Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology: 2 Volume Set, 4th edition

Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology: 2 Volume Set, 4th edition

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781119142195

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Wiley

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 2656

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 22.4 x 10.9 x 28.4 cm

An aparitie: 2019

A consummate classic with a fresh approach to pediatric dermatology Children's skin is different. Maturation affects the epidermal barrier, the cutaneous microbiome, adnexal structures, vasculature, and transcutaneous absorption of drugs.

The immature skin is more susceptible to pathogens and environmental disruption. Many genetic disorders are either present at birth or manifest early in childhood. Skin diseases thus present differently in children than in adults.

Pediatric dermatology has seen significant advances over the last decade, particularly in the field of molecular genetics research, which has furthered our understanding of the pathogenesis of many skin diseases and the development of new approaches to treatment.

               This fourth edition of the Harper classic provides state-of-the-art information on all aspects of skin disease in children. It covers the diagnosis and treatment of all conditions - both common and rare - with a consistently evidence-based approach. Existing content has been refreshed and fully updated to reflect emerging thinking and to incorporate the latest in research and clinical data - especially at the genetic level.

This new fourth edition includes: Greater focus on the genetics behind skin disease, including new genes/genodermatoses, progress in genetic analysis, and stem cell transplants Increased coverage of lasers and other technologies used to treat skin disease More summary tables, learning points, tables of differential diagnosis, and clinical algorithms for diagnosis and management Additional online features, including patient information links and multiple choice questions Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology delivers crucial clinical insights and up-to-date research information that spans the breadth of the field.

As the most comprehensive reference book on this subject available, this revised fourth edition will support and guide the daily practice of both dermatologists and pediatricians across the world.


