1 Towards Safer Care for Children, 1 Alf Nicholson, Jamal Hashem Setting the Scene, 1 Living in a Digital World, 2 Electronic Health Records, 2 Care Closer to Home, 3 Safe Practice for Primary Care Practitioners, 3 Integrating Acute Services for Children, 5 Promoting Diagnostic Excellence in Hospital, 5 Team Discussions, Communication and Medical Handover, 6 Medication safety, 6 Computerised Prescription Order Entry, 6 Pharmacists, 6 Dispensing Medications, 7 Barcoding and Medication Administration, 7 SMART Pumps, 7 Medication Safety in the Community, 7 The Impact, 8 2 Responding to Errors, 11 Ciaran Carthy, Alf Nicholson The Science of Safer Care for Children, 11 Culture of Recording, 12 Just Culture, 12 Flexibility, 12 A Culture of Learning, 12 Key Strategies in Promoting Safe Care, 12 Leadership, 12 Information Technology, 12 Reducing Harm and Avoiding Errors in Healthcare, 14 The Scale of the Problem, 14 Errors in Primary Care, 14 Key Goals of Patient Safety Efforts, 15 Supporting Trainees, 15 Second Opinions, 15 The Aviation Model, 16 Key Factors in the Aviation Industry, 16 Checklists, 16 Training, 17 Crew Resource Management, 17 The ‘Two-Challenge’ Rule, 17 The ‘Sterile Cockpit’ in Aviation, 17 Performance Analysis, 18 Comparisons and Innate Differences, 18 Implications for Healthcare, 18 3 Recognising the Sick Child, 21 Carol Blackburn, Karina Butler An Accurate History and Examination, 21 History, 21 Examination, 22 Safety Netting for Family Doctors, 22 Communicating Uncertainty, 22 Highlight the Expected Course of the Illness Over Time, 23 Seeking Further Advice, 23 Heuristics or ‘Rules of Thumb’, 23 Clinical Decision Tools, 23 Safe System Framework in Hospital, 24 Paediatric Early Warning Scores, 24 The Sepsis 6 Algorithm, 25 Everyone’s Fear – Meningitis or Encephalitis, 25 Clinical Symptoms and Signs of Meningitis, 25 Neck Stiffness, 25 Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s Signs, 26 Bacterial and Viral Meningitis, 26 Tuberculous Meningitis, 26 Viral Encephalitis, 27 Encephalomyelitis, 28 Performing a Lumbar Puncture (LP), 28 4 Managing the Febrile Infant or Child, 32 Alf Nicholson, Karina Butler Background, 32 Getting Comfortable With Risk, 33 Key Points in the History, 33 Infants Under 3 Months Require a Different Approach, 33 Looking for a Characteristic Rash Is Helpful, 34 Making the Diagnosis in Primary Care, 34 Searching for a Cause – Common Things Are Common, 36 Fever and a Rash, 37 The Return of Invasive Group A Streptococcal (GAS) Illness, 37 Scarlet Fever – Making a Comeback, 38 Erythema Multiforme – Dramatic but Benign, 38 Varicella or Chickenpox – as Common as Ever with Rare Serious Complications in Unvaccinated Populations, 39 Dengue Fever – Common in Some Parts of the World, 40 SARS-CoV-2 Infection, 41 Interpretation of Investigations, 42 Reducing Antibiotic Use, 43 Why We Need to Reduce Antibiotic Use in the Community, 43 For Family Doctors and Those Working in Emergency or Paediatric Departments Dealing With Children, 44 An Approach to Prolonged Fever, 44 Kawasaki Disease – Expect to See It and Be Ready to Treat It, 45 5 The Newborn and Six-week Examinations, 49 John Murphy The First Few Days of Life, 50 The First Few Weeks of Life, 56 Later Presentations in Infancy and Pre-School Years, 63 6 Important Rashes to Recognise in Infants and Children, 68 Fiona Browne, Kevin Dunne Important Rashes to Recognise as a Primary Care Doctor, 69 Erythema Multiforme, 69 Erythema Migrans, 69 Fungal Infections, 69 Redness Around the Eye, 71 Redness Around the Anal Margin, 71 Henoch-Schonlein Purpura, 71 Acute Flare of Atopic Dermatitis, 71 Bullous Rashes of Concern, 72 Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, 75 Rashes and Systemic Disease, 75 Rash of Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, 75 Erythema Nodosum, 76 Skin Markers of Neurological Conditions, 77 Important Neonatal Rashes, 77 Neonatal Lupus, 77 Subcutaneous Fat Necrosis, 78 Cutaneous Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, 78 Petechial Rashes in Newborns, 79 Blistering Rashes in Newborns, 80 7 Diagnosing Cancer in Childhood, 85 Michael Capra, Sarah Taaffe Background, 85 Making the Diagnosis of Childhood Cancer, 85 Increasing Awareness Works, 85 Avoiding Diagnostic Delay, 87 Symptoms Associated with Common Cancers, 88 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, 88 Brain Tumours, 88 Neuroblastoma, 91 Nephroblastoma, 91 8 The Child With a Limp, 96 Carol Blackburn Approaching the Child with a Limp, 96 Dealing With Uncertainty, 97 Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, 97 Transient Synovitis, 97 Perthes Disease, 98 Toddler’s Fracture, 98 Reactive Arthritis, 98 Important Conditions to Always Consider, 99 Septic Arthritis and Osteomyelitis, 99 Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis, 100 Benign and Malignant Bone Tumours, 101 9 Child Protection and Safeguarding Concerns, 104 Sabine Maguire Recognising Child Abuse, 104 Immediate Actions, 105 Taking the History, 105 Physical Examination, 106 Bruises, 106 Consider Differential Diagnoses, 106 Fractures, 107 Fractures With Higher Risk Profiles, 108 Burns, 108 Abusive Head Trauma, 109 Child Sexual Abuse, 110 Taking the History, 110 Interviewing the Child, 111 The Examination, 111 Laboratory Testing, 112 Lack of Disclosure, 112 Key Issues to be Addressed in Assessment, 112 Factitious Induced Illness, 112 10 Important Cardiac Diagnoses in Children, 115 Terence Prendiville Opportunities to Pick Up Congenital Heart Disease, 116 Antenatal Screening, 116 Assessing Murmurs in Early Infancy, 116 Congenital Heart Defects, 117 Murmurs Heard in Apparently Well Children, 118 Three Symptoms of Concern – Chest Pain, Syncope and Palpitations, 121 Chest Pain, 121 Syncope, 122 Palpitations in Childhood, 123 Prolonged Fever and the Heart, 125 11 Fits, Faints and Funny Turns, 129 Amre Shahwan Background, 129 Diagnostic Approach – It Is All About the History, 129 Clinical Tips to Remember in Common Seizure Presentations in Children, 130 Febrile Seizures, 130 Self-Limited Epilepsy With Centro-Temporal Spikes, 130 Childhood Absence Epilepsy (CAE), 131 Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME), 132 Infantile Spasms or Infantile Epileptic Spasms Syndrome (IESS), 132 Nonepileptic Events Which May Mimic Epileptic Seizures, 133 Syncope and Faints, 133 Benign Sleep Myoclonus in Early Infancy, 134 Infantile Gratification Disorder, 134 Breath-Holding Spells, 134 Reflex Anoxic Seizures, 134 Night Terrors, 135 Tics, 135 Daydreaming, 135 Migraine, 135 Nonepileptic Attacks or Dissociative Seizures, 135 12 Presentations of Endocrine Disease, 138 Niamh McGrath Diabetic Ketoacidosis, 138 Acquired Hypothyroidism, 139 Short Stature and a Delayed Puberty in a Girl, 139 Obesity and Short Stature, 141 Adrenal Insufficiency, 141 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), 143 13 The Child With Abdominal Pain, 147 Alan Mortell, Billy Bourke Acute Abdominal Pain, 147 Key Points in the History, 148 Making the Diagnosis of Appendicitis in Primary Care, 148 The Role of Investigations, 149 Operative Treatment, 151 Recurrent Abdominal Pain, 151 Differential Diagnoses to Consider, 152 Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 152 Eosinophilic Oesophagitis, 153 Coeliac Disease, 154 Helicobacter pylori/Peptic Ulcer Disease, 154 14 Pneumonia in Children, 157 Desmond Cox Background, 157 Avoiding Unnecessary Antibiotics, 157 Length of Antibiotic Treatment, 158 Indications for Investigations, 