 The Hip

Anterior Approach to the Hip

Minimally Invasive Anterior Approach to the Hip

Anterolateral Approach to the Hip

Lateral Approach to the Hip

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Anterior, Lateral, and Anterolateral Approaches to the Hip

Posterior Approach to the Hip

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Approaches to the Hip and the Acetabulum

Medial Approach to the Hip

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Medial Approach

Chapter 9 The Femur

Lateral Approach

Posterolateral Approach

Anteromedial Approach to the Distal Two-thirds of the Femur

Posterior Approach

Minimally Invasive Approach to the Distal Femur

Approaches to the Distal Femoral Condyles

Anterior Approach to the Distal Femoral Condyles (Swashbuckler Approach)

Medial Approach to the Medial Femoral Condyle

Lateral Approach to the Distal Femoral Condyle (Gerdy Tubercle Osteotomy Approach)

Minimally Invasive Approach to the Proximal Femur for Intramedullary Nailing

Minimally Invasive Approach for Retrograde Intramedullary Nailing of the Femur

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Thigh

Chapter 10 The Knee

General Principles of Arthroscopy

Arthroscopic Approaches to the Knee

Arthroscopic Exploration of the Knee

Medial Parapatellar Approach

Medial Approach to the Knee and Its Supporting Structures

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Medial Side of the Knee

Lateral Approach to the Knee and Its Supporting Structures

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Lateral Side of the Knee

Posterior Approach to the Knee

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Posterior Approach to the Knee

Chapter 11 The Tibia and Fibula

Anterolateral Approach to the Lateral Tibial Plateau

Posteromedial Approach to the Proximal Tibia

Posterolateral Approach to the Tibial Plateau

Posteromedial Approach to the Tibial Plateau

Minimally Invasive Anterolateral Approach to the Proximal Tibia

Anterior Approach to the Tibia

Minimally Invasive Anterior Approach to the Distal Tibia

Posterolateral Approach to the Tibia

Approach to the Fibula

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Leg

Approaches for Decompression of Lower Leg Compartment Syndrome

Minimally Invasive Approach for Infrapatellar Tibial Nailing

Minimally Invasive Approaches for Suprapatellar Tibial Nailing

Chapter 12 The Foot and Ankle


Anterior Approach to the Ankle

Anterior and Posterior Approaches to the Medial Malleolus

Approach to the Medial Side of the Ankle

Posteromedial Approach to the Ankle

Posterolateral Approach to the Ankle

Lateral Approach to the Lateral Malleolus

Anterolateral Approach to the Ankle and Hindpart of the Foot

Lateral Approach to the Hindpart of the Foot

Lateral Approach to the Posterior Talocalcaneal Joint

Anterolateral Approach to the Talar Neck

Anteromedial Approach to the Talar Neck

Lateral Approach to the Calcaneus

Hindfoot Nailing for Subtalar and Ankle Joint Fusion (Plantar Approach)

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Approaches to the Ankle

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Approaches to the Hindfoot


Dorsal Approaches to the Middle Part of the Foot

Approach to the Navicular

Approach to the Cuboid

Dorsomedial Approach to the Lisfranc Joint

Dorsolateral Approach to the Lisfranc Joint


Dorsomedial Approach to the First Metatarsal

Dorsal Approaches to the Metatarsophalangeal Joint of the Great Toe

Dorsomedial Approaches to the Metatarsophalangeal Joint of the Great Toe

Dorsolateral Approach for Bunion Surgery

Dorsal Approach to the Metatarsals and Metatarsophalangeal Joints of the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Toes

Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Foot

Chapter 13 Approaches for External Fixation

The Humerus

The Radius, Ulna, and Wrist

The Pelvis

The Femur

The Tibia and Fibula

The Ankle and Foot



An aparitie 31 August 2021
Autor Dr. Piet de Boer MD, Richard Buckley MD, FRCSC, Stanley Hoppenfeld MD
Dimensiuni 213 x 276 mm
Editura LWW
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9781975168797
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 784

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