Small Office Home Office

Small Office Home Office

by Monsa
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Cod produs/ISBN: 9788496823372

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Autor: Monsa

Editura: Monsa

Limba: Engleza, Spaniola

Nr. pagini: 256

Coperta: Hardcover + Jacket

Dimensiuni: 19,5 x 24 cm

An aparitie: 2008

The idea of what we traditionally perceive to be the work place is changing. This is partly down to a different approach towards the production system which currently focuses on positive motivation for the worker in order to carry out their task more efficiently and in short, be more cost-efficient. The foundation for this change is based upon relatively modern concepts such as ergonomics, empathy, motivation, quality and customisation. Changes have arisen as a result of meeting this need which amount to focussing and combining family with working lives, something now reflected by architects and designers working to transform conventional living and office concepts as a way of adapting to meet the new demands.
An aparitie 2008
Autor Monsa
Dimensiuni 19,5 x 24 cm
Editura Monsa
Format Hardcover + Jacket
ISBN 9788496823372
Limba Engleza, Spaniola
Nr pag 256

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