Surgical Pathology of the Liver

Surgical Pathology of the Liver

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781496365798

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: LWW

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 664

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 21.84 x 3.3 x 28.19 cm

An aparitie: 1 Dec. 2017


  1. Description:


    Written by surgical pathologists for surgical pathologists, Surgical Pathology of the Liver focuses on sharpening your skills and knowledge in diagnostic histopathology, including laboratory and clinical findings that are directly useful when evaluating liver histology for clinical care. It offers comprehensive, superbly illustrated coverage of general liver pathology, as well as several chapters on topics that are not often included in liver pathology textbooks.  Abundant high-quality illustrations have been carefully chosen to support and extend the information given in the text.

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    Table of Contents:



    Chapter 2: Gross processing of liver specimens

    Chapter 3: The language of liver pathology: definitions of key terms

    Chapter 4: Immunohistochemistry and special stains in liver pathology

    Chapter 5: Electron microscopy

    Chapter 6: Basic patterns of injury in medical liver pathology

    Chapter 7: The almost normal liver biopsy

    Chapter 8: Viral hepatitis

    Chapter 9: Parasites in the liver

    Chapter 10: Other infections of the liver

    Chapter 11: Granulomatous liver disease

    Chapter 12: Autoimmune hepatitis

    Chapter 13: Cholestatic liver disease and biliary tract disease

    Chapter 14: Pediatric cholestatic liver disease

    Chapter 15: Drug effects

    Chapter 16: Fatty liver disease: alcoholic and nonalcoholic

    Chapter 17: Iron overload and liver pathology

    Chapter 18: Wilson disease and other inherited metabolic diseases of liver

    Chapter 19: Liver involvement in systemic diseases

    Chapter 20: Transplantation pathology

    Chapter 21: Vascular disorders

    Chapter 22: Cytopathology of the liver

    Chapter 23: Molecular genetics of liver diseases

    Chapter 24: Imaging of liver tumors

    Chapter 25: Pediatric liver tumors

    Chapter 26: Benign and malignant mesenchymal tumors of the liver

    Chapter 27: Benign hepatocellular tumors

    Chapter 28: Hepatocellular carcinoma

    Chapter 29: Benign and malignant biliary tumors

    Chapter 30: Hematopathology and the liver

    Chapter 31: Metastatic tumors in the liver



  2. Chapter 1: The normal liver

An aparitie 1 Dec. 2017
Autor Michael Torbenson , Roger Moreira , Lizhi Zhang
Dimensiuni 21.84 x 3.3 x 28.19 cm
Editura LWW
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9781496365798
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 664
Versiune digitala DA

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