Kumar and Clarks Clinical Medicine

Kumar and Clarks Clinical Medicine

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780702078682

Disponibilitate: In stoc

Editura: Elsevier

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 1564

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 21.59 x 5.72 x 26.67 cm

An aparitie: 10 July 2020




Contributors comprise consultants at the top of their fields, paired with younger doctors closer to the exam experience, to ensure authority and relevance.

Enhanced digital accompanies.

International Advisory Board, led by Professor Janaka de Silva and Professor Senaka Rajapakse, providing guidance for global coverage from across the world.

Contributions to the digital version by members of the International Advisory Board to amplify areas of clinical importance in their parts of the world.



Table of Contents:


1. Diagnosis: The art of being a doctor

Core Skills and Knowledge

Diagnosis in the Clinical Consultation

The medical consultation

Clinical diagnostic reasoning

Communicating a diagnosis

Diagnosis, artificial intelligence and the future of medicine

2. Human genetics

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for genetic medicine


Clinical genetics

The cellular basis of genetics

Genetic disorders

Techniques for studying the genetic code

Genomic medicine

The genetic basis of cancer

3. Immunity

Core Skills and Knowledge

Introducing the tissues, cells and molecules of the immune system

Innate immune system

Adaptive immune system

Cell migration

HLA molecules and antigen presentation

The immune system in concert

Laboratory investigations of the immune system

Clinical immunodeficiency

Allergic disease (immediate hypersensitivity)

Autoimmune disease

Organ rejection in clinical transplantation

Immune-based therapies

4. Evidence-based practice

Core Skills and Knowledge


Asking Answerable Questions

Searching for the Evidence

Appraising the Evidence

Applying the Evidence

Section 1: Asking Answerable Questions and Searching for the Evidence

Section 2: Critical Appraisal

Section 3: Interpreting Odds Ratios, Confidence Intervals and P-Values

Section 4: Multiple Choice Questions

5. Ethical practice and clinical communication

Core Skills and Knowledge

Ethics and the law

Communication in medicine

6. Malignant disease

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for malignant disease


The biology of cancer

Aetiology and epidemiology

Screening and investigations

Principles of cancer treatment

Acute oncology

Common solid tumour treatment

Lung cancer

Breast cancer

Upper gastrointestinal cancers

Lower gastrointestinal cancers

Hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancers

Urological cancers

Gynaecological cancers

Brain tumours

Head and neck cancer

Metastatic cancer of unknown primary

7. Palliative care and symptom control

Core Skills and Knowledge

Introduction and General Aspects

Symptom Control

Palliative Care in Non-Malignant Disease

Care of the Dying

8. Sepsis and the treatment of bacterial infection

Core Skills and Knowledge

clinical skills for infection and sepsis



recognition of sepsis

Management of Sepsis

Antimicrobial Stewardship

Antibiotic Therapies

9. Water balance, fluids and electrolytes

Core skills and knowledge

Clinical skills for water balance, fluids and electrolytes

Water and Electrolytes

Disorders of sodium concentration

Disorders of potassium concentration

Disorders of magnesium concentration

Disorders of phosphate concentration

Acid–Base Disorders

10. Critical care medicine

Core Skills and Knowledge


Clinical approach to the critically ill patient

Applied cardiorespiratory physiology

Disturbances of acid–base balance

Shock, sepsis and acute disturbances of haemodynamic function

Respiratory failure

Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Acute Kidney injury

Neurocritical care


11. Surgery

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for surgery


The pathophysiology of surgery

Management of the perioperative patient

The patient journey in surgery

Surgical Ethics, Consent and the Law

12. Prescribing, therapeutics and toxicology

Core Skills and Knowledge


Why do patients need drugs?

