Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies

Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780197549469

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 1752

Coperta: Hardcover

Dimensiuni: 188 x 274 x 74 mm

An aparitie: 6 iunie 2024


This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Academic and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations.Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies has served as the definitive reference in the field of basic research in the epilepsies for five decades through four well-regarded editions. Since its inception, the book has been an indispensable must-read and belongs in the hands of every experimental epilepsy investigator, practicing epileptologist, clinical neuroscientist, and student for both clinical and basic science reference, doctoral and board exam preparation.This fifth edition is the most ambitious yet and remains the definitive reference in the field, providing encyclopedic and updated coverage of the current understanding of basic research in the epilepsies, while also mapping new research directions for the next decade, and reviewing how molecular laboratory evidence is now being translated into new therapeutics. In 79 chapters, the book considers the role of interactions between neurons, synapses, and glia in the initiation, spread, and arrest of seizures. It examines mechanisms of excitability, synchronization, seizure susceptibility and, ultimately, their contributions to epileptogenesis. It provides a framework for expanding the monogenic epilepsy genome and understanding the complex heredity responsible for common epilepsies. It explores the molecular and cellular disease mechanisms of ion channelopathies, developmental epilepsy genes, and progressive myoclonic epilepsies. It considers newly emerging mechanisms of epilepsy comorbidities. And, for the first time, it describes current efforts to identify biomarkers of disease progression and translate discoveries of epilepsy disease mechanisms into new therapeutic strategies at the frontier of molecular medicine.


Table of Contents:

  1. Section 1 Evolving Concepts
  2. 1. The Paroxysmal Depolarizing Shift: The First Cellular Marker of Focal Epileptogenesis
  3. Introduction
  4. Neuronal Networks, Synaptic and Intrinsic Membrane Currents, and PDS Generation
  5. Intrinsic Neuronal Properties and PDS Generation
  6. Role of Dendritic Ca2+ Spikes in PDS Generation
  7. Dendritic Abnormalities in Models of Epilepsy
  8. Concluding Remarks
  9. 2. Hippocampal Sclerosis in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: New Views and Challenges
  10. Introduction
  11. What Are the Patterns of Cell Loss in Hippocampal Sclerosis?
  12. What Neurons Remain and How Are They Altered?
  13. Alterations in Dentate Granule Cells
  14. Alterations in CA2
  15. Alterations in the Subiculum
  16. What Is the Circuitry among Remaining Neurons?
  17. Future Directions
  18. 3. Cerebral Cortical Dysplasia or Dysgenesis: Keratan Sulfate Proteoglycan for Fetal Axonal Guidance and Excitatory/Inhibitory Synaptic Targets That Influence Epileptogenesis
  19. Introduction
  20. Developmental Principles of Neuroembryology and Cerebral Dysgenesis
  21. Semantics
  22. Timing during Ontogenesis
  23. Developmental Processes
  24. Neuroblast Maturation
  25. Keratan Sulfate in Fetal Axonal Guidance
  26. Keratan Sulfate at Glutamatergic and GABAergic Synaptic Membranes
  27. Examples of Epileptogenic Dysplasias Influenced by Keratan Sulfate
  28. Polymicrogyria and Schizencephaly
  29. Focal Cortical Dysplasia Type Ia
  30. Examples of Less Epileptogenic or Non-Epileptogenic Disorders Influenced by Keratan Sulfate
  31. Holoprosencephaly, Alobar, and Semi-Lobar Forms
  32. Down Syndrome
  33. Congenital Hydrocephalus
  34. Atrophic Cerebral Cortex
  35. Conclusions
  36. 4. mTOR in Acquired and Genetic Models of Epilepsy
  37. The mTOR Signaling Pathway
  38. Clinical Disorders Caused by mTOR Pathway Mutations
  39. mTORopathy Genes
  40. Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and Related Malformations of Cortical Development
  41. Other Syndromes Associated with mTOR
  42. Clinical Treatment of mTORopathies with mTOR Inhibitors
  43. Genetic Models of mTORopathies
  44. An Overview of Models
  45. General Lessons from Animal Models
  46. Molecular Mechanisms of Epileptogenesis due to mTOR Hyperactivation
  47. Ion Channel/Neurotransmitter Regulation
  48. Inflammatory Mechanisms
  49. Metabolism and Autophagy
  50. Morphological and Pathological Effects of mTOR Hyperactivation on Cell Structure
  51. Genetic Effects: Not All mTORopathy Genes Are Equal
  52. mTOR Hyperactivation in Acquired Epilepsy
  53. Challenges and Opportunities
  54. 5. Epilepsy Genomics: Disease-Causing Sequence Variants
  55. Introduction
  56. History of Curating the Epilepsy Genome: The First Ten Years of Epilepsy Variants
  57. Benefits of Curating the Epilepsy Genome
  58. Genetic Testing for Epilepsy Variants Improves Diagnosis Treatment and Prognosis
  59. Novel Molecular Concepts of Epileptogenesis in Genetic Epilepsy Syndromes
  60. Epilepsy Genomics: At Last A Road to Halting and Reversing Disease Progression and Possible Cures
  61. Key Elements in the Genetic and Clinical Platform Needed in the Quest to Cure Each Epilepsy
  62. Key Turning Points
  63. Remaining Challenges and Trends in the Next Ten Years
  64. Ex Vivo HSPC Transduction Gene Therapy Can Cure MLD
  65. Genome Editing in Hurler Mucopolysaccharidosis I
  66. Lafora Type Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy: The Key Elements and Critical Genetic and Clinical Ingredients Necessary for a Quest to Cure Are Already Available
  67. Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies
  68. Focal Epilepsies
  69. Vigilance for Unexpected Adverse Effects of ASOs and GRT
  70. Key Social and Ethical Issues in the Quest to Cure the Epilepsies
  71. Section 2 Seizures, Networks, and Systems
  72. 6. GABA-Receptor Signaling and Ionic Plasticity in the Generation and Spread of Seizures
  73. Introduction
  74. Network Patterns of Focal Seizures
  75. Interneurons and Epileptiform Events: A Prelude
  76. Focal Seizure Patterns: From Epilepsy Patients to Animal Models In Vivo and In Vitro
  77. Activity-Dependent Ionic Mechanisms Underlying Fast Transformation from Inhibitory to Excitatory GABAR Signaling
  78. Ionic Basis of the Reversal Potential and Driving Force of GABAR-Mediated Currents
  79. High-Frequency Activity of Interneurons Leads to GABAR-Mediated Excitation
  80. Recurrent Epileptiform Events Driven by GABARs in the Absence of Glutamatergic Transmission
  81. Ionic Avalanches in the Generation and Spread of Seizures
  82. Glutamate-Induced Depolarization Enhances Neuronal GABAR-Mediated Cl− Loading
  83. Positive Feedback Loops Involving Ion Shifts and Epileptiform Activity
  84. Cellular and Molecular Sources of K+ Contributing to Activity-Dependent K+ Transients
  85. Chronic Epilepsy and Long-Term Ionic Plasticity
  86. Conclusions
  87. 7. Connexins, Pannexins, and Epilepsy
  88. Introduction
  89. Fundamental Biology of Gap Junctions, Connexins, and Pannexins
  90. Gap Junctions and Connexins
  91. Pannexin Channels
  92. Connexin-36 and Pannexin-1 in Neurons
  93. Connexins and Pannexins in Glia
  94. Connexins and Pannexins in the Neuro-Glial-Vascular Unit
  95. Gap Junctions and Epilepsy
  96. Gap Junctional Function and Seizures
  97. Alterations of Gap Junction Coupling in Brain Specimens of Epileptic Patients and Relevant Animal Models
  98. Glial-Based Gap-Junctional-Mediated Extracellular Potassium Homeostasis and Seizures
  99. Pannexins and Seizures
  100. Conclusions
  101. 8. Mechanisms Leading to Initiation, Development, and Termination of Focal Seizures
  102. Introduction
  103. Focal Seizure Patterns in Humans
  104. Focal Seizure Patterns in Animal Models
  105. Chronic Animal Models of Focal Epilepsy In Vivo
  106. In Vitro Models of Focal Seizures
  107. Focal Seizure Onset
  108. Progression of a Focal Seizure Discharge
  109. Focal Seizure Termination
  110. The Relationship between Focal Seizure Termination and Postictal Suppression
  111. Conclusions
  112. 9. Transition to Seizure from Cellular, Network, and Dynamical Perspectives
  113. Introduction
  114. Seizure Initiation
  115. Cellular and Network Mechanisms of Seizure Initiation
  116. Transition to the Seizure and Preictal State
  117. The Phenomenon of Critical Slowing and Loss of Resilience
  118. Experimental and Empirical Evidence for a Critical Slowing and Loss of Stability in the Epileptic Brain
  119. Empirical Evidence for a Preictal Critical Slowing and Loss of Stability in Humans
