Science Of Yoga

Science Of Yoga

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780241341230

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Autor: Ann Swanson

Editura: DK

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 224

Coperta: Paperback


An aparitie: 2019

 Did you know that yoga practice can help lower your blood pressure, decrease inflammation and prevent age-related brain changes?

Recent scientific research now backs up what were once anecdotal claims about the benefits of yoga to every system in the body. Science of Yoga reveals the facts, with annotated artworks that show the mechanics, the angles, how your blood flow and respiration are affected, the key muscle and joint actions working below the surface of each pose, safe alignment and much more.

With insight into variations on the poses and and a Q&A section that explores the science behind every aspect of yoga, look no further than Science of Yoga to achieve technical excellence in your practice and optimise the benefits of yoga to your body and mind.

An aparitie 2019
Autor Ann Swanson
Editura DK
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780241341230
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 224

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