The choice of drug

The dose

Prescribing in special populations

Monitoring drug therapy

Adverse drug reactions

Drug interactions

Information sources


Clinical approach to the poisoned patient

Principles of management of poisoning

Specific poisons

Poisons in the natural world: additional online content

13. Global health

Core Skills and Knowledge


Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals

Global Burden of Disease


Water and Sanitation

Organizations and the global health agenda


Maternal and Child Health

Mental health

Accidents and Trauma

Conflict and Catastrophe

Economics and Politics in Global Health

Social Determinants of Health

Human rights and the value of engagement in global health

14. Public health

Core Skills and Knowledge


Key Concepts in Public Health

Pillars of Public Health

15. Geriatric medicine, frailty and multimorbidity

Core Skills and Knowledge



Investigations in Older Adults

Taking a History

Multimorbidity, Sarcopenia and Frailty

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Advance Care Planning

The Most Common Issues in Older People

Ageing Well and Advantages of Ageing

16. Haematology

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for haematology




The red cell

Anaemia: an introduction

Microcytic anaemia

Normocytic anaemia

Macrocytic anaemias

Anaemia due to marrow failure (aplastic anaemia)

Haemolytic anaemias: an introduction

Inherited haemolytic anaemia

Acquired haemolytic anaemia


The spleen

Blood transfusion

Blood groups

Procedure for blood transfusion in hospitals

Complications of blood transfusion

Strategies for the avoidance of unnecessary transfusion

Blood, blood components and blood products

The white cell


Vascular disorders

Platelet disorders

Inherited coagulation disorders

Acquired coagulation disorders

17. Haematological oncology

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for haematological oncology




Clinical features



MDS/MPN overlap syndromes


Myeloma and other plasma cell disorders

18. Rheumatology

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for rheumatology

Approach to the patient

Anatomy and physiology of the normal joint

Investigation of rheumatic disease

Clinical conditions in rheumatology

Common regional musculoskeletal problems

Chronic pain syndromes

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs for musculoskeletal problems

Disorders of collagen


Inflammatory Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis


Infections of joints

Autoimmune rheumatic diseases

Systemic inflammatory vasculitis

Arthritis in children

Rheumatological problems seen in other diseases

Miscellaneous arthropathies

19. Bone disease

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for bone disease

Anatomy and physiology of bone

Investigation of bone and calcium disorders



Paget’s disease of bone

Rickets and osteomalacia

Bone infections

Neoplastic disease of bone

Scheuermann’s disease

20. Infectious disease

Core Skills and Knowledge

Core content

Clinical skills for infectious disease


Clinical approach to the patient with a suspected infection

Epidemiology and prevention of infections

Principles and mechanisms of infection

Viral Infections

Virus infections of the skin and mucous membranes

Virus infections of the respiratory tract

Systemic viral infections

Virus infections of the nervous system

Virus infections of the gastrointestinal tract

Viral hepatitis

Viruses and malignant disease

Viral haemorrhagic fevers

Antiviral drugs

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Prion Diseases)

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections of the skin and soft tissues

Bacterial infections of the respiratory tract

Bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract

Bacterial infections of the cardiovascular system

Bacterial infections of the nervous system

Bacterial bone and joint infections

Bacterial infections of the urinary tract

Systemic/multisystem bacterial infections

Bacterial infections seen in developing and tropical countries

Antibiotic therapies

Fungal Infections

Systemic fungal infections

Subcutaneous fungal infections

Superficial fungal infections

Antifungal drugs

Protozoal Infections

Blood and tissue protozoa

Gastrointestinal protozoa

Helminthic Infections




Arthropod Ectoparasites

21. Endocrinology

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for endocrinology


The pituitary gland and hypothalamus

Hypothalamo–Pituitary–adrenal axis

The thyroid axis

Hypothalamo–pituitary–gonadal axis

Growth and puberty

The Thirst Axis

Disorders of Calcium Metabolism

Hypoglycaemia in the non-diabetic patient

Other endocrine disorders

22. Dermatology

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical Skills for Dermatology


Skin structure and function

Investigation of Skin Disease

Principles of Dermatological Therapy

Erythroderma and Loss of Skin Function (‘Skin Failure’)

