Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology and Hematology 2nd Edition

Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology and Hematology 2nd Edition

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781119985624

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Autor: Burton

Editura: Wiley

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 576

Coperta: Hardcover


An aparitie: 2 april 2024



Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology and Hematology

A comprehensive image-based reference to all aspects of small animal cytology and hematology, including sample collection and handling

Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology and Hematology, Second Edition is an essential, comprehensive resource for all veterinary professionals preparing and evaluating cytology and blood samples. Featuring hundreds of large, high-quality images, this fully updated new edition provides an even more extensive collection of exceptional photomicrographs, accompanied by detailed descriptions, figure legends and annotations to guide readers through the diagnostic process.

The Second Edition adds an extensive new hematology section, new chapters detailing sample acquisition and preparation, and many new diseases across all chapters. Each section provides a detailed description of the microscopic appearance, clinical considerations, and prognosis for each disease, using a bullet point format to promote rapid review for efficient, evidence-based clinical decision making.

Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology and Hematology features:

·         More than 750 high-quality cytology and hematology images

·         6 new chapters, including detailed sections on sample acquisition and the preparation and staining of cytology and hematology slides

·         A comprehensive hematology section including an easy-to-follow blood smear interpretation guide, and detailed chapters describing erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and background features

·         Updated cytology sections with new diseases and images in all chapters

Easy to use, with superior quality images and detailed yet succinct clinical information, Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology and Hematology is a powerful resource to help improve confidence and skill in the interpretation of cytology and hematology samples, and in turn positively impact patient care and outcomes.



Preface xi

Acknowledgments xiii

1 Cytology Sampling and Preparation 1

1.1 Cytology 1

1.2 Sample Collection and Preparation 1

1.3 Sample Staining 7

1.4 Sample Handling and Storage 8

2 Cytologic Analysis of Cells 11

2.1 Approach to Cytology Samples 11

2.2 Sample Quality and Background 11

2.3 Cell Types 15

2.4 Cell Shape, Distribution, and Features 29

2.5 Benign Versus Malignant 30

3 Infectious Agents 45

3.1 Fungi 45

3.2 Oomycetes 56

3.3 Algae 56

3.4 Mesomycetozoea 58

3.5 Protozoa 58

3.6 Helminths 65

3.7 Bacteria 69

3.8 Ectoparasites 75

4 Integument 85

4.1 Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Lesions 85

5 Hemolymphatic 139

5.1 Lymph Nodes 139

5.2 Spleen 153

5.3 Thymus 167

5.4 Bone Marrow 170

6 Body Cavity Fluids 193

6.1 General Classification 193

6.2 Specific Effusions 197

7 Musculoskeletal 211

7.1 Bone 211

7.2 Joints 219

7.3 Muscle 226

8 Hepatobiliary 235

8.1 Liver 235

8.2 Biliary Tract 250

9 Digestive System 255

9.1 Salivary Glands 255

9.2 Stomach/Intestines 258

9.3 Feces 267

9.4 Pancreas 272

10 Urinary 285

10.1 Kidney 285

10.2 Bladder 291

10.3 Urine 294

10.4 Urinary Crystals 298

10.5 Urinary Casts 303

11 Respiratory 311

11.1 Nasal Cavity 311

11.2 Lung 317

11.3 Bronchoalveolar Lavage/Transtracheal Wash 320

12 Endocrine 331

12.1 Thyroid 331

12.2 Parathyroid 335

12.3 Chemoreceptor Tumors 336

12.4 Adrenal Gland 338

12.5 Pituitary Gland 340

13 Reproductive 345

Male 345

13.1 Testes 345

13.2 Semen Analysis 350

13.3 Prostate 350

13.4 Penis 358

Female 358

13.5 Ovary 358

13.6 Mammary Glands 361

13.7 Vaginal Cytology 366

14 Neurologic 379

14.1 Brain 379

14.2 Cerebrospinal Fluid 386

14.3 Spinal Cord 400

15 Ocular and Special Senses 405

15.1 Eyes: Cornea 405

15.2 Eyes: Conjunctiva 409

15.3 Ears 412

16 Blood Smear Preparation and Evaluation 421

16.1 The Importance of Blood Smear Evaluation 421

16.2 Making a Blood Smear 421

16.3 Blood Smear Staining and Handling 425

16.4 Blood Smear Evaluation 427

16.5 Hematology Procedures and Techniques 430

17 Erythrocytes 433

17.1 Approach to Evaluating Red Blood Cells 433

17.2 Red Blood Cell Distribution 433

17.3 Red Blood Cell Morphology 438

17.4 Red Blood Cell Inclusions 456

17.5 Red Blood Cell Neoplasia 461

17.6 Red Blood Cell Infectious Agents 462

18 Leukocytes 475

18.1 Approach to Evaluating Leukocytes 475

18.2 Neutrophils 476

18.3 Neutrophil Inclusions 484

18.4 Eosinophils 488

18.5 Basophils 489

18.6 Mast Cells 491

18.7 Monocytes 492

18.8 Lymphocytes 495

18.9 Leukocyte Neoplasia 498

18.10 Leukocyte Infectious Agents 504

19 Platelets 515

19.1 Approach to Evaluating Platelets 515

19.2 Platelet Distribution 515

19.3 Platelet Morphology 518

19.4 Platelet Neoplasia 522

19.5 Platelet Infectious Agents 524

20 Background Features and Miscellaneous Cells 527

20.1 Approach to Blood Smear Background Features 527

20.2 Acellular Elements 527

20.3 Miscellaneous Cells 528

20.4 Infectious Agents 533

References 536


An aparitie 2 april 2024
Autor Burton
Editura Wiley
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9781119985624
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 576

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