  120. Proictal States, Seizure Probability Fluctuation, and Markers of Resilience
  121. Conclusions and Future Research
  122. 10. Role of the Subiculum in Focal Epilepsy
  123. Introduction
  124. Subiculum: Anatomy, Local Networks, and Cellular Properties
  125. Anatomy within the Brain and Links with Temporal Lobe Cortices
  126. Subiculum Substructures
  127. Local Neuronal Networks
  128. Neuron Subtypes: Morphology and Electrophysiological Properties
  129. Subiculum Physiology: More Than a Hippocampal Output
  130. Subiculum Local Oscillatory Rhythms
  131. Memory
  132. Spatial Orientation
  133. Stress Response
  134. Role of the Subiculum in Rodent Models of Epilepsy
  135. In Vivo Involvement of the Subiculum in Focal Epilepsy
  136. In Vitro Indication of the Role of the Subiculum in Focal Epilepsy
  137. Role of the Subiculum in Human Focal Epilepsy
  138. Ex Vivo Experimental Data from Human Epileptic Postoperative Tissues
  139. In Vivo Evidence of the Subicular Role in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
  140. Conclusions
  141. 11. Optogenetic Modulation of Focal Seizures
  142. Introduction
  143. Optogenetic Stimulation in In Vitro Models of Epileptiform Synchronization
  144. Optogenetic Stimulation in In Vivo Models of Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
  145. Acute Seizures
  146. Spontaneous Seizures
  147. Limitations and Clinical Translation of Optogenetic Procedures
  148. Concluding Remarks
  149. 12. Balancing Seizure Control with Cognitive Side Effects Using Changes in Theta
  150. Introduction
  151. Network Approach to Epileptic Seizures
  152. Pathological Theta and Relationship to Interneurons Preictally
  153. Pathological Theta-Related Decrease in Neuronal Activity Interictally
  154. Pathological Theta and Reduced Cognitive Performance
  155. Stimulation of Theta Reduces Ictogenesis and Attenuates Cognitive Dysfunction
  156. Impact of an Inclusive Framework on Treatment
  157. 13. High-Frequency Oscillations
  158. Definitions
  159. Recording Methods
  160. Separating Physiological from Pathological HFOs
  161. Basic Mechanisms of Generation
  162. Are There Different Mechanisms in Neocortex?
  163. Visual Analysis and Automatic Detection in Clinical Settings
  164. Relationships to the Epileptogenic Zone
  165. Fast Ripples and the Underlying Anatomopathological Entities
  166. Biomarker of Epilepsy
  167. Conclusion
  168. 14. Seizures and Sleep
  169. Neuronal Activity during Sleep Oscillations and Epileptic Activity
  170. Bidirectional Interactions between Epileptic Activity and Sleep
  171. Relationship between Epileptic Activity and Sleep
  172. Distribution of Seizures across the Sleep-Wake Cycle
  173. High-Frequency Oscillations are Modulated by Sleep
  174. Sleep-Related Hypermotor Epilepsy as an Example of a Sleep-Related Epilepsy Syndrome
  175. Sleep Microstructure and Epileptic Activity
  176. Link between Sleep Fragmentation and Epileptic Activity
  177. Localizing Value of Sleep for Seizure Focus Identification and Outcome Prediction
  178. Effects of Sleep Homeostasis and Circadian, Multidien, and Circannual Rhythms of Epileptic Activity
  179. Effects of Sleep-Related Epileptic Activity on Sleep Structure and Function
  180. SUDEP, Seizures, and Sleep
  181. Future Directions
  182. 15. Cycles in Epilepsy
  183. Introduction
  184. Historical Perspective
  185. Ancient Beliefs
  186. Epilepsy Colonies
  187. The Invention of the EEG
  188. Chronic Recordings in Animals
  189. Methodological Advances
  190. Digital Seizure Diaries
  191. Ambulatory Recording Devices
  192. Computational Advances
  193. Sleep-Wake and Circadian Seizure Cycles
  194. Sleep-Wake Seizure Cycles
  195. Circadian Seizure Cycles
  196. Circadian Seizure Networks
  197. Circadian Seizure Timing in Animal Models
  198. Combined Circadian and Sleep-Wake Modulations
  199. Putative Mechanisms
  200. Multidien Seizure Cycles
  201. Multidien Cycles of Seizures
  202. Multidien Cycles of Epileptic Brain Activity
  203. The Relationship between Seizures and IEA
  204. Free-Running Rhythms
  205. Putative Mechanisms
  206. Circannual Seizure Cycles
  207. Putative Mechanisms
  208. Impact and Future Challenges
  209. 16. Human Single-Neuron Recordings in Epilepsy
  210. Introduction
  211. Devices for Recording Single Neurons in Humans
  212. Behnke-Fried Hybrid Depth Electrodes
  213. “Utah” Microelectrode Arrays
  214. Recording Methodology and Technical Considerations
  215. Ethical Considerations
  216. Recording Techniques
  217. Single- and Multi-Unit Discrimination and Analyses
  218. Multi-Unit Activity and Spike-Sorting Single Units
  219. Cell-Type Subclassification
  220. Insights into Ictal Dynamics from Human Single-Neuron Recordings
  221. Spatiotemporal Activity of Human Neurons during Seizures
  222. Tracking Single-Unit Activity during Seizures: Special Considerations
  223. Correlating Single-Neuron Data with Clinical Recordings
  224. Cell-Type-Specific Activity during the Ictal Transition
  225. Translating Animal Studies to Human Single-Unit Recordings
  226. Human Single-Neuron Activity in the Interictal Period
  227. Single-Neuron Neurocognitive Studies in Epilepsy Patients
  228. Future Considerations
  229. 17. Role of Ion Concentration Dynamics in Epileptic Seizures
  230. Introduction
  231. Potassium Ions and the K+ Accumulation Hypothesis
  232. Sodium Ions and the Na+/K+ Pump
  233. Chloride
  234. Calcium and Magnesium
  235. Conclusion
  236. 18. A Classification of Seizures Based on Dynamics
  237. Introduction
  238. A Taxonomy of Seizure Dynamics
  239. Prelude
  240. Seizures and Bifurcations
  241. The Dynamotypes
  242. Application to Clinical Data
  243. Summary of Observed Dynamotypes
  244. Noise and Complex Dynamics
  245. Coexistence of Dynamotypes
  246. Implications for the Clinic
  247. Conclusion
  248. 19. Computational EEG Analysis of Human Epileptogenic Networks
  249. Introduction
  250. Scalp EEG
  251. Intracranial Stereo-EEG
  252. Epileptogenicity Index
  253. Statistical Parametric Mapping of Epileptogenicity Index
  254. Quantified Frequency Analysis Index
  255. Nonlinear Structure Index
  256. High-Frequency Oscillations
  257. Ultra-Long-Term EEG
  258. The Next Ten Years
  259. 20. Excitation-Inhibition Balance in Absence Seizure Ictogenesis
  260. Intrinsic Mechanisms
  261. T-Type Ca2+ Channels
  262. HCN Channels
  263. Summary
  264. Network/Synaptic Mechanisms
  265. Summary
  266. SWD Frequency in Animal Models and Humans
  267. Conclusions
  268. 21. Cortical and Thalamic PV+ Interneuron Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Absence Epilepsy
  269. The Corticothalamic Circuit Involved with Absence Epilepsy
  270. Brief History of Thalamocortical Inhibition in Absence Epilepsy
  271. Evolution of Available Models of Absence Epilepsy
  272. Debate on the Thalamic versus Cortical Onset of Seizures
  273. Genetic and Molecular Insights into Cell-Type-Specific Contributions to Absence Epilepsy
  274. Insights from Drug-Induced Models of Absence Seizures
  275. Insights from Monogenic Models
  276. Further Insight from Inbred Rat Models of Absence Epilepsy
  277. A Working Model of Absence Epileptogenesis
  278. Insights into Network Mechanisms from Recent In Vivo Imaging and Minimally Invasive Manipulation Studies
  279. In Vivo Imaging Studies
  280. Optogenetic/DREADD Studies
  281. New Directions and Treatment Considerations
  282. Conclusions
  283. 22. Convergence of Thalamic Mechanisms in Genetic Epilepsies
  284. Introduction
  285. Thalamic Organization and Rhythmogenesis
  286. Structural Elements of Thalamic and Thalamocortical Circuits: From Gross Anatomy to Cell Types
  287. Thalamic Firing
  288. Calcium Channels and Thalamic Firing
  289. Calcium Channels
  290. Spotlight on T-Type Calcium Channels and Burst Firing
  291. Spatial Distribution of T-Type Calcium Channel Subunits
  292. Rhythmogenesis in the Thalamus: Strengths and Weaknesses
  293. Delta Oscillations
  294. Spindle Oscillations
  295. Slow Oscillations
  296. The Thalamus in Absence Epilepsy and Beyond
  297. Insights from Human Genetic Studies of Absence Epilepsy
  298. T-Type Calcium Channels in Genetic Models of Absence Epilepsy
  299. R-Type and P/Q-Type Channels in Genetic Models of Absence Epilepsy
  300. SK Channels and Thalamic Bursting in Dravet Syndrome
  301. The Emerging Role of the Thalamus in Acquired Epilepsies
  302. Conclusions
  303. Section 3 Epileptogenesis: Molecular Mechanism and Treatments
  304. 23. The Diverse Roles of Mossy Cells in the Normal Brain, Epileptogenesis, and Chronic Epilepsy
