Microeconomics, Global Edition

Microeconomics, Global Edition

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781292446448

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Pearson

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 815

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 200 x 252 x 31 mm

An aparitie: 30 mai 2023


For courses in intermediate microeconomics.
Using microeconomics to analyze and resolve real-world policy and business problems
Microeconomics presents economic theory in the context of real, data-driven examples, and then develops students' intuition through Solved Problems. The text places emphasis on modern theories that are useful in analyzing actual markets, while a step-by-step problem-based learning approach demonstrates how to use these theories to solve business problems and analyze policy.
The 9th Edition has been substantially updated with new or revised examples, applications and problems so students can see how real-world decisions being made in today's firms and policy debates.
Hallmark features of this title

Applications help students review and apply concepts

  • Balanced coverage of both traditional theories (consumer theory, theory of the firm, and perfect competition) and modern theories (game theory, strategies, uncertainty, and moral hazard) is presented.
  • A 5 Cross-Chapter Analysis creates crucial links between core theories covered in separate chapters. It combines Applications with Solved Problems to give students hands-on practice to sharpen their analytical and quantitative skills.
  • What-If Policy Analysis. Economic models are used to probe the likely outcomes of changes in public policies such as taxes, subsidies, barriers to entry, price floors and ceilings, quotas and tariffs, zoning, pollution controls and more.



An aparitie 30 mai 2023
Autor Jeffrey M. Perloff
Dimensiuni 200 x 252 x 31 mm
Editura Pearson
Format Paperback
ISBN 9781292446448
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 815

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