The Oxford Handbook of Stress and Mental Health

The Oxford Handbook of Stress and Mental Health

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780190681777

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Oxford

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 760

Coperta: Hardback

Dimensiuni: 254x178 mm

An aparitie: 17-02-20

Due to the ubiquity of stress in mental health problems, students, clinicians, and scientists in relevant fields require a broad understanding of stress assessment, the factors that influence how impactful a given stressor is on an individual, how the role of stress varies across different disorders, and treatments for stress-related problems. This handbook provides an in-depth, comprehensive overview of these key issues in the field of stress and mental health through chapters written by a diverse group of internationally acclaimed experts who are concerned with understanding how stress impacts mental health. Introduction; Kate L. Harkness and Elizabeth P. Hayden; 1. Major Life Events: A Review of Conceptual, Definitional, Measurement Issues, and Practices; Scott M. Monroe and George M. Slavich; 2. Daily Stress and Hassles; Aidan G. C. Wright, Elizabeth N. Aslinger, Blessy Bellamy, Elizabeth A. Edershile, and William C. Woods; ; 3. Early Life Stress and Psychopathology; Katie A. McLaughlin; 4. Quantitative Modeling of Stress and Coping; Richard W. J. Neufeld and Bryan Grant; 5. Stress in Depression; Suzanne Vrshek-Schallhorn, Maria Ditcheva, and Gail Corneau; 6. Stress in Bipolar Disorder; Lauren B. Alloy, Madison K. Titone, Tommy H. Ng, and Corinne P. Bart; 7. Stress in Schizophrenia; Katherine Goines, Allison LoPilato, Derek Novacek, Roberto Espana, and Elaine Walker; 8. Stress in Personality Disorders; Christina Noel White, Christopher C. Conway, and Thomas F. Oltmanns; 9. Alcohol Dependence Conceptualized as a Stress Disorder; Leandro Vendruscolo and George M. Koob; 10. Stress in Eating Disorders and Obesity; Alexandra F. Corning and Isabella M. Viducich; 11. Trauma Exposure in Posttraumatic Stress and Acute Stress Disorders; Annette M. La Greca, BreAnne Danzi, Ashley N. Marchante-Hoffman, and Naomi Tarlow; 12. The Developmental Psychopathology of Stress Exposure in Childhood; Jenalee Doom and Dante Cicchetti; 13. Perinatal Depression as an Early Stress: Risk for the Development of Psychopathology in Children; Sherryl H. Goodman and Meeka S. Halperin; 14. Stress and Comorbidity of Physical and Mental Health; Kelsey D. Vig, Renee El-Gabalawy, and Gordon J. G. Asmundson; ; 15. Stress Generation and Depression; Constance Hammen; ; 16. The Stress Sensitization Model; Catherine B. Stroud; ; 17. Cognitive Risks: Translating Stress into Psychopathology; Tina H. Schweizer and Benjamin L. Hankin; ; 18. Personality-Stress Vulnerability Models; Thomas M. Olino, Rebekah J. Mennies, and Zuzanna K. Wojcieszak; ; 19. Stress and Emotion Regulation: The Dynamic Fit Model; Sarah Myruski, Samantha Denefrio, and Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary; 20. Stress and the Brain: Structural and Functional Neuroimaging; Deanna Barch and David Pagliaccio; ; 21. Neuroendocrinological Models of Stress and Psychopathology; Nestor L. Lopez-Duran, Valerie J. Micol, and Andrea Roberts; ; 22. Psychophysiological Models; Ellen Zakreski and Jens C. Pruessner; ; 23. Psychoneuroimmunology of Stress and Mental Health; George M. Slavich; ; 24. Genetic and Epigenetic Models; Rudolf Uher; ; 25. Developmental Timing of Stress Effects on the Brain; Keira B. Leneman and Megan R. Gunnar; ; 26. Coping Models of Stress and Resilience; Bruce E. Compas, Lauren Henry, Allison Vreeland; ; 27. Biological Sensitivity to Context: A Framework for Understanding Relations Between Early Life Experiences and Problem Behaviors; Nila Shakiba, Elisabeth Conradt, and Bruce Ellis; 28. Temporal Elements of Psychological Resilience to Potential Trauma; Kan Long and George Bonanno; 29. Novel Pharmacotherapeutics for Stress-Related Disorders; Jamie E. Mondello, Jenny E. Pak, Dennis F. Lovelock, and Terrence Deak; ; 30. Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Disorders of Extreme Stress: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder; J. Gayle Beck, Allison M. Pickover, Alexandra J. Lipinski, Han N. Tran, and Thomas S. Dodson; 31. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy; Philip A. Desormeau, Kathleen M. Walsh, Zindel V. Segal; ; 32. Expressive Writing and Stress-Related Disorders; Kay Wilhelm and Joanna Crawford; ; 33. Stress and Mental Health: Epilogue; Elizabeth P. Hayden and Kate L. Harkness $ $ $ $ Clinical psychology; Coping with stress

An aparitie 17-02-20
Autor Harkness, Kate L.; Hayden, Elizabeth P.
Dimensiuni 254x178 mm
Editura Oxford
Format Hardback
ISBN 9780190681777
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 760

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