  305. Introduction: Defining Mossy Cells
  306. Thorny Excrescences as a Defining Feature—With a Caveat
  307. Somatic and Dendritic Characteristics
  308. Axon
  309. Neurotransmitter
  310. Cell-Specific Markers of MCs
  311. Electrophysiology
  312. Dorsal and Ventral MCs
  313. Summary
  314. Functional Role of MCs in the Normal DG
  315. Inputs and Outputs of MCs in the Normal DG
  316. Are MCs Excitatory or Inhibitory to GCs?
  317. Plasticity
  318. Hippocampal EEG
  319. Behavior
  320. MCs in Epileptogenesis and Epilepsy
  321. How Studies of MCs in Epilepsy Led to Predictions about Their Role in the Disease
  322. How Studies of the Normal Brain Suggested Additional Ways MCs Influence Epileptogenesis and Epilepsy
  323. Advent of New Methods Using Mice Expressing Cre in MCs and AAV
  324. The Era of Mouse Models of Epilepsy: What It Has Suggested about the Role of MCs
  325. Caveats and Open Questions
  326. 24. Temporal Lobe Epileptogenesis: A Focus on Etiology, Neuron Loss, the Latent Period, and Dentate Granule Cell Disinhibition
  327. Introduction
  328. Three Steps to Refractory Temporal Lobe Epilepsy When Prolonged Febrile Seizures Are an Antecedent Factor
  329. Excitotoxicity, Neuron Loss, Disinhibition, and Temporal Lobe Epileptogenesis
  330. The Etiology of Hippocampal Sclerosis
  331. Prolonged Excitation Can Damage the Normal Brain; No Preexisting Defect Is Needed
  332. The Conundrum of Granule Cell Disinhibition without Dentate Basket Cell Degeneration
  333. The “Dormant Basket Cell” Hypothesis
  334. Extending the “Dormant Basket Cell” Hypothesis; Lateral Inhibition in the Normal and Injured Dentate Gyrus
  335. The Latent Period; When after Injury Do Self-Generated Epileptic Seizures Begin?
  336. The Definition of “Epileptogenesis” and the Notion of the “Gestational” Latent Period
  337. Is Neuron Loss Immediately Epileptogenic or Does Epilepsy Require Time, Reactive Gliosis, and Tissue Shrinkage (Sclerosis)?
  338. Is the Latent Period after Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus a State of Clinically Subtle Seizures or of No Seizures at All?
  339. Is Dentate Gyrus Disinhibition a Directly Epileptogenic Mechanism?
  340. GABAergic Disinhibition Instantly Triggers Acute “Nonepileptic” Seizures, but Could Disinhibition Also Cause Spontaneous “Epileptic” Seizures?
  341. Can GABA Neuron Ablation Cause Prolonged Seizures, Hippocampal Sclerosis, and Epilepsy?
  342. A Unifying Theory of Inherited and Acquired TLE Epileptogenesis
  343. Step One: Initiation of Epileptogenesis
  344. Step Two: Injury, When It Occurs
  345. Step Three: Epileptogenesis; What Is It and When Does It Occur?
  346. Unaddressed and Unanswered Questions
  347. Synopsis
  348. 25. Adult Neurogenesis in Epileptogenesis and Comorbidities
  349. Concept of Epileptogenesis
  350. Morphological Changes of Adult-Born Granule Cells in Epilepsy
  351. Molecular Regulators of Aberrant Neurogenesis in Epilepsy
  352. Glial Control of Aberrant Neurogenesis in Epilepsy
  353. Functional Roles of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Acute and Chronic Phase of Epilepsy
  354. The Role of Normal Newborn Granule Neurons in Generation of Acute Seizures
  355. The Role of Newborn Granule Neurons in Epileptogenesis
  356. Role of Aberrant Neurogenesis in Epilepsy-Associated Comorbidities
  357. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
  358. 26. A Crucial Role for Astrocytes in Epileptogenesis: Gap Junctions and Glutamate Receptors
  359. Introduction
  360. Gap Junction Channels
  361. The Astroglial Network and Its Potential Role in Epilepsy
  362. Connexin Expression and Gap Junctional Coupling in Human and Experimental Epilepsy
  363. Impact of Genetic and Pharmacological Modulation of Gap Junctions on Neuronal Excitability and Epileptogenesis
  364. Glutamate Receptors
  365. Glutamate Uptake Dysregulation in Epileptogenesis
  366. Regulation of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors in Epileptogenesis
  367. Targeting Astrocyte Glutamate Receptors as a Therapy for Refractory Epilepsies
  368. Conclusions
  369. 27. Adenosine Kinase: Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Isoforms
  370. Introduction
  371. The Biochemistry of Adenosine: Role in Epilepsy
  372. ADK-S Regulates Extracellular/Synaptic Adenosine
  373. ADK-S Regulates Cytoplasmic Adenosine Levels and Transmethylation Reactions
  374. Nuclear ADK-L Regulates Epigenetic Mechanisms
  375. Adenosine Kinase Hypothesis of Epileptogenesis
  376. Targeting ADK for Epilepsy Treatment
  377. Targeting ADK-S and Elevating Extracellular Adenosine for Seizure Suppression
  378. Targeting ADK-L for Epilepsy Prevention
  379. Conclusions and Therapeutic Perspective
  380. 28. Inflammatory Astrocytic TGFβ Signaling Induced by Blood–Brain Barrier Dysfunction Drives Epileptogenesis
  381. Introduction
  382. The Blood–Brain Barrier
  383. Physiological BBB Function
  384. Dysfunctional BBB
  385. BBBD in Epileptogenesis
  386. BBBD Induces Inflammatory TGFβ Signaling
  387. Astrocytic TGFβ Activation Induces Functional Network Modifications, ECM Remodeling, and Pathological Synaptic Plasticity
  388. Translational Impact—Therapeutic Approaches to BBB Dysfunction in Epilepsy
  389. Diagnostics: Detecting BBBD as a Biomarker in Epileptogenesis
  390. BBBD and TGFβR as Targets for Antiepileptogenic Interventions
  391. Conclusions
  392. 29. Pericytes and Microglia: Neurovascular and Immune Regulatory Cells in Seizure Disorders