Common rashes

Skin Infections

Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the Skin

Skin Signs of Systemic Disease


Blistering and Bullous Skin Disease

Skin Tumours

Disorders of Pigmentation

Nail Disorders

Hair Disorders

Birth Marks and Neonatal Rashes

Drug Eruptions

23. Diabetes mellitus

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for diabetes mellitus


Physiology of insulin structure, secretion and action

Classification of diabetes

Clinical Approach to the Patient With Diabetes

Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes

Management of diabetes

Diabetic metabolic emergencies

Complications of diabetes

Psychosocial Implications of Diabetes

Diabetes in special situations

Organization of diabetes care

24. Lipid and metabolic disorders

Core Skills and Knowledge





Disorders of lipid metabolism

Inherited metabolic diseases

25. Liaison psychiatry

Core Skills and Knowledge


Clinical approach to the patient with a psychiatric disorder

Classification of psychiatric disorders

Aetiology of psychiatric disorders

Psychiatric aspects of physical diseases

Sick role and illness behaviour

Functional somatic syndromes

Somatoform disorders

Dissociative/conversion disorders

Sleep difficulties

Mood (affective) disorders

Suicide and self-harm

Anxiety disorders

Alcohol misuse and dependence

Drug misuse and dependence


Organic mental disorders

Eating disorders

Sexual disorders

Personality disorders

Involuntary Detention

Mental Capacity Act

26. Neurology

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for neurology


Clinical approach to the patient with neurological disease

Functional neuroanatomy

Cranial nerves

Motor control systems

Lower motor neurone lesions

Sensory pathways and pain

Bladder control and sexual dysfunction

Investigation of neurological disease

Unconsciousness and coma


Intracranial haemorrhage

Headache, migraine and facial pain

Epilepsy and loss of consciousness

Movement disorders

Neuroinflammatory disorders

Nervous system infection


Traumatic brain injury

Spinal cord disease

Neurodegenerative diseases

Congenital disorders

Neurogenetic disorders

Paraneoplastic syndromes

Peripheral nerve disease

Muscle diseases

27. Ear, nose and throat and eye disease

Core Skills and Knowledge

Introduction to ENT

Clinical approach to the patient with an ENT complaint

Disorders of the Ear

Clinical Approach to the Patient With a Disorder of the Ear

Common disorders of the ear

Disorders of the Nose

Clinical Approach to the Patient With a Disorder of the Nose

Common disorders of the nose

Disorders of the Throat

Clinical Approach to the Patient With a Disorder of the Throat

Common disorders of the throat

Disorders of the Eye

Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Clinical Approach to the Patient With a Disorder of the Eye

Common disorders of the eye

28. Respiratory disease

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for respiratory medicine

Function of the respiratory system

Clinical Approach to the Patient with Respiratory Disease

Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract

Obstructive Respiratory Disease


Respiratory Infection

Pleural Disease

Tumours of the Respiratory Tract


Interstitial Lung Diseases

Lung and Heart–Lung Transplantation

Occupational Lung Disease

Miscellaneous Respiratory Disorders

Disorders of the Diaphragm

Mediastinal Lesions

29. Venous thromboembolic disease

Core Skills and Knowledge


Pathogenesis of Thrombosis


Epidemiology and Risk Factors

Clinical Features




Investigation of newly diagnosed venous thrombosis


Anticoagulant agents

30. Cardiology

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for cardiology

ECG interpretation

Anatomy, physiology and embryology of the heart

Clinical approach to the patient with heart disease

Therapeutic procedures

Cardiac arrhythmias

Bradycardias and heart block

Supraventricular tachycardias

Ventricular tachyarrhythmias

Heart failure

Coronary artery disease


Acute coronary syndromes

Valvular heart disease

Aortic valve

tricuspid valve

Pulmonary valve

Prosthetic valves

Infective endocarditis

Congenital heart disease

Marfan’s syndrome

Pulmonary heart disease

Myocardial and endocardial disease

Myocardial disease

Pericardial disease

Peripheral vascular disease

Peripheral venous disease

31. Hypertension

Core Skills and Knowledge


Clinical Approach to the Patient with Hypertension

Measurement of blood pressure

Phenotypes of Hypertension

Causes of raised blood pressure

Thresholds and Targets In Hypertension

Hypertensive Target Organ Damage


Managing blood pressure in hospital

32. Gastroenterology

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical Skills for Gastroenterology


Anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract

Investigation of Gastrointestinal Disease

Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders


Salivary Glands

Pharynx and Oesophagus

Stomach and Duodenum

Acute and Chronic Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Small Intestine

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Colon and Rectum

The Acute Abdomen


33. Nutrition

Core Skills and Knowledge


Water and Electrolyte Balance

Dietary Requirements

Protein–Energy Malnutrition


Fat-soluble vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins

Dietary Antioxidants

Homocysteine, cardiovascular disease and B vitamins


Nutrition and Ageing


Nutritional Support

Food Allergy and Food Intolerance


34. Liver disease

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for liver disease


Anatomy of the liver and biliary system

Functions of the liver

Investigations in the patient with liver disease



Acute hepatic failure

Autoimmune hepatitis

Drug-induced chronic hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis of unknown cause

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease


Alcoholic liver disease

Budd–chiari syndrome

Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome

Fibropolycystic diseases

Liver abscess

Other infections of the liver

Liver disease in pregnancy

Liver tumours

Miscellaneous conditions of the liver

Drugs and the liver

35. Biliary tract and pancreatic disease

Core Skills and Knowledge


Gall Bladder and Biliary System

Biliary system

Miscellaneous conditions of the biliary tract



Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours

Clinical syndromes



36. Kidney and urinary tract disease

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical Skills for Nephrology



Anatomy and Physiology of the Kidney and Urinary Tract

Investigation of Renal and Urinary Tract Disease

The Glomerulus and Glomerular Disease

Kidney Involvement in Other Diseases

Hypertension and the Kidney

Other Vascular Disorders of the Kidney

Renal Calculi and Nephrocalcinosis

Urinary Tract Obstruction

Drugs and the Kidney

Urinary Tract Infection

Tubulointerstitial Nephritis

Acute Kidney Injury

Chronic Kidney Disease

Cystic Renal Disease

Tumours of the Kidney and Genitourinary Tract

Diseases of the Prostate Gland

The Urinary Tract in the Elderly

37. Sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for STI and HIV care

Sexually transmitted infections

Asymptomatic STI screening

Investigation of STIs

Management, prevention and control

Specific infections

Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Clinical features of untreated hiv infection

Clinical approach to the patient with HIV

Management of HIV-positive patients

Specific conditions associated with HIV infection

Prevention and control of HIV infection

38. Obstetric medicine

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical Skills for Obstetric Medicine


Hypertensive Disorders

Liver Disease

Cardiac Disease

Thromboembolic Disease

Respiratory Disease

Neurological Disease

Endocrine Disease

Renal Disease

Skin Disorders


Prescribing in Pregnancy

39. Women’s health

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical skills for women’s health


The life course approach


Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Abortion/Termination of Pregnancy

Urinary Incontinence

Domestic abuse and violence

Gynaecological cancers

40. Men’s health

Core Skills and Knowledge

Clinical Skills For Men’s Health


Specific Diseases of Men

Diseases of the prostate gland

Diseases of the Penis

Testicular and Spermatic Cord Disease

Lack of Libido and Erectile Dysfunction


The Ageing Male

41. Environmental medicine

Core Skills and Knowledge

Air pollution

Heat Injury

Cold injury

High altitude



Ionizing radiation

Electric shock

Lightning strike

Inhaled smoke


Normal Values


An aparitie 10 July 2020
Autor Adam Feather MBBS FRCP FAcadMEd , David Randall MA MRCP , Mona Waterhouse MA MRCP
Dimensiuni 21.59 x 5.72 x 26.67 cm
Editura Elsevier
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780702078682
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 1564
Versiune digitala DA

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