Neurologic Differential Diagnosis: A Case-Based Approach

Neurologic Differential Diagnosis: A Case-Based Approach

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781107014558

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 689

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 193 x 252 x 35 mm

An aparitie: 17 Apr 2014



The increasing pressure upon clinicians to see more and more patients generates great concern as to how to offer a comprehensive and thorough diagnostic approach and yet maintain efficiency. Neurologic Differential Diagnosis is the answer. Unlike other texts which are divided into disease entities, this book uses a case study approach to focus on the patients' symptoms. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific presenting symptom or sign and includes a comprehensive, yet succinct table of clinical features to aid clarification of the broad list of diagnostic possibilities. This allows the clinician to quickly reference specific symptoms such as dizziness, mental status change or diplopia; or signs such as foot drop or psychotic behavior, and then immediately generate diagnostic possibilities. Written from the authors' extensive clinical experience, Neurologic Differential Diagnosis is an invaluable text for neurologists and psychiatrists at all stages of training.


Table of Contents:


Section 1 Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal Symptoms and Signs

1 Introduction: localization and differential diagnosis in neurology

2 Agitation

3 Agnosias

4 Anxiety and panic

5 Aphasia

6 Apraxia

7 Ataxia, acute or subacute

8 Ataxia, subacute or chronic

9 Attentional problems

10 Autonomic failure or syndromes

11 Bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy

12 Catatonic-like states

13 Chorea

14 Coma

15 Dementia

16 Depression

17 Diplopia

18 Dissociative disorder

19 Dizziness

20 Drop attacks

21 Dysarthria

22 Dysphagia

23 Dystonia

24 Eating disorders

25 Eye movements, abnormal

26 Falls

27 Foot drop

28 Gait abnormalities

29 Hallucinations, visual

30 Headache

31 Hearing deficit

32 Hypersomnolence

33 Incontinence

34 Mania and bipolar symptoms

35 Medically unexplained symptoms

36 Memory loss and cognitive decline – acute and subacute amnesia

37 Mental status change, acute [and delirium]

38 Movement disorders in psychiatric disorders

39 Movements, facial

40 Movements, focal, clonic

41 Movements, complex motor activity

42 Movements during sleep

43 Movements, tonic-clonic type

44 Mutism

45 Myalgia, cramps

46 Myoclonus

47 Myotonia

48 Nystagmus

49 Ophthalmoparesis, gaze conjugate lateral deficit and conjugate vertical deficit

50 Pain, arm

51 Pain, back

52 Pain, eye

53 Pain, face

54 Pain, neck

55 Papilledema

56 Paresthesias

57 Parkinson's disease and related extrapyramidal syndromes

58 Proptosis [exophthalmos]

59 Psychosis, thought disorder

60 Ptosis

61 Pupil constriction and Horner's syndrome

62 Pupil dilation

63 Respiratory difficulties, neurologic causes

64 Retardation, mental

65 Seizure

66 Sensory deficits and abnormal sensations

67 Sensory deficits in the face

68 Smell deficit

69 Spasm, hemifacial

70 Stroke and hemorrhage syndromes

71 Stroke in adults, etiologies

72 Stroke in the young, etiologies

73 Syncope

74 Tinnitus

75 Tremor

76 Vertigo

77 Visual field deficits

78 Visual loss, acute bilateral

79 Visual loss, monocular

80 Weakness, generalized acute

81 Weakness, hemiparesis

82 Weakness in the intensive care unit

83 Weakness, monomelic

84 Weakness, neck

85 Weakness, paraparesis

86 Weakness, proximal

Section 2 Differential Diagnosis within Specific Localizations

87 Cavernous sinus syndrome

88 Facial nerve palsy

89 Fourth nerve palsy

90 Myelopathy

91 Nerve, cranial: multiple deficit

92 Neuropathy, axonal versus demyelinating

93 Neuropathy, femoral

94 Neuropathy, median and carpal tunnel

95 Neuropathy, radial

96 Neuropathy, sciatic

97 Neuropathy, tibial

98 Neuropathy, ulnar

99 Plexopathy, brachial

100 Plexopathy, lumbar

101 Radiculopathy

102 Sixth nerve palsy

103 Third nerve palsy



An aparitie 17 Apr 2014
Autor Alan B. Ettinger, Deborah M. Weisbrot
Dimensiuni 193 x 252 x 35 mm
Editura Cambridge University Press
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9781107014558
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 689

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