Toy Land

Toy Land

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9788496823761

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Autor: Louis Bou

Editura: Monsa

Limba: Engleza, Spaniola

Nr. pagini: 256

Coperta: Paperback + Flaps

Dimensiuni: 19,5 x 25 cm

An aparitie: 2009

Creators of designer toys come from the world of graphic design, illustration or street art, and they use all kind of materials to create these collecting articles. Although the most common raw materials are vinyl and plastic, we can also find pieces made of metal, wood, resin, fabrics, and plush. In the pages of Toyland we will see more than half a million examples of limited editon designer toys, unique custom works of art, moulded, sculpted, sown and hand painted by the best artists of international level.
An aparitie 2009
Autor Louis Bou
Dimensiuni 19,5 x 25 cm
Editura Monsa
Format Paperback + Flaps
ISBN 9788496823761
Limba Engleza, Spaniola
Nr pag 256

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