List of Contributors

Preface to the Fourth Edition



List of Abbreviations

Section 1: Development, Structure and Physiology of the Skin

1.      CHAPTER 1: Embryogenesis of the Skin

2.      CHAPTER 2: Molecular Genetics in Paediatric Dermatology

3.      CHAPTER 3: Cutaneous Microbiome

4.      CHAPTER 4: Physiology of Neonatal Skin

5.      CHAPTER 5: Neonatal Skin Care

6.      CHAPTER 6: Transient Skin Disorders in the Neonate and Young Infant

7.      CHAPTER 7: Congenital and Acquired Infections in the Neonate

8.      CHAPTER 8: Transplacentally Acquired Dermatoses

9.      CHAPTER 9: Developmental Anomalies

10.   CHAPTER 10: Differential Diagnosis of Neonatal Erythroderma

11.   CHAPTER 11: Vesiculopustular, Bullous and Erosive Diseases of the Neonate

12.   CHAPTER 12: Iatrogenic Disorders of the Newborn

13.   CHAPTER 13: Epidemiology of Atopic Dermatitis

14.   CHAPTER 14: Genetics and Aetiology of Atopic Dermatitis

15.   CHAPTER 15: Clinical Features and Diagnostic Criteria of Atopic Dermatitis

16.   CHAPTER 16: Severity Scoring and Quality of Life Assessment in Atopic Dermatitis

17.   CHAPTER 17: Atopic Dermatitis and Related Disorders

18.   CHAPTER 18: Atopic Dermatitis

19.   CHAPTER 19: Management of Atopic Dermatitis

20.   CHAPTER 20: Napkin Dermatitis

21.   CHAPTER 21: Adolescent Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

22.   CHAPTER 22: Irritant Contact Dermatitis

23.   CHAPTER 23: Allergic Contact Dermatitis

24.   CHAPTER 24: Hypereosinophilic Disorders

25.   CHAPTER 25: Juvenile Plantar Dermatosis

26.   CHAPTER 26: Perioral Dermatitis

27.   CHAPTER 27: Psoriasis

28.   CHAPTER 28: Psoriasis

29.   CHAPTER 29: Psoriasis

30.   CHAPTER 30: Psoriasis

31.   CHAPTER 31: Psoriasis

32.   CHAPTER 32: Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris

33.   CHAPTER 33: Lichen Planus

34.   CHAPTER 34: Lichen Nitidus

35.   CHAPTER 35: Lichen Striatus

36.   CHAPTER 36: Pityriasis Rosea

37.   CHAPTER 37: Pyodermas and Bacterial Toxinmediated Syndromes

38.   CHAPTER 38: Cutaneous Manifestations of Gramnegative Infections

39.   CHAPTER 39: Pitted Keratolysis, Erythrasma and Erysipeloid

40.   CHAPTER 40: Lyme Borreliosis

41.   CHAPTER 41: Bartonella Infections

42.   CHAPTER 42: Mycobacterial Skin Infections

43.   CHAPTER 43: Rickettsial Disease

44.   CHAPTER 44: Endemic Treponematoses: Yaws, Pinta and Endemic Syphilis

45.   CHAPTER 45: Tropical Ulcer

46.   CHAPTER 46: Superficial Fungal Infections

47.   CHAPTER 47: Deep Fungal Infections

48.   CHAPTER 48: Molluscum Contagiosum

49.   CHAPTER 49: Human Papillomavirus Infection

50.   CHAPTER 50: Herpes Simplex Virus Infections

51.   CHAPTER 51: Varicella Zoster Virus Infections

52.   CHAPTER 52: Poxvirus Infections

53.   CHAPTER 53: HIV and HTLV1 Infection

54.   CHAPTER 54: Viral Exanthems

55.   CHAPTER 55: Eruptive Hypomelanosis

56.   CHAPTER 56: Cutaneous Infections in Immunocompromised Children

57.   CHAPTER 57: Leishmaniasis

58.   CHAPTER 58: Helminthic Infections

59.   CHAPTER 59: Scabies and Pseudoscabies

60.   CHAPTER 60: Pediculosis and Cimicosis

61.   CHAPTER 61: Noxious and Venomous Creatures

62.   CHAPTER 62: Aquatic Dermatoses

63.   CHAPTER 63: Urticaria

64.   CHAPTER 64: Annular Erythemas

65.   CHAPTER 65: Gianotti–Crosti Syndrome

66.   CHAPTER 66: Erythema Multiforme, Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

67.   CHAPTER 67: Hypersensitivity Reactions to Drugs

68.   CHAPTER 68: Acne

69.   CHAPTER 69: Childhood Rosacea

70.   CHAPTER 70: Hidradenitis Suppurativa

71.   CHAPTER 71: Skin Manifestations of Nutritional Disorders

72.   CHAPTER 72: Skin Manifestations of PaediatricMetabolic Syndrome

73.   CHAPTER 73: Differential Diagnosis of Vesiculobullous Lesions

74.   CHAPTER 74: Autoimmune Bullous Diseases

75.   CHAPTER 75: Childhood Dermatitis Herpetiformis

76.   CHAPTER 76: Epidermolysis Bullosa and Kindler Syndrome

77.   CHAPTER 77: The Idiopathic Photodermatoses and Skin Testing

78.   CHAPTER 78: The Porphyrias

79.   CHAPTER 79: Photoprotection

80.   CHAPTER 80: Skin Reactions to Plants, Cold, Heat and Chemicals

81.   CHAPTER 81: Sarcoidosis

82.   CHAPTER 82: Granuloma Annulare

83.   CHAPTER 83: Orofacial Granulomatosis

84.   CHAPTER 84: Sweet Syndrome

85.   CHAPTER 85: Pyoderma Gangrenosum

86.   CHAPTER 86: Pityriasis Lichenoides

87.   CHAPTER 87: Jessner Lymphocytic Infiltrate of the Skin

88.   CHAPTER 88: Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma

89.   CHAPTER 89: Childhood Leukaemias and Lymphomas

90.   CHAPTER 90: Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

91.   CHAPTER 91: Juvenile Xanthogranuloma and OtherNonLangerhans Cell Histiocytoses

92.   CHAPTER 92: Paediatric Mastocytosis

93.   CHAPTER 93: Ehlers–Danlos Syndromes

94.   CHAPTER 94: Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum and Cutis Laxa