  393. Introduction: Neuro-Glio-Vascular Regulatory Cells in Seizure Networks
  394. What Is a Pericyte?
  395. Perivascular Inflammatory Cell Reactivity during Seizures: Focus on Pericytes
  396. What Are Microglial Cells?
  397. Microglia Surveillance and Neuronal Interactions
  398. Microglial Pro- and Anti-inflammatory Molecular Equilibriums in Experimental Epilepsy
  399. Microglia-Pericytes Perivascular Assembly and Reactivity during Seizures: Experimental and Clinical Evidence
  400. Microglial Profiles in Human Drug-Resistant Epilepsies
  401. Pharmacological Entry Points: Focus on Pericytes and Microglia
  402. Conclusion: Refining Timing and Targets for Pharmacological Interventions
  403. 30. Neuroinflammation in Epilepsy: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
  404. Introduction
  405. Evidence for Neuroinflammation as a Risk Factor and Intensifying Influence for Epilepsy
  406. Neuroinflammatory Pathways Relevant to Epilepsy
  407. Cytokines
  408. Cytokine Mechanisms Underlying Hyperexcitability and Neurotoxicity
  409. Interleukin-1β
  410. Direct Neuronal Effects Relevant for Seizures
  411. Indirect Effects on Neuronal Excitability Mediated by Glia and Brain Endothelium
  412. Tumor Necrosis Factor
  413. Interaction with Glutamatergic and GABAergic Neurotransmission
  414. Other Neuromodulatory Effects
  415. Effects Mediated by Glial Cells
  416. IL-6
  417. Inflammation-Induced Channelopathies: Impact on Neuronal Excitability and Comorbidities
  418. Lipopolysaccharide
  419. Polyinosinic:Polycytidylic Acid
  420. COX-2 Signaling Pathways
  421. EP1 Receptors Mediate P-glycoprotein Induction in the Blood–Brain Barrier
  422. EP2 Receptors Exacerbate Neuroinflammation
  423. Chemokines
  424. CXCL1
  425. CCL2-CCR2
  426. Complement Pathway
  427. Mechanisms Underlying Complement Effects
  428. Variants in Immune-Related Genes
  429. Conclusions
  430. 31. Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Epilepsy
  431. Introduction
  432. Neuron-Glial Interactions and Their Role in Metabolic Dysfunction Associated with Seizures
  433. Role of Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in Epilepsy
  434. Redox Homeostasis
  435. Sources of Reactive Oxygen Species Production
  436. Redox-Mediated Cellular Pathway Disruption in Epilepsy
  437. Redox Regulation of Nrf2 in Epilepsy
  438. Biomarkers
  439. Therapeutic Strategies
  440. Conclusions
  441. 32. BDNF/TrkB Signaling and Epileptogenesis
  442. Introduction
  443. BDNF and TrkB Biology
  444. BDNF/TrkB Signaling: Epileptogenesis Caused by Trauma
  445. BDNF/TrkB Signaling: Development of Epilepsy Caused by Hypoxic/Ischemic Insults
  446. BDNF/TrkB Signaling: Development of Epilepsy Caused by Seizures
  447. BDNF/TrkB Signaling: A Role in Neuronal Survival
  448. Summary and Perspective
  449. 33. Clinical Features and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Autoantibody-Mediated Seizures
  450. Introduction
  451. Clinical Features of Antibody-Mediated CNS Disorders
  452. NMDA Receptor Antibody Encephalitis
  453. LGI1-Antibody Encephalitis
  454. Other Autoantibody-Mediated Syndromes
  455. An Enduring Tendency to Seizure?
  456. Immunopathogenesis
  457. Neuropathogenesis
  458. Mechanisms of Autoantibodies Directed against Synaptic Receptors
  459. Mechanisms of Antibodies Directed against Other Extracellular Proteins
  460. Conclusions
  461. 34. Transcriptomic Alterations in Epileptogenesis: Transcription Factors in the Spotlight
  462. Introduction
  463. Transcriptional Control by FOS and JUN
  464. Transcriptional Control by Early Growth Response Genes
  465. Transcriptional Control by Serum Response Factor
  466. Transcriptional Control by the CREB Signaling Pathway
  467. Transcriptional Control Mechanisms by SP1
  468. Inflammation-Associated Transcriptional Regulation by NF-kB
  469. The JAK/STAT Signaling Cascade
  470. Zn2+-Induced Transcriptional Control
  471. Circadian Clock-Controlled Transcription
  472. NRF2-Mediated Control of Antioxidant Defenses
  473. Transcriptional Repression by RE1-Silencing Transcription Factor
  474. Genetic Variants and Transcriptional Control Mechanisms
  475. Differential Transcriptional Regulation by Alternative Promoters
  476. Summary and Future Course
  477. 35. Epigenetics
  478. Introduction
  479. Basic Concepts
  480. Genomes Are Nonrandomly Spatially Organized in 3D
  481. Readers, Writers, and Erasers
  482. Cellular Memory
  483. Key Epigenetic Mechanisms
  484. DNA Methylation
  485. Histone Modifications
  486. Noncoding RNAs
  487. Chromatin Remodeling
  488. On the Epigenetic Origin of Epilepsy
  489. Epigenetics in Epileptic Encephalopathies
  490. DNA Methylation in Focal Epilepsy
  491. Noncoding RNAs in Focal Epilepsy
  492. Histone Methylation in Focal Epilepsy
  493. Histone Acetylation in Focal Epilepsy
  494. A Key Role for Metabolism
  495. Epigenetic Biomarkers in Epilepsy
  496. Outlook
  497. Section 4 Biomarkers of Epileptogenesis
  498. 36. EEG Biomarkers of Epileptogenesis
  499. The Electroencephalogram
  500. EEG as a Biomarker for Epileptogenesis
  501. EEG Signatures of Epileptogenesis
  502. Interictal Spikes
  503. High-Frequency Oscillations
  504. Theta-Wave Dynamics
  505. Nonlinear Dynamics
  506. Future Challenges and Potential Mitigation Strategies
  507. Epilepsy Is Not One Disorder
  508. Translating Animal Findings into Clinical Tools
  509. Future Opportunities
  510. More Efficient Clinical Trials
  511. More Effective Treatments
  512. Wearable EEG
  513. Conclusions
  514. 37. Blood Biomarkers: Noncoding RNAs and Proteins
  515. Introduction
  516. The Challenge of Diagnosis and Prognosis
  517. What Is a Biomarker and Why Are Circulating Blood Molecules Sought?
  518. Practical Uses of a Circulating Biomarker
  519. Why Should Circulating Biofluids Contain Molecular Biomarkers of Epilepsy?
  520. Other Criteria That Must Be Met for Circulating Molecular Biomarkers
  521. What Type of Molecules Should We Be Looking for?
  522. How Would a Molecular Biomarker Be Used?
  523. miRNAs as Epilepsy Biomarkers
  524. miRNAs—An Overview
  525. miRNAs as Biomarkers
  526. Presence of miRNAs in Blood in Epilepsy—Clinical Findings
  527. Presence of miRNAs in Blood in Epilepsy—Preclinical Model Findings
  528. Practical Issues—How Will miRNA Biomarkers Be Detected?
  529. Other Circulating Noncoding RNAs as Biomarkers of Epilepsy
  530. Circulating Protein Biomarkers of Epilepsy
  531. Circulating Structural Protein Biomarkers of Epilepsy
  532. Circulating Inflammation-Related Protein Biomarkers of Epilepsy
  533. Current Gaps—What We Know We Don’t Know
  534. Summary and Conclusions
  535. 38. Behavioral Biomarkers of Epileptogenesis and Epilepsy Severity
  536. Introduction
  537. Neurobehavioral Comorbidities of Epilepsy: Bidirectional Relationship
  538. Shared Neuropathological Mechanisms between Epilepsy and Comorbidities
  539. Behavioral Comorbidities as Biomarkers of Epileptogenesis
  540. Behavioral Comorbidities as Biomarkers of Epilepsy Severity
  541. Conclusions and Future Directions
  542. 39. Genetic and Imaging Biomarkers of Epileptogenesis
  543. Introduction
  544. Biomarker Types
  545. Genetic Biomarkers
  546. Genetic Risk Biomarkers
  547. Diagnostic Genetic Biomarkers
  548. Prognostic Genetic Biomarkers
  549. Predictive Genetic Biomarkers
  550. Imaging Biomarkers
  551. Imaging Risk Biomarkers
  552. Human Studies
  553. Diagnostic Imaging Biomarkers
  554. Prognostic Imaging Biomarkers
  555. Predictive Imaging Biomarkers
  556. Conclusions
  557. 40. Machine-Learning Approach to Discover Novel Biomarkers for Posttraumatic Epilepsy