158 Making the Diagnosis in Primary Care, 158 Infancy, 158 Preschool Age Group, 159 School-Aged Children, 160 Complicated Pneumonia, 161 The Role of Investigations in CCAP, 162 Recurrent Pneumonias, 162 15 Mental Health Issues in Adolescence, 166 Fiona McNicholas Background, 166 Key Issues, 167 Assessment of Psychological Distress and Mental Health Issues: The If-Me Model of Assessment, 167 Anxiety Issues, 168 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, 169 Depression, 169 Self-Harm, 170 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 171 Eating Disorders, 172 Psychosis, 173 Chronic Disabling Fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 173 16 Neonatal Intensive Care – A Challenging Arena, 178 John Murphy The Importance of Neonatology, 178 Key Potential Pitfalls, 178 The Unique Features of Newborns, 179 Safe Practice In Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), 179 Good Communication, 179 Management In The Delivery Suite, 180 Care of the Preterm Infant, 180 Neonatal Encephalopathy and Therapeutic Hypothermia, 181 Recognition of Sepsis, 184 Hypoglycaemia, 184 Severe Hyperbilirubinemia, 185 Retinopathy of Prematurity, 185 Erb’s Palsy, 186 Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection, 187 Failures in Monitoring, 188 Sudden Unexpected Collapse, 188 Line Complications, 188 Episodes of Desaturation, 188 Neonatal Seizures, 189 17 Ordering and Interpreting Tests in Children, 193 Kevin Dunne, Alf Nicholson, Aengus O’Marcaigh, Michael Riordan, Ellen Crushell, Niamh McGrath, Annemarie Broderick, Jonathan Hourihane, James Foley, James O’Byrne Background, 193 Avoid Unnecessary Tests, 193 Point-of-Care Testing, 194 Urine Collection and Testing for Urinary Tract Infection, 194 Full Blood Count and Coagulation Profile, 194 C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Procalcitonin, 195 Routine Biochemistry, 197 Blood Glucose, 197 Serum Calcium, 198 Liver Function Tests, 199 Thyroid Function Tests, 200 Conventional Allergy Tests, 201 Electrocardiogram (ECG) Interpretation, 203 Structured Approach to ECG Interpretation, 203 Rate, 203 Rhythm, 203 QRS Axis, 203 P Waves, 203 P-R Interval, 203 QRS Complex, 203 Q-T Interval, 203 T Wave and ST Segment, 204 The Era of Genomic and Precision Medicine, 204 Common Genetic/Genomic Testing Technologies Now Available in Practice, 205 Karyotyping, 205 Chromosomal Microarray Analysis, 206 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation (FISH), 207 Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Tests, 207 Interpreting the Results from Genetic Tests, 208 Precision Medicine – A ‘Brave New World’, 208 18 Commonly Ordered Radiological Tests and Their Interpretation, 210 Yusra Sheikh Diagnostic Imaging, 210 Radiology Investigations, 210 Radiographs, 210 Instances Where X-Ray Imaging Benefit Is Questionable, 214 Ultrasound Imaging, 215 Abdominal Ultrasound Imaging, 215 Hip Ultrasound, 216 Neck Ultrasound, 216 Testicular Ultrasound, 216 Soft Tissue Ultrasound, 217 Fluoroscopy, 217 GI Contrast Studies, 217 Micturating Cystourethrogram (MCUG), 217 Computed Tomography, 218 Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 220 19 Twelve Memorable Diagnoses, 221 Alf Nicholson, Aisling Dunne, Neale Kalis, John Murphy 20 Surviving and Thriving Throughout a Career in Healthcare, 235 Sarah Taaffe, Hani Malik, Ciaran O’Boyle Complexity and Challenge in Modern Healthcare Involving Children, 235 Burnout in Trainees, 236 Burnout in Neonatal and Paediatric Nurses, 236 Coping with Stress, 236 Developing Resilience, 237 Burnout, 237 Preventing Burnout in Healthcare Professionals, 238 Burnout in Primary Care, 239 Mental Health Issues in Doctors, 239 Index, 243
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