The Midwives of Seventeenth-Century London

The Midwives of Seventeenth-Century London

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780521816953

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 280

Coperta: Softcover

Dimensiuni: 24 x 16 x 2 cm

An aparitie: 2000

This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of early modern midwives in seventeenth-century London. Until quite recently, midwives, as a group, have been dismissed by historians as being inadequately educated and trained for the task of child delivery. The Midwives of Seventeenth-Century London rejects these claims by exploring the midwives' training and their licensing in an unofficial apprenticeship by the Church. Dr Evenden also offers an accurate depiction of the midwives in their socioeconomic context by examining a wide range of seventeenth-century sources. This expansive study not only recovers the names of almost one thousand women who worked as midwives in the twelve London parishes, but also brings to light details about their spouses, their families and their associates.
An aparitie 2000
Autor Doreen Evenden
Dimensiuni 24 x 16 x 2 cm
Editura Cambridge University Press
Format Softcover
ISBN 9780521816953
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 280

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