  558. Introduction
  559. Materials and Methods
  560. Animals and Experimental Procedures
  561. Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering
  562. Exploratory Data Analysis and Statistical Hypothesis Testing
  563. Machine Learning
  564. Model Training and Evaluation
  565. Cohort Similarity Assessment
  566. Implementation
  567. Results
  568. Exploratory Data Analysis and Hypothesis Tests
  569. Classification
  570. Subcohort Similarity
  571. Discussion
  572. Section 5 Genes and Network Development
  573. 41. Human Epilepsy Gene Discovery: The Next Decade
  574. Genetic Contributions to Epilepsy: Current Knowledge
  575. Genetic Generalized Epilepsy
  576. Focal Epilepsy
  577. Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy
  578. What’s Next?
  579. Genome Sequencing
  580. Long-Read Sequencing
  581. Epigenetics
  582. Multiomics
  583. Mosaicism
  584. Oligogenic and Polygenic Risk
  585. The Importance of Collaboration
  586. Summary
  587. 42. Functional Exploration of Epilepsy Genes in Patient-Derived Cells
  588. Introduction
  589. Generating iPSCs
  590. Gene Editing of iPSCs
  591. Methods of 2D Neuronal Differentiation
  592. Physiological Assays for hPSC-Derived Neurons
  593. Genetic Epilepsy Modeling Using 2D hPSC Cultures
  594. Dravet Syndrome
  595. STXBP1-Related DEE
  596. Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
  597. Rett Syndrome
  598. Studying SUDEP Using hPSCs
  599. Brain Organoid Models
  600. Modeling Genetic Epilepsies and Their Effects on Cortical Network Function With Brain Organoids
  601. Challenges and Future Directions
  602. Conclusions
  603. 43. Brain Mosaicism in Epileptogenic Cortical Malformations
  604. Introduction
  605. Somatic Mutations in mTOR Pathway Genes in Focal Cortical Dysplasia
  606. Brain Somatic Mutations in the N-Glycosylation Pathway in MOGHE
  607. Modeling of Brain Somatic Mutations in Rodents
  608. In Utero Electroporation to Model Somatic Mosaicism
  609. Genetic Hyperactivation of mTOR to Model FCDII
  610. Cellular and Circuit Features Underlying Focal Cortical Dysplasia
  611. Human Studies
  612. Mouse Studies
  613. Disease Modeling Using Human Stem Cell Models
  614. Precision Medicine and Perspectives
  615. 44. Sodium Channelopathies in Human and Animal Models of Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  616. Introduction
  617. SCN1A
  618. SCN1A Variants in Patients with Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  619. In Vitro Analyses of Nav1.1 Mutant Channels
  620. Nav1.1 Distribution in Brain
  621. SCN1A Animal/Human Cell Models and Disease Pathogenesis
  622. Precision Therapies for Diseases with Nav1.1 Deficiency
  623. SCN2A
  624. SCN2A Variants in Patients with Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  625. In Vitro Analyses on Nav1.2 Mutant Channels
  626. Nav1.2 Distribution in Brain
  627. SCN2A Animal Models and Disease Pathogenesis
  628. SCN8A
  629. SCN8A Variants in Patients with Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  630. In Vitro Analyses of Nav1.6 Mutant Channels
  631. Nav1.6 Distribution in Brain
  632. Scn8a Animal Models and Disease Pathogenesis
  633. SCN1B
  634. SCN1B Variants in Patients with Epilepsy and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  635. In Vitro Analyses of β1 and β1B Wild-Type and Mutant Channels
  636. SCN1B Expression in Brain
  637. SCN1B Animal Models and Disease Cascade
  638. Mechanisms of SUDEP in SCN1B Animal Models
  639. Concluding Remarks
  640. 45. Potassium Channels in Genetic Epilepsy: A Functional Perspective
  641. Introduction
  642. Brief Summary of Potassium Channel Classification
  643. Characterization and Classification of Potassium Channel Variants
  644. Types of Potassium Currents in Neurons
  645. IA-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy (KCND2, KCND3)
  646. ID-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy (KCNA1, KCNA2)
  647. IK-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy (KCNB1, KCNC1)
  648. IM and ImAHP-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy (KCNQ2, KCNQ3, KCNQ5)
  649. IfAHP-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy (KCNMA1, KCNB2)
  650. Slow Afterhyperpolarization (sAHP)-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy (KCNT1, KCNT2, KCNQ2, KCNQ3, KCNJ11)
  651. Ikir-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy (KCNJ10, KCNJ11)
  652. Ileak-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy (KCNK4)
  653. KCNH1-Related Channelopathies and Epilepsy
  654. New Concepts, Gaps in Our Knowledge, and Novel Approaches
  655. Potassium Channels, Developmental Expression, and Homeostasis
  656. Potassium Channels as Signaling Hubs
  657. Potassium Channels—Cotransporter Complexes
  658. Large-Scale Approaches to Bridge the Gap between Potassium Channel Dysfunction and Seizures
  659. Conclusion
  660. 46. High-Voltage-Activated Calcium Channels in Epilepsy: Lessons from Humans and Rodents
  661. Introduction
  662. Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels: An Overview
  663. L-Type VGCCs in Epilepsy
  664. L-Type Ca1.2 Channels: CACNA1C-Associated Disorders in Humans
  665. L-Type Ca1.3 Channels: CACNA1D-Associated Disorders in Humans
  666. Mechanisms of L-Type VGCC-Associated Epilepsy: Dendritic Calcium Transients, Afterhyperpolarization, and Paroxysmal Depolarization Shifts
  667. P/Q-Type Ca2.1 VGCC and Epilepsy
  668. P/Q-Type Ca2.1 Channels: CACNA1A-Associated Disorders in Humans
  669. Physiological Roles of P/Q-Type Ca2.1 Channels
  670. Cellular and Circuit Mechanisms of Cacna1a-Associated Epilepsy
  671. R-Type Ca2.3 Channels: CACNA1E-Associated Epilepsy
  672. CACNA1E-Associated Disorders in Humans
  673. Mechanisms of CACNA1E-Related Epilepsies: Ca2.3-Mediated R-Type Currents Regulate Firing Mode, Plateau Potentials, and Afterhyperpolarization
  674. Conclusions
  675. 47. Transcriptional Regulation of Cortical Interneuron Development
  676. Introduction
  677. Subpallial Progenitor Domain Subdivisions
  678. Medial Ganglionic Eminence
  679. Caudal Ganglionic Eminence
  680. Lateral Ganglionic Eminence
  681. Pre-Optic Area
  682. Septum
  683. Regional Specification of IN-Generating Progenitor Zones
  684. MGE Specification and LGE/CGE Identity Repression
  685. Roles of Gsx1 and Gsx2 in Establishing LGE and CGE
  686. Ventral and Rostral Patterning Centers Together Induce Nkx2.1 and the MGE through SHH and FGF8 Signaling
  687. IN Fate Mapping
  688. Identification of MGE-Derived Descendants
  689. Identification of CGE-Derived Descendants
  690. POA-Derived INs
  691. Pallial Progenitors Contribute to Olfactory Bulb IN Diversity
  692. Shh Fate Mapping
  693. Fgf8 and Fgf17 Fate Mapping
  694. Progenitor Zones/Stem Cell Biology in the Ganglionic Eminences
  695. GE Ventricular Zone
  696. GE Subventricular Zones
  697. Mechanisms Proposed for the Generation of SST and PV CIN
  698. Functions of TFs Expressed in Migratory and Post-Migratory Immature INs
  699. Postmitotic Roles of Dlx TFs in IN Survival, Morphogenesis, and Synapse Formation and Function
  700. Nr2f1/Nr2f2 Promotes CGE Fate Specification and MGE Generation of SST CIN
  701. Role of Arx in MGE-Derived IN Migration and PV IN Fate Specification
  702. Opposing Roles of Npas1 and Npas3 in the MGE/CGE-Derived IN Generation and Differentiation
