Principles of Neural Science, Sixth Edition

Principles of Neural Science, Sixth Edition

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781264267682

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: McGraw-Hill

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 1696

Coperta: Hardcover


An aparitie: March 15, 2021


The gold standard of neuroscience texts—updated with hundreds of brand-new images and fully revised content in every chapter 

With 300 new illustrations, diagrams, and radiology studies including PET scans, Principles of Neural Science, 6th Edition is the definitive guide for neuroscientists, neurologists, psychiatrists, students, and residents. Highly detailed chapters on stroke, Parkinson’s, and MS build your expertise on these critical topics. Radiological studies the authors have chosen explain what’s most important to know and understand for each type of stroke, progressive MS, or non-progressive MS.


  • 2,200 images, including 300 new color illustrations, diagrams, and radiology studies (including PET scans)
  • NEW: This edition now features only two contributors per chapter and are mostly U.S.-based
  • NEW: Number of chapters streamlined down from 67 to 60
  • NEW: Chapter on Navigation and Spatial Memory
  • NEW: New images in every chapter!

Table of Contents:


·         PART I: Overall Perspective
1. The Brain and Behavior
2. Nerve Cells and Behavior
3. Genes and Behavior

4. Circuits and Behavior

·         PART II: Cell and Molecular Biology of the Neuron 
5. The Cells of the Nervous System

6. Ion Channels
7. Propagated Signaling: The Action Potential

·         PART III: Overview: Synaptic Transmission 
8. Overview of Synaptic Transmission
9. Signaling at the Nerve Muscle Synapse: Directly Gated Transmission
10. Synaptic Integration in the Central Nervous System 
11. Modulation of Synaptic Transmission: Second Messengers
12. Transmitter Release
13. Neurotransmitters 

·         PART IV: Perception
14. Sensory Coding

15. The Somatosensory System: Receptors and Central Pathways 
16. Touch 
17. Pain 
18. The Constructive Nature of Visual Processing
19. Low-Level Visual Processing: The Retina 
20. Intermediate-Level Visual Processing: Visual Primitives
21. High-Level Visual Processing: Cognitive Influences
22. Visual Processing and Action
23. The Inner Ear

·         24. The Vestibular System
25. The Auditory Central Nervous System 
26. Smell and Taste: The Chemical Senses

·         PART V: Movement
27. The Organization and Planning of Movement 
28. The Motor Unit, Muscle Action, and Spinal Reflexes 
29. Locomotion 
30. Voluntary Movement
31. The Control of Gaze
32. Posture 
33. The Cerebellum 
34. The Basal Ganglia 

·         PART VI: The Unconscious and Conscious Processing of Neural Information 
35. The Brain Stem

36. The Autonomic Motor System and the Hypothalamus
37. Emotions and Feelings
38. Homeostasis, Motivation, and Addictive States
39. Seizures and Epilepsy
40. Sleep and Dreaming

·         PART VII: Development and the Emergence of Behavior
41. Patterning the Nervous System 
42. Differentiation and Survival of Nerve Cells 
43. The Growth and Guidance of Axons 
44. Formation and Elimination of Synapses 
45. Experience and the Refinement of Synaptic Connections 
46. Repairing the Damaged Brain 
47. Sexual Differentiation of the Nervous System

·         PART VII: Language, Thought, Affect, and Learning
48. From Nerve Cells to Cognition Internal Representations for Space and Action

49. Language 
50. Learning and Memory
51. Cellular Mechanisms of Implicit Memory Storage
52. Prefrontal Cortex, Hippocampus, and the Biology of Explicit Memory Storage
53. Navigation  and Spatial Memory

PART IX: Neurologic Disorders

·         54. Diseases of the Nerve and Motor Unit

·         55. Disorders of Conscious and Unconscious Mental Processes

·         56. Disorders of Thought and Volition: Schizophrenia

·         57. Disorders of Mood and Anxiety

·         58. Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders Affecting Cognition

·         59. Genetic Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases

·         60. The Aging Brain


·         Appendices
A. Functional Imaging of Cognition

·         B. Review of Basic Circuit Theory
C. The Neurological Examination of the Patient
D. Circulation of the Brain
E. The Blood-Brain Barrier, Choroid Plexus, and Cerebrospinal Fluid
F. Neural Networks

·         2,200 images, including 300 new color illustrations, diagrams, and radiology studies (including PET scans)

·         NEW: This edition now features only two contributors per chapter and are mostly U.S.-based

·         NEW: Number of chapters streamlined down from 67 to 60

·         NEW: Chapter on Navigation and Spatial Memory

·         NEW: New images in every chapter!


An aparitie March 15, 2021
Autor Eric R. Kandel, John D. Koester
Editura McGraw-Hill
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9781264267682
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 1696

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