How 30 Great Ads Were Made: From Idea to Campaign

How 30 Great Ads Were Made: From Idea to Campaign

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9781856698214

Disponibilitate: Acest produs nu este momentan in stoc

Editura: Laurence King

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 224

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 27 x 21 x 2.2 cm

An aparitie: 2012

           This book takes readers behind the scenes in the world of advertising, showcasing 30 phenomenally successful campaigns from the last decade. Fascinating not only for industry professionals but for anyone with an interest in how ads are made. Technical information on how the ads were developed is accompanied by anecdotes from the creatives, directors and clients, with accounts of how the ads were made and the problems encountered along the way.

            Each campaign is illustrated with imagery showing the stages it went through in development - including sketches and early ideas that may have been abandoned, storyboards, animatics and photos from shoots, as well as shots of the final ads. In addition to offering an insight into the working practices within advertising, the book also demonstrates how the industry is currently experiencing a period of rapid change, and shows the different skills that are now required to work in advertising.

An aparitie 2012
Autor Eliza Williams
Dimensiuni 27 x 21 x 2.2 cm
Editura Laurence King
Format Paperback
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 224

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