  703. Roles of the Mafb and c-Maf TFs in PV/SST IN Fate Specification, Migration, and Maturation
  704. Activity-Dependent Expression of Satb1 Drives SST CIN Maturation
  705. Mef2c Controls PV CIN Differentiation
  706. Genomic Approaches to Understand Transcriptional Control of IN Development
  707. Forebrain Enhancer Identification and Functional Characterization
  708. Epigenetic Functions of Dlx1/2/5, Gsx2, Lhx6, Nkx2.1, and Otx2 during GE Development
  709. Molecular and Genetic Tools Utilizing Enhancer
  710. Interneuron Classification and New Marker Discovery through Single-Cell RNA Sequencing
  711. Conclusion
  712. 48. GABA Receptors, Seizures, and Epilepsy
  713. GABA Receptors in Epilepsy and as Therapeutic Targets
  714. GABAR Structure
  715. GABAR Subtypes
  716. Targeting GABAR Subtypes for Epilepsy Therapy
  717. Tolerance
  718. Treatment of Epilepsy Comorbidities
  719. EtOH-Induced Plasticity of GABAR-Mediated Inhibition at the Gene Expression and Protein Levels
  720. Synaptic Matrix Tethering with Neuroligin-2, Gephyrin, and Collybistin; Role of LHFPL4
  721. Activation of Extrasynaptic δ-GABAR Induces Spike-Wave Seizures
  722. Advances in GABAR Structural Pharmacology Relevant to Pentobarbital, Propofol, and Etomidate
  723. Neuroactive Steroids
  724. Benzodiazepines
  725. Stiripentol
  726. Optogenetics and Chemogenetics
  727. Conclusion and Future Directions
  728. 49. Gene–Genome Interactions: Understanding Complex Molecular Traits in Epilepsy
  729. Complex Molecular Networks in Epilepsy
  730. The Growing Epilepsy Genome
  731. Studying the “Multiome”
  732. Single-Cell Analysis
  733. Single-Cell Genomics
  734. Single-Cell Transcriptomics
  735. 3D Genome Conformation
  736. Genetics 3.0—Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
  737. Better Phenotypes, Faster
  738. A Normative Framework for Complex Data––From Computer Vision to Genomic Sequence
  739. New Phenotypes from Neural Networks
  740. The Next Ten Years
  741. Section 6 Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsies
  742. 50. The Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses
  743. Introduction
  744. Genetics
  745. Epidemiology
  746. Clinical Features
  747. Neuroimaging and EEG Findings
  748. Pathology
  749. Morphology
  750. Molecular Basis of Disease
  751. NCL Proteins
  752. Diagnosis
  753. Laboratory Diagnosis
  754. Prenatal Diagnosis
  755. Care Management
  756. Therapy
  757. Enzyme Replacement Therapy for CLN2 Disease
  758. Experimental Therapies
  759. Conclusions and Future Directions
  760. 51. Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy: Unverricht-Lundborg Disease
  761. Introduction
  762. Clinical Features
  763. Genotype-Phenotype Correlations
  764. Differential Diagnosis
  765. The Cystatin B Gene and Protein
  766. Disease-Associated CSTB Mutations
  767. Cystatin B–Deficient Mouse Model for EPM1
  768. Disease Mechanisms
  769. Regulation of Histone Cleavage, Cell Cycle, and Neurogenesis
  770. GABAergic Signaling and Synapse Physiology
  771. Microglial Dysfunction and Inflammation
  772. Oxidative Stress and Apoptotic Cell Death
  773. 52. Strategies on Gene Therapy in Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsies
  774. Introduction
  775. Molecular/Genetic Markers
  776. Gene Therapy with Particularities to Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy
  777. Unverricht-Lundborg Disease
  778. Lafora Disease
  779. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses
  780. Gene Replacement Therapy for NCLs
  781. Conclusion
  782. 53. Therapeutic Window for the Treatment of Lafora Disease
  783. Brain Glycogen
  784. Lafora Disease
  785. Pathological Contribution of Glycogen in the LD Brain
  786. Targeting Glycogen to Treat LD
  787. Malin Gene Replacement Therapy to Treat LD
  788. New Challenges and Perspectives Using MGS-Based Suppression or Malin-Restoration Approaches
  789. Conclusions
  790. 54. Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy of Lafora: Treatment with Metformin
  791. Introduction
  792. Proposed Mechanism of Action of Metformin
  793. Inhibition of Mitochondrial Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
  794. Inhibition of the Lysosomal Proton Pump v-ATPase
  795. Inhibition of Mitochondrial Complex I of the Respiratory Chain and Activation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase
  796. Metformin Ameliorates Oxidative Stress
  797. Metformin and Neuroinflammation
  798. Metformin as a Neuroprotective Agent in Epilepsy
  799. Metformin in Lafora Disease
  800. Clinical Aspects of Lafora Disease
  801. Animal Models of Lafora Disease
  802. Pharmacological Interventions in Animal Models of Lafora Disease
  803. 55. Treating Lafora Disease with an Antibody-Enzyme Fusion
  804. The Problem: Lafora Bodies Drive Epilepsy, Neurodegeneration, and Inflammation
  805. Glycogen
  806. Synthesis and Degradation
  807. Glycogen: Architecture
  808. Glycogen and LBs in the Brain
  809. The Solution: Novel Antibody-Enzyme Fusions Clear LBs
  810. Enzymatic Degradation of LBs
  811. The 3E10 Targeting Platform
  812. VAL-0417 Activity in Cells and Systemic Administration
  813. CNS Administration of VAL-0417
  814. VAL-0417 Ablates Brain LBs
  815. Assessing Brain Function via Metabolomics
  816. Metabolic Profiles to Assess Target Engagement
  817. Brain Glycogen: Glucose and Glucosamine
  818. Next Steps
  819. 56. Antisense Oligonucleotide Therapy for Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsies
  820. Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsies—A Brief Overview
  821. Antisense Oligonucleotides and Their Different Modes of Action
  822. ASO Strategies to Treat PME Disorders
  823. ASOs That Modulate Splicing
  824. ASOs Targeting mRNA for Degradation via RNase H
  825. Upregulation of Gene Expression through ASOs
  826. Combination of ASOs with Readthrough Drugs to Target Nonsense Mutations
  827. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
  828. Section 7 Comorbidities of Epileptic Networks
  829. 57. Dissecting Epileptic and Cognitive Network Dysfunction in Epilepsy
  830. Introduction
  831. Memory Processes
  832. Measuring the Functional Integrity of Neuronal Networks
  833. The Output: Behavioral Assays
  834. Probing Brain Functions through Single-Unit Activity
  835. Brain Rhythms: Networks in Motion
  836. Functional Mechanisms of Cognitive Impairment in Epilepsy
  837. Epilepsy Models
  838. Neuronal Dynamics and Coding in Epilepsy
  839. Development of Neural Coding and Oscillations
  840. GABAergic Neurons: Coordinators of Complex Systems
  841. Dissecting Epileptic and Cognitive Network Dysfunction
  842. Conclusion and Perspectives
  843. 58. Attention-Deficit Disorders and Epilepsy
  844. Epilepsy and ADHD—Clinical Background and Genetics
  845. Epidemiology of Comorbid ADHD and Epilepsy
  846. Genetics of ADHD and Epilepsy
  847. Pathophysiologic Insights from Rodent Models of Epilepsy and ADHD
  848. Testing Attention Deficits in Rodents
  849. Rodent Models of ADHD and Epilepsy/Seizures
  850. Insights into Current and Future Treatment of Attention Disorders in Epilepsy
  851. The Effect of Pharmacotherapy for ADHD on Seizures
  852. Treatment of Concurrent Seizures and Attention Disorders
  853. Future Screening of Antiseizure Drugs
  854. Conclusion
  855. 59. What Rodent Models Teach Us about the Association of Autism and Epilepsy