95.   CHAPTER 95: Buschke–Ollendorff Syndrome, Marfan Syndrome and Osteogenesis Imperfecta

96.   CHAPTER 96: Anetodermas and Atrophodermas

97.   CHAPTER 97: Hyalinoses, Stiff Skin Syndrome and Restrictive Dermopathy

98.   CHAPTER 98: Striae in Children and Adolescents

99.   CHAPTER 99: Morphoea (Localized Scleroderma)

100.  CHAPTER 100: Systemic Sclerosis in Childhood

101.  CHAPTER 101: Lipoma and Lipomatosis

102.  CHAPTER 102: Panniculitis in Children

103.  CHAPTER 103: Lipodystrophies

104.  CHAPTER 104: An Introduction to Mosaicism

105.  CHAPTER 105: Melanocytic Naevi

106.  CHAPTER 106: Epidermal Naevi

107.  CHAPTER 107: Other Naevi and Hamartomas

108.  CHAPTER 108: Proteus Syndrome and Other Localized Overgrowth Disorders

109.  CHAPTER 109: Mosaic Disorders of Pigmentation

110.  CHAPTER 110: Differential Diagnosis of Skin Nodules and Cysts

111.  CHAPTER 111: Adnexal Disorders

112.  CHAPTER 112: Calcification and Ossification in the Skin

113.  CHAPTER 113: Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia

114.  CHAPTER 114: Fibromatoses

115.  CHAPTER 115: Carcinomas of the Skin

116.  CHAPTER 116: Childhood Melanoma

117.  CHAPTER 117: Other Malignant Skin Tumours

118.  CHAPTER 118: Vascular Malformations

119.  CHAPTER 119: Infantile Haemangiomas

120.  CHAPTER 120: Other Vascular Tumours

121.  CHAPTER 121: Disorders of Lymphatics

122.  CHAPTER 122: Inherited and Acquired Hyperpigmentation

123.  CHAPTER 123: Vitiligo

124.  CHAPTER 124: Albinism

125.  CHAPTER 125: Disorders of Hypopigmentation

126.  CHAPTER 126: Dyschromatosis

127.  CHAPTER 127: Review of Keratin Disorders

128.  CHAPTER 128: Mendelian Disorders of Cornification (MEDOC)

129.  CHAPTER 129: Mendelian Disorders of Cornification (MEDOC)

130.  CHAPTER 130: Keratosis Pilaris and Darier Disease

131.  CHAPTER 131: The Erythrokeratodermas

132.  CHAPTER 132: Netherton Syndrome

133.  CHAPTER 133: Porokeratosis

134.  CHAPTER 134: Ectodermal Dysplasias

135.  CHAPTER 135: Focal Dermal Hypoplasia

136.  CHAPTER 136: Incontinentia Pigmenti

137.  CHAPTER 137 Premature Ageing Syndromes

138.  CHAPTER 138: Xeroderma Pigmentosum and Related Diseases

139.  CHAPTER 139: Gorlin (Naevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma) Syndrome

140.  CHAPTER 140: Rothmund–Thomson Syndrome, Bloom Syndrome, Dyskeratosis Congenita, Fanconi Anaemia and Poikiloderma with Neutropenia

141.  CHATPER 141: Other Genetic Disorders Predisposing to Malignancy

142.  CHAPTER 142: The Neurofibromatoses

143.  CHAPTER 143: Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

144.  CHAPTER 144: Other RASopathies

145.  CHAPTER 145: Cutaneous Vasculitis

146.  CHAPTER 146: Purpura Fulminans

147.  CHAPTER 147: Kawasaki Disease

148.  CHAPTER 148 Polyarteritis Nodosa, Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis and Microscopic Polyangiitis

149.  CHAPTER 149: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Juvenile Dermatomyositis

150.  CHAPTER 150: Behçet Disease and Relapsing Polychondritis

151.  CHAPTER 151: Erythromelalgia

152.  CHAPTER 152: Metabolic Disorders and the Skin

153.  CHAPTER 153: Cystic Fibrosis

154.  CHAPTER 154: Cutaneous Manifestations of Endocrine Disease

155.  CHAPTER 155: Autoinflammatory Diseases and Amyloidosis

156.  CHAPTER 156: Immunodeficiency Syndromes

157.  CHAPTER 157: GraftVersusHost Disease

158.  CHAPTER 158 The Oral Mucosa and Tongue

159.  CHAPTER 159: Hair Disorders

160.  CHAPTER 160: Alopecia Areata

161.  CHAPTER 161: Nail Disorders

162.  CHAPTER 162: Genital Disease in Children

163.  CHAPTER 163: Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Children and Adolescents

164.  CHAPTER 164: Maltreatment, Physical and Sexual Abuse

165.  CHAPTER 165: Assessing and Scoring Life Quality

166.  CHAPTER 166: Coping with the Burden of Disease

167.  CHAPTER 167: Physiological Habits, SelfMutilation and Factitious Disorders

168.  CHAPTER 168: Topical Therapy

169.  CHAPTER 169: Systemic Therapy in Paediatric Dermatology

170.  CHAPTER 170: New Genetic Approaches to Treating Diseases of the Skin

171.  CHAPTER 171: Surgical Therapy

172.  CHAPTER 172: Laser Therapy

173.  CHAPTER 173: Sedation and Anaesthesia

174.  CHAPTER 174: Approach to the Paediatric Patient

175.  CHAPTER 175: Dermoscopy of Melanocytic Lesions in the Paediatric Population

176.  CHAPTER 176: The Role of Histopathology and Molecular Techniques in Paediatric Dermatology

177.  CHAPTER 177: Nursing Care of the Skin in Children




An aparitie 2019
Autor Prof. Dr. Peter H. Hoeger, Dr. Veronica Kinsler, Albert C. Yan Prof. John Harper, Prof. Dr. Arnold P. Oranje, Christine Bodemer, Dr. Margarita Larralde, David Luk, Vibhu Mendiratta, Diana Purvis
Dimensiuni 22.4 x 10.9 x 28.4 cm
Editura Wiley
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9781119142195
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 2656

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