Feline Soft Tissue and General Surgery

Feline Soft Tissue and General Surgery

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780702043369

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Elsevier

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 768

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 276 x 219 x 41 mm

An aparitie: 10 dec 2013



While the practice of feline general and oncologic surgery has developed greatly in recent years, the option of referral for some cat owners is not always a viable one. The increasing requirement for the general veterinarian to be competent in performing feline surgery has not, however, been supported by a dedicated text on the subject. Feline General and Oncological Surgery assembles an international team of editors and contributors to present the first comprehensive resource devoted solely to all aspects of soft-tissue surgeries in the cat. Techniques are covered in a practical and detailed ‘how to’ manner and range from the common to the more specialized, ensuring the widest possible appeal.

The book divides into several sections, initially considering the general approach to the feline surgery patient and then proceeding to detailed coverage of surgery by anatomic location. Part 1 deals with the basics of feline anesthesia, analgesia, preoperative and postoperative care of the patient, surgical instrumentation and surgical principles for oncology cases. Part 2 covers surgical techniques of general and oncological feline diseases and injuries, which are explained as step-by-step methods with many specially prepared schematic illustrations specific to the cat. Emphasis is on presenting both classical methods and new techniques.

Feline Soft Tissue and General Surgery is the perfect sister-text to Feline Orthopedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Disease, also published by Elsevier. Together they comprise a comprehensive and complete literature giving practial coverage of all possible surgical procedures in the cat.


    • The first feline-specific book on soft-tissue surgery in the cat
    • Comprehensively addresses all surgeries currently practicable
    • Contains clear descriptions of techniques accompanied by wide-ranging, full-color illustrations
    • Presents an authoritative collaboration of editors and contributors of international reputation and authority


An aparitie 10 dec 2013
Autor Sorrel J Langley-Hobbs, Jackie Demetriou, Jane Ladlow
Dimensiuni 276 x 219 x 41 mm
Editura Elsevier
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780702043369
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 768

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