  856. The Association of Autism and Epilepsy
  857. The Role of Animal Models for Studying Autism/Epilepsy Syndromes
  858. Dravet Syndrome: An Ion Channelopathy Causing Refractory Seizures, Cognitive Deficits, and Autism
  859. Calcium Channelopathies
  860. Potassium Channels: Kv4.2 and Kv7.2
  861. CNTNAP2
  862. Do Seizures during Development Cause Impairments in Social Behavior?
  863. Future Directions
  864. 60. Artificial Intelligence–Guided Behavioral Phenotyping in Epilepsy
  865. Introduction
  866. Why Do We Care about Behavior in Epilepsy?
  867. What Kind of Behavioral Readout and Expertise Is Required to Phenotype Animal Models of Epilepsies?
  868. Analyzing Behavior Starts with Tracking
  869. Machine Learning and Deep Learning Revolutionized Animal Motion Tracking
  870. With Machine Learning Toward Marker-less Animal Tracking
  871. Basics of Deep Learning
  872. State-of-the-Art Animal Motion Capture with Deep Learning
  873. Quantifying Behavior
  874. Reference Coordinates
  875. Decomposing the Temporal Structure of Behavior
  876. Conclusion and Future Directions for Basic Epilepsy Research
  877. AI-Guided Phenotyping in Epilepsy for Screening at Scale
  878. Linking Brain to Behavior in Epilepsy with AI-Guided Phenotyping
  879. 61. Mechanisms of Depression in the Epileptic Brain
  880. Epilepsy and Depression Comorbidity
  881. Phenomenology
  882. Management and Treatment
  883. Depression and Vulnerability to Epilepsy
  884. Epilepsy and Vulnerability to Depression
  885. Mechanisms of Depression
  886. Potential Mechanisms Mediating Comorbid Depression and Epilepsy
  887. Network/Structural Abnormalities
  888. HPA Axis
  889. Altered Neurotransmission
  890. Summary
  891. 62. Heterogeneous Mechanisms of Spreading Depolarization and Seizures
  892. Introduction
  893. SD Initiation/Propagation
  894. SD Contributors and Pharmacosensitivity
  895. Roles of Astrocytes
  896. Neuronal Structural Alteration and Injuries in SD
  897. Physiological and Pathological SD Repolarization
  898. Neurovascular Responses in SD and Seizure
  899. Anatomical Susceptibility of SD
  900. SD and Seizure Generation in Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Conditions
  901. Hypoxia/Ischemia/Hypoglycemia
  902. Brain Trauma/Mechanical Stress
  903. Hyperthermia/Fever
  904. SD Generation/Inhibition by Seizure Activities
  905. Clinical Associations between Seizure and SD
  906. SD Recording in Human Epilepsy Patients
  907. Summary
  908. 63. Genetic and Cellular Mechanisms Underlying SUDEP Risk
  909. Introduction
  910. The MORTEMUS Study Defines a Common Temporal Framework for Nocturnal Sudden Death
  911. The MORTEMUS Pattern and Timetable Have Mechanistic Implications
  912. Ictal Asystoles, Ictal Apneas, and Postictal Cortical EEG Suppression Are Unreliable SUDEP Biomarkers
  913. Ictal Asystoles
  914. Ictal Apneas
  915. Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression
  916. Atypical SUDEP Patterns: Parallels with SCD, SIDS, and SUDY
  917. Monogenic SUDEP Risk
  918. The Neurocardiac Gene Hypothesis for SUDEP
  919. Potassium Channels
  920. KCNQ1
  921. KCNA1
  922. SENP2
  923. Other
  924. Sodium Channels
  925. SCN1A
  926. SCN1B, 2A, 8A
  927. Ryanodine Receptor
  928. RYR2
  929. SUDEP Gene Diversity
  930. Monogenic Neurorespiratory Syndromes
  931. Gene-Specific Longevity Profiles: SD50
  932. Epistatic Interactions among SUDEP Genes Impact Survival
  933. Conditional Genetic Dissection of Critical SUDEP Pathways
  934. Heart versus Brain
  935. Forebrain versus Brainstem
  936. Excitatory versus Inhibitory Networks
  937. Progressive Central and Cardiac Pathology and SUDEP Risk
  938. Forebrain
  939. Brainstem
  940. Cardiac
  941. Diurnal Rhythm and SUDEP
  942. Brainstem Spreading Depolarization
  943. Brainstem SD Is Linked to Postictal Cardiorespiratory Collapse in Mouse SUDEP Models
  944. In Vivo SD Imaging
  945. Seizure-SD Coupling
  946. The Perilous Genetic Landscape of SUDEP
  947. SUDEP: Gene-Guided Research and Interventions
  948. Circuitry
  949. Modifier Genes
  950. Pharmacology
  951. Gene Therapy
  952. Summary
  953. Section 8 Epilepsy Therapeutics
  954. 64. New Models for Assessment of Antiseizure Activity
  955. Introduction
  956. Zebrafish and Other Model Organisms
  957. Drosophila melanogaster Models of Epilepsy
  958. Mouse Models of Genetic Epilepsy and Therapy Development
  959. Theiler’s Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus Mouse Model
  960. Intra-Amygdala Kainate and Intra-Hippocampal Kainate Mouse Models
  961. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and the Future
  962. Summary and Conclusions
  963. 65. Disease Biology Factors Accounting for Epilepsy Severity: An Updated Conceptual Framework for New Drug Discovery
  964. Call for Paradigm Shift Toward Treating Disease Biology
  965. Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: Time to Break with Traditional Views
  966. Concept of Intrinsic Epilepsy Severity Index
  967. Contribution of the Epileptic Perturbation to the Intrinsic Epilepsy Severity Index
  968. Contribution of Mitigating and Propagating Factors to Intrinsic Epilepsy Severity
  969. Contribution of Recurrent Seizures to Intrinsic Epilepsy Severity
  970. Future Technologies Will Drive Better Understanding of Neurobiological Factors Contributing to the Epilepsy Severity Index
  971. Intrinsic Disease Severity Concept Provides a Holistic View to Drug Resistance
  972. Targeting Intrinsic Epilepsy Severity as an Approach to Achieve Disease Control
  973. Conclusion
  974. 66. Animal Models of Pharmacoresistant Epilepsy
  975. Introduction
  976. 6 Hz Psychomotor Seizure Model
  977. Lamotrigine-Resistant Kindled Rodent Model
  978. Phenytoin-Resistant Kindled Rat Model
  979. Post–Status Epilepticus Models of Spontaneous Recurrent Seizures
  980. Intra-Amygdala and Intra-Hippocampal Kainate SE
  981. Systemic Kainate- and Pilocarpine-Induced-SE Model
  982. Electrical Stimulation Induced-SE Model
  983. Conclusion
  984. 67. Drug Combinations for Antiepileptogenesis
  985. Introduction
  986. Single Drug versus Drug Combinations for Antiepileptogenesis
  987. Efficacy of Drug Combination to Prevent or Modify the Development of Epilepsy
  988. Systematic Evaluation of Drug Combinations for Antiepileptogenesis
  989. Three Drug Combinations Stand Out in Their Antiepileptogenic Efficacy
  990. Potential Mechanisms of Effective Drug Combinations
  991. Effects on Diverse versus Similar Targets for Antiepileptogenesis
  992. Top-Down versus Bottom-Up Target-Based Approaches in Identifying New Antiepileptogenic Therapies
  993. Future Advancements in the Search for Synergistic Antiepileptogenic Drug Combinations
  994. Conclusions and Outlook
  995. 68. Prophylaxis of Epileptogenesis in Injury and Genetic Epilepsy Models
  996. Gabapentinoids, Excitatory Synapse Formation, and Antiepileptogenesis
  997. Antiepileptogenesis in a Genetic, Noninjury Model of Epilepsy with Enhanced Excitatory Connectivity
  998. Antiepileptogenesis in Posttraumatic Epilepsy and a Genetic Epilepsy Model with Reduced Inhibitory Interneuronal Function
  999. Unresolved Issues
  1000. 69. Management of Febrile Status Epilepticus: Past, Present, and Future
  1001. Introduction
  1002. Outcomes Following Febrile Status Epilepticus: Risk of Epilepsy
  1003. Outcomes Following Febrile Status Epilepticus: Cognitive Deficits
  1004. Pharmacologic Management of FSE: Past and Present
  1005. Neuroimaging after FSE to Predict Clinical Outcomes
  1006. Future Treatments to Prevent Long-Term Neurological Changes Following FSE
  1007. The Future of FSE and Its Treatment
  1008. 70. Excitatory Transmission in Status Epilepticus
  1009. Introduction
  1010. Cholinergic Agents and Glutamate Analogs Induce Status Epilepticus
  1011. Glutamate Receptors
  1012. Glutamate Receptor Expression in the Brain
  1013. Glutamate Receptor Plasticity during SE
  1014. Glutamate Receptor Antagonists in the Treatment of SE: Studies in Experimental Animals
  1015. Glutamate Excitotoxicity and Cell Death
  1016. NMDA Receptors Regulate the Plasticity of GABA-A and AMPA Receptors during SE
  1017. NMDA Receptors Regulate Epileptogenesis
  1018. Glutamate Receptor Antagonists in the Treatment of SE
  1019. Conclusions
  1020. 71. Ionic Mechanisms of Ictogenic Disinhibition: All GABA Signaling Is Local
