Future Directions in Digital Information: Predictions, Practice, Participation

Future Directions in Digital Information: Predictions, Practice, Participation

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Cod produs/ISBN: 9780128221440

Disponibilitate: La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani

Editura: Chandos

Limba: Engleza

Nr. pagini: 420

Coperta: Paperback

Dimensiuni: 15.24 x 2.18 x 22.86 cm

An aparitie: 12 Nov. 2020




  • Presents a global perspective on how information science and services are changing and how they can best adapt
  • Gives insight into how managers can make the best decisions about the future provision of their information services
  • Engages key practical issues faced by information professionals such as how best to collect and deploy user data in libraries
  • Presents digital literacy as a global theme, stressing the need to foster literacy in a broad range of contexts
  • Interrogates how ready information professionals are for emergent technological and social change across the globe

Table Of Contents:


1. Future directions in digital information: Scenarios and themes

Part One – Strategy and Design
2. Current research information systems and institutional repositories: From data ingestion to convergence and merger
3. Effective strategies for information literacy education: Combatting 'fake news' and empowering critical thinking
4. Designing library-based research data management services from bottom-up

Part Two – Who are the users?
5. The power of accessible knowledge: Universities, suppliers, and transparency in the information age
6. Who is the online public library user?
7. Digital culture: The dynamics of incorporation
8. Information behaviour in an online university

Part Three – Where formal meets informal
9. Mobile technology and educational games in HE
10. The evolving role of library collections in the broader information ecosystem
11. Social media as a professional development tool for academic librarians

Part Four – Applications and delivery
12. Closing the digital skills gap: Working with business to address local labour market policy
13a. 'It’s all online!' Creating digital study resources for orchestral musicians
13b. Library acquisition, delivery, and discovery for a creative university
13c. Digital transformation trends in education
14. Transforming reference work into teaching: From a librarian to an information literacy-oriented university professor

Part Five – New Paradigms
15. Envisioning Education 4.0—A scenario planning approach to predicting the future
16. Data-driven modelling of public library infrastructure and usage in the United Kingdom
17. How can the specific skills of the librarian in a digital context be used in the future?
18. The user as a data source: The advance of surveillance capitalism
19. Future directions: Emergent process; constant invention; sum total



An aparitie 12 Nov. 2020
Autor David Baker, Lucy Ellis
Dimensiuni 15.24 x 2.18 x 22.86 cm
Editura Chandos
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780128221440
Limba Engleza
Nr pag 420

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