  1021. Introduction
  1022. Physiology
  1023. The GABA Reversal Potential
  1024. E versus RMP
  1025. When Are GABA Currents Excitatory?
  1026. Is E a Monolithic Number?
  1027. What Determines E?
  1028. The Role of Transporters in Chloride Homeostasis
  1029. All GABA Signaling Is Local
  1030. Cytoplasmic Chloride Microdomains
  1031. Role of Transporters in the Chloride Distribution by Displacement Model
  1032. Experimental Analysis of Chloride Distribution by Displacement
  1033. Pathology
  1034. Seizures Associated with Acute Brain Injury
  1035. Salt Flux Associated with Neuronal Injury
  1036. Other Mechanisms of Salt Influx
  1037. Bumetanide Trials for Neonatal Seizures
  1038. Human Bumetanide Trials
  1039. Temporal Variance in E
  1040. Spatial Variance in E
  1041. Chronic Epilepsy
  1042. 72. Epileptogenic Channelopathies Guide Design of NBI-921352, a Highly Isoform-Selective Inhibitor of Na1.6
  1043. Introduction
  1044. Na Cellular and Subcellular Distribution
  1045. Central Nervous System
  1046. Peripheral Tissues
  1047. Genetic Channelopathies Guide a Preferred Selectivity Profile for Antiseizure Medications
  1048. Peripheral Nas
  1049. Na1.1
  1050. Na1.6
  1051. Designing a New Class of Isoform-Selective Sodium Channel Inhibitors
  1052. NBI-921352, the First Isoform-Selective Inhibitor of Na1.6
  1053. Like Nonselective Na Inhibitor ASMs That Bind the Pore Domain, NBI-921352 Is a State-Dependent Inhibitor
  1054. NBI-921352 Inhibits Persistent and Resurgent Currents from Mutant Na1.6 Channels
  1055. NBI-921352 Inhibits Electrically Induced Seizures in Scn8aN1768D/+ Mice
  1056. Concentration Dependence of NBI-921352 in Comparison to Common ASMs
  1057. NBI-921352 Inhibits Electrically Induced Seizures in Wild-Type Mice and Rats
  1058. Efficacious Concentrations of NBI-921352 Are Well Separated from Concentrations That Provoke Behavioral Signs
  1059. In Vitro Na1.6 Inhibition Predicts In Vivo Efficacy
  1060. Conclusions
  1061. 73. Purinergic Signaling in Epilepsy
  1062. Purinergic Signaling in the Brain
  1063. ATP Receptors
  1064. Adenosine Receptors
  1065. Interconversion of Endogenous Purinergic Ligands
  1066. Sources and Release
  1067. Targeting Purinergic Receptors for Seizure Control and the Treatment of Epilepsy
  1068. ATP Release during Seizures and Epilepsy
  1069. Targeting Adenosine and P1 Receptors
  1070. P2 Receptors
  1071. P2 Receptor–Mediated Molecular Mechanisms Contributing to Seizures and Epilepsy
  1072. Purines as Diagnostics for Epilepsy
  1073. Conclusion
  1074. 74. Anti-inflammatory Strategies for Disease Modification: Focus on Therapies Close to Clinical Translation
  1075. Introduction
  1076. The Need for Biomarkers
  1077. Anti-inflammatory Treatments in Clinical Practice
  1078. Interference with the IL-1beta-IL-1R1 Axis
  1079. IL-1beta-IL-1R1 Axis Activation in Epilepsy
  1080. Clinical Studies with Anti-IL-1beta Treatments
  1081. Arachidonic Acid and COX-2 Signaling Pathways
  1082. Timing of Intervention
  1083. Disease Modification as Clinical Target
  1084. Dexamethasone
  1085. Interference with Leukocyte-Endothelial Cell Interaction by Natalizumab
  1086. Statins
  1087. Combinatorial Anti-inflammatory Therapy
  1088. Summary and Conclusions
  1089. 75. Targeted Augmentation of Nuclear Gene Output (TANGO)
  1090. Dravet Syndrome: An Intractable Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy
  1091. Identification of Nonsense-Mediated Decay, or Poison, Exons, in SCN1A
  1092. TANGO: A Therapeutic Strategy That Takes Advantage of NMD Exons
  1093. Noncoding Sequences in SCN1A
  1094. Other Therapeutic Strategies on the Horizon
  1095. SCN8A ASO
  1096. Viral Approaches
  1097. Rett Syndrome and Angelman Syndrome—Other DEEs with Unique Challenges
  1098. Rett Syndrome
  1099. Angelman Syndrome
  1100. Pros and Cons of Gene Regulation Therapy
  1101. Timing of Treatment
  1102. Concerns with Viral Vectors
  1103. Concerns with ASO Treatment
  1104. GOF Variants
  1105. Administration of Treatment
  1106. Study Planning
  1107. Health Economics
  1108. Conclusion
  1109. 76. Gene Therapy for Epilepsy
  1110. Introduction
  1111. Genetic Epilepsy
  1112. Clinical Trials in Genetic Epilepsy
  1113. Gene Therapy
  1114. Overview of Gene Therapy
  1115. Types of Gene Therapy
  1116. Viral Vectors
  1117. Current Limitations of Gene Therapy
  1118. Gene Therapy in Epilepsy
  1119. Gene Replacement
  1120. Gene Editing and Manipulation
  1121. Delivery of Neuroactive Substances
  1122. Conclusion
  1123. Key Points
  1124. 77. Gene Therapy for Refractory Epilepsy
  1125. Introduction
  1126. Viral Vectors
  1127. Promoters
  1128. Transgenes: Manipulation of the Excitation/Inhibition (E/I) Balance
  1129. Regulated Gene Therapy
  1130. Upregulation of Endogenous Gene Expression
  1131. Neurotrophic Factors
  1132. Monogenic Epilepsies
  1133. Clinical Translation
  1134. Conclusions
  1135. 78. Cell Therapy for Treatment of Epilepsy
  1136. Introduction
  1137. The Route to Clinical Studies
  1138. Proof-of-Concept Studies
  1139. Delivering GABA: Cell Resources and Progress
  1140. Initial Studies to Engineer Cells for GABA Release
  1141. Animal Sources of Inhibitory Neurons
  1142. Human Stem Cells
  1143. Clinical Considerations
  1144. Functional Properties of IN
  1145. Preclinical Studies with Cell Transplantation
  1146. Antiseizure Efficacy in Experimental Models of Epilepsy
  1147. Functional Integration into the Host Brain
  1148. Histology
  1149. Other Disease-Modifying Effects
  1150. Safety
  1151. Where Are We Now?
  1152. Conclusion
  1153. 79. Mechanisms of Ketogenic Diet Action
  1154. Introduction
  1155. Historical and Clinical Perspectives
  1156. Early Animal Models
  1157. Mechanistic Studies in the Early Renaissance Era
  1158. Ketone Bodies and Glucose
  1159. Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators
  1160. Fatty Acids
  1161. Mitochondria, Anaplerosis, Oxidative Stress, and Redox Imbalance
  1162. Insights at the Close of the First Century of Use
  1163. Neuroinflammation
  1164. Gut Microbiome
  1165. Epigenetic Regulation
  1166. Beyond Epilepsy
  1167. 2021 National Institutes of Health Ketogenic Diet Workshop
  1168. Conclusions
  1169. Index


An aparitie 6 iunie 2024
Autor Jeffrey L. Noebels, Massimo Avoli, Michael A. Rogawski, Annamaria Vezzani, Antonio V. Delgado-Escueta
Dimensiuni 188 x 274 x 74 mm
Editura Oxford University Press
Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780197549